Sequel: Ruined in the Shadows
Status: Complete! Check out the sequel! -->

Fixed in the Shadows

Chapter 11

Steve and I walk down the dirt road for about half a mile and then we cut into the forest. The canopy of trees creates a dark and somewhat eery enviroment. We don't use flashlights in the chance we will be seen. The sun is starting to go down and it's getting darker and darker. My breathing becomes shallow and my eyes grow wide as I hear twigs snap. I try to hide my fear from Steve, embarassed and ashamed. The memories flood back into me of being forced down this trail by The Man. I remember everything about it.

I look over toward the dirt road and see The Man dragging my fourteen-year-old. "No!" I cry out but he does not let up. He drops her and screams in her face, telling her to shut her fucking mouth. She sobs as he kicks in the ribs. He then pistol whips her across the face and picks her up again to bring her to his lair.

I suck in a breath as Steve touches my shoulder, signaling me to stop walking. "There it is," Steve whispers as he hunkers down and points to a beat-up building past the trees and bushes.

"I can't believe this," I whisper. I wait a minute and then I start toward the building.

"Skylar! Where are you going? We need a plan!" Steve calls after me.

"I do have a plan: kill," I call back. I walk about a hundred yards and then I'm right outside the building below the nearest window. Steve is trailing behind me. I turn to him. "Alright, listen. I need to do this by myself. You can be there in case things get hairy but I need to kill him myself," I say gravely.

"Okay," Steve says. He looks very nervous.

"Listen, Steve, I need to explain something." My voice grows soft. "The things that are about to go down in there... they are going to be pretty intense. You may not like what you see. I'm not going to be human. I'm going to become a monster. I just want you to be prepared. And I do not want you to try to help or stop me. Understand?"

Steve looks me dead in the eye and place his hand on my shoulder, patting it. "I completely understand. I care about you Skylar--issues and all. And this man needs to be stopped." He smiles at me.

I look at Steve thoughtfully, grinning back at him. I hold my breath, preparing myself for the events that are about to unfold. "Okay, let's go!" I pull out my lucky pistol with Renaissance engraving and a white grip and cock it. I then bust open the door, pointing in straight at the man. "Freeze!" I bellow.

"Skylar!" The Man exclaims, turning to face me. "So good to see you! I knew you would find me. You were always smart as a whip!" He snaps his fingers, swinging his arm. I move closer and Steve follows behind me. "Ah, I see you brought the Boy Wonder. Nice to see you, Steve." The Man waves.

"Likewise," Steve says. His voice is thick with anger and hate.

I observe the room in awe. It is almost exactly the same as the last time I saw it. The walls are covered in shabby gray paneling. The floors are a once-white tile. This place used to be a research facility for biologists studying the species in the forest. The cot I was strapped down to all those years ago still stands in the middle of the floor, surrounded by no longer working machines that monitored my vital signs. The only difference is the giant display of computer screens over to the right of me. I watch them, seeing The Man's minions destroy cities all across the nation.

The memories flood in. I try to push them back but I'm not strong enough. I see myself strapped down the bed all those fourteen years ago. I'm pleading for him to let me go. He just stands their behind the safety line with a blank look on his face as he injects me with gamma radiation. I watch myself as I scream in pain at the top of my lungs. I blink and shake the sight out of my mind.

I turn back to him. "Why are you doing this?" I ask. I have the gun aimed right between The Man eyes.

"Oh, you know, the usual reasons. I want to rule the world." He shrugs. "I want to get revenge on all those people who did me wrong." He gives me a deadly glare.

"But you're killing thousands of people!" Steve says in an almost pleading voice.

"Do I look like a man who really cares that I'm killing or hurting people? It's all just part of the process. My minions will tear up this country and when it in left in ruins, everyone will have no choice but to bow down to me."

"No, but you look like a guy that's about to get his ass kicked!" I pull out my sword and take a running leap toward The Man. With a whack!, I punch him across the face and then he hits me right back, sending me across the room.

"Pathetic whore," he mutters, wiping blood from his lip.

I run back and slice his arm as I dodge his fist. I send my leg straight up, smashing the toe of my boot into The Man's chin. "Did you learn nothing from Loki a few weeks ago?" I ask, trying not to laugh. "He brought an entire army from another world and he still failed! You're going to end up just like him."

"I think not," The Man says, wiping more blood from his mouth. "I have something he didn't."

"And what's that?" I ask, tipping my chin defiantly.

"I have a power over you, Skylar, that no one in this world has. I control you with fear and the memories of your past."

I start laughing. I can't help it! "Are you serious? You have no power over me! If anything, I have even more of a reason to kill you than Loki. I hate you. Every second I hate you more."

The Man then shoots up, punching me across the face and sending me flying across the room. The glass windows breaks from the force. I lie on the pile of rumble, not able to move my torso. I grit my teeth in pain. But then I feel it. Pain shudders down my spine. I all of a sudden get a splitting headache. My body is healing itself just like Bruce said. I feel shifting in my back and suddenly I can move again. I grunt as I slowly pick myself up, still feeling the pain of my healing broken back.

"You can't--" The Man starts.

I lean against the cement wall for support. "Now, Steve!" I shout in a husky voice.

Steve then throws his shield, knocking The Man back against the wall. I run up and with pure adrenaline strength, I lift him and smash him onto the table where he kept me. I strap him down. I can feel my eyes start to glow white. The part of my brain is being unlocked. I feel the energy pumping through my veins.

The Man coughs. "What are you going to do? Torture me?" He laughs hoarsley.

"Are you kidding? I'm not sick like you. I'm just going to tear you to shreds like I did before... but this time, you will die." I step away and throw my head back in agony as my powers really start to sink in. My veins pulsate in my forehead. My nails grow into claws. I look down in shock to see as all of my scars showing through my ripped shirt are glowing white as well.

"Oh my God," Steve says, breathless.

I launch myself on top of The Man. He and Steve watch in horror as I start ripping the flesh off of my ex-captor's body. With each gouge of my fingertips, my heart beats faster and louder. I close my eyes but then force myself to open them. The Man's face is pained and disturbed. Blood flies at me and past me. His shiny crimson insides begin to spill out of his abdomen. I growl as The Man lets out a blood-curdling scream, but yet I don't hear it. I don't hear anything but the loud ringing in my ears. This is the price I pay.

I feel like I'm on top of the world. Nothing can stop me now. But yet I hate what I'm doing. I despise myself for it. Am I really much that better than The Man? Have I been reduced to his level? Every second I just sicken myself even more with what I'm doing. I hold back vomit as I finish. When I'm satisfied with ripping him apart, I jump off the table.

"What are you doing? You haven't finished!" Steve says with an unbelievable expression in his face. He looks a little pale.

I then see the memory of me attacking The Man on the floor of the room. I see my smaller body tear him to shreds. My eyes are glowing even brighter than they were at the battle with Loki. I see the white light shining out of my fingertips. I never saw this before. I was too busy trying to destroy him. Was I always this powerful?

"I'm going to finish now." I'm surprised to hear my voice has changed into a low growling sound.

I pick up my sword from the ground and hold it steady in my hands. I wait next to the bleeding, mutilated body of The Man. I wait until my breathing has calmed. I can hear my heart beating in my ears. I feel a drop of sweat start at my hairline, travel down my forehead and drip off my nose. The drip is tinted pink from the blood. It's so quiet that I can hear the drop hit the tile floor. I inhale and count to three. I slam the sword down onto The Man's neck, decaptitating him. I then pull my pistol and empty the clip into him.

I look up at Steve with a blank look. He has some blood splatter on his body. We stand there for what seems like an hour. Finally, Steve approaches me. He stands really close to me.

"I did it," I whisper, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. "I finally did it." I smile weakly.

Steve stares deeply into my eyes. He wipes a sweaty chunk of hair out of my face, smearing the blood splatter. "Yes, you did," he says with kind smile. He then leans in. I drop my sword as Steve kisses me deeply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here we are. She finally defeated The Man for good. And Steve and Skylar shared their first kiss? What do you guys think? What will happen next..?