Status: Will write when I feel like it.

All My Friends Don't Give a ***.


After getting a ear full from Mark about beeing late, Taj came to Jane's rescue with his classic grin plasterd on his face. He leaned on the door frame.

"Aye, boss-man, I can show Janie the intern office now if you want." Taj said smoothly.

'When did I give him permission to call me Janie?' Jane wonderd.

Mark nodded while leaning back and crossing his arms.

"Miss. Mumford you can go with Mr. Mckinnin now. However, next time if you're late, I will not hesitate to fire you and before I get to work tomarow I expect my mocha waiting for me, not spilled this time." Jane gulped and nodded quickly, her knee's going weak.

"Oh!" Taj said walking forward while pulling out a handfull of napkins from his back pocket of his jeans. Jane couldnt help but smile...He had a perfect bum...
"I almost forgot, here you go, boss-man."

He wiped down the coffee from the desk and placed the remaining napkins besides Mark's mocha.

"Thanks, Mr. Andino. Now get to work. Both of you."

Jane and Taj both nodded, one more confindent then the other and both made there way out of the office and down the hall.

"Well, welcome to hell." Taj said softly. Jane laughed nervously. "Thanks, I dont think he likes me..."

"Don't worry. Mark doesn't like anyone."

"He seems to like you." Jane said looking up at him with a small smile.

"trust me, he doesn't. He tolerates me thats all."

They made it to the end of the hallway and Jane looked at Taj, wondering where their going. They made it to the elevator and Ryan punched the button. He was tapping his fingers against his thighs.

"It does get better." He said smiling down at her.

"I don't know. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this." Jane crossed her arms awkwardly.

"You are better off then I was when I first started. My fisrt day Mark actually through his coffee at me and fired me."

"What the hell? Thats messed up, but you work here now?"

"Yeah, he called me up the next day saying he changed his mind and I was hired again. The dude is weird as hell but he's good at what he does."

The elevator door opened and they both walked in. Taj poked the level 2 button twice.
"So, why'd you wanna intern here?" Jane asked looking up at him. He was a full head taller then her.

"I want to be a producer someday and I need work experience while I'm going to school. So, Tada! Here I am. What about you?"

"I wanna be a journalist for Kerrang or AP magizine. Thought it would be a good idea to start getting my name out there now. I'm also going to school."

"Oh, very niiiice. I think most interns here want to actually get signed so, it's nice to have someone diffrent around."

the elevator opened to reveal several people. Taj put his hand on the small of Jane's back and led her out of the elevator, around the people and down a new hall. His touch gave her shivers.

"Cold?" He asked. She just shaked her head and his release on her broke.
"Where do you go to school?" He asked.


"Oh! Me to. I think you and me will get along just fine." He laughed.

They made it down the end of the hall and towards a door with a sign that said 'Please don't feed the interns!' on it.

"Sure you don't wan't to quit now?"

*****2 HOURS LATER*****

Jane and Taj where sitting at there own desks passing invitations back and fourth. He would place the invite inside the envelope and lick it closed and Jane would write the address and stamp it.
''Sense, you have better hand writing, I'm sure." He insisted

The room was small, more like a closet really. it had three desks shoved into each end of the room. There where no windows but they did have a small fan blowing wind around lazzily. there where boxes of merch and files full of paper everywhere. Young Guns was playing softly from Taj's computer. He had really good taste in music...

"Still awake?" Taj asked.

"Barely, I need a drink..." Jane mumbled, she was daydreaming of tequila.

"What's you're drink of choice?" He asked.

"Mhmmm, tequila. Definatly tequilia." She said smiling.

"Ha, it's one of those days where I feel like getting wasted." Taj spoke while plopping a stack of envelopes on her desk.

"Preach it!" Jane chriped.

"Well, sense it's you're first day, I'll take you out for some drinks after...If you're not busy."

Jane smilied up at Taj who was blushing slightly while licking a envelope.

"That sound nice." He smilied back.

Jane looked down at the invitation list, her eyes bulged as she saw the name of the next guest.


"What? what is it?" Taj asked. He walked over to her desk and looked down at the guest list.

"Dan "Soupy" Campbell is invited!!" She squeeled up at him.

"He's the singer from The Wonder Years, Yeah?"


"Ohmygod!" He whisperd under his breath.

"Screw quiting! Jane is here to stay!" Jane squeeled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: Dearly Departed by Young Guns

Chapter two!! Well, for the most part I've been just winging it with this story. So, when I sit down and write a chapter I have no idea how its going to end or how it even starts for that matter. I hope you liked it and I'd love comments! Lots a dialouge in this chapter so sorry if it was annoying or difficult to read! Try to update soon!

xoxoxoxo, Jessie