Sequel: Ruined in the Shadows
Status: Complete! Check out the sequel! -->

Fixed in the Shadows

Chapter 14

Since I was feeling so down about Sam, Steve suggested we do something fun. I decided I wanted to go the mall with everyone. So Thor got an extra extention on his stay so he can hang with us and he took my advice, so he is visiting Jane. I wish I could be there to see their reunion but I can't.

I did tell Steve about my relationship with Sam. I should have done that in the first place. I am incredibly notorious at keeping secrets in all relationships. I would not say that I'm ashamed of my past. I think it is more that I fear everyone would leave me if they knew the truth. I had never had a stable relationship in my life until Sam came along and even that was not incredibly reliable.

"I can't wait to see everyone again!" I say excitedly, turning toward Steve from the driver's seat of my torquoise Eldorado.

"It's only be a few days," Steve laughs.

"Well, I just love hanging out with everyone. You're all my best friends." I look at Steve.


"Except for you. You're more than a friend. Friends do not do all those things we did last night." I shake my head, giggling, remembering the glorious night.

"Skylar, stop it!" Steve blushes.

I pull into the parking lot of the mall to find Natasha, Clint, Thor and Tony standing on the curb, talking. Bruce stayed home again. He is such a party pooper! But he probably does not want to risk seeing anyone that may try to kill him. If I had been through everything he has, I would be even more paranoid that I am now. I see that Natasha and Clint are holding hands. I do a little dance in my seat at the sight.

"Hey!" I exclaim, holding my arms out to hug Natasha, my new bestie. Ever since the day of the party, we have been texting each other nonstop. Years of hatred have blossomed into a great friendship. And we actually have a lot in common.

"Shop hard and long, everyone because it's on me!" Tony says, grinning.'

"Thanks, Tony!" We all say sarcastically in unison.

After we all get reaquainted, we enter the mall. I lead the group straight to the Vans store to introduce them to modern clothing.

"How about these, Tony?" I ask, holding up a pair of neon pink tie-up Vans.

"Um, I don't think so!" Tony says with arms crossed.

"I like these," Steve says, picking up a pair of American flag-styled Vans.

"Of course you do," Clint remarks, popping his gum.

"I like them too, Captain," Thor says, smiling and patting him on the shoulder.

"What do you think about these?" Natasha asks me, revealing a pair of all-black slip-ons.

"No, sweetie, no," I say, shaking my head. "Those are so plain." I look around and then I spot them: a pair of bright red tie-ups. "These. They'll be a perfect edition to your wardrobe. They'll go with a lot." I smile at her confidently.

"Okay!" She says happily, walking to the check-out counter.

After that, I spot a Claire's and I dare Thor to get his ears pierced. Everyone else enourages him and he finally agrees.

"Are you really going to do this?" Tony asks, trying to hide a smile.

"I always honor my friends. If you all think it's a great idea, then I shall do it!" He sits down in the purple chair.

"This is totally going on Facebook!" Clint says, pulling out his phone.

"What is this 'Facebook' all you Midgardians are talking about?" Thor boasts.

"Are you ready, sir?" The piercer asks, smirking.

"Yes, I am!" Thor answers, grinning.

It takes the woman two times before the earring actually pierces Thor's industructable skin. She even had to sharpen the earring! Ah, God of Thunder, I salute you!

Then we all head to Victoria's Secret. I knew it would not be a problem bringing the men in there. They are four attractive, built men with respectable attitudes... well except for Tony, but he is Tony Stark.

"Incoming!" I call out, launching a hot pink lacey thong into Thor's face.

"What is this?" He asks, holding it out with his fingers.

"It's a thong," Natasha laughs.

"What is a 'thong'?" He asks, completely confused.

"It's a kind of underwear that sluts wear," Clint answers. On the word "sluts", he looks at me.

"Hey!" I say in protest.


"Yeah, you know the thing you wear underneath your clothing," Steve happily explains. He is proud to know somethings that someone else doesn't. Like with the flying monkeys.

"You mortals wear that sort of thing?"

"You don't?" Tony asks, finally looking from his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask dramatically, holding back a giggle.

"No, we do not," Thor answers, standing proudly.

We all stand there with confused, disgusted faces.

When the men are distracted by the other women hitting on them over by the panties, Natasha and I sneak away to the intimates section to talk in private.

"So what happened?!" I exclaim, practically jumping on my new friend.

"What?" She asks, caught off-guard.

"What happened between you and Clint after the party the other night? You said you didn't want to tell me over a text," I explain as I move toward a rack of teddys.

"Well... we kind of... hooked up..."

"WHAT?" I shout. "That's fantastic! Details, girlfriend! Was he big?" My eyes and body are fired up with excitement.

"What? No! I'm not telling you all that! That's for me to know and you to... I don't know!" She laughs.

I give her a mocking pouty look. "So are you guys together then? I saw you holding hands."

"I don't know. I guess it's too early to tell to see if it's going anywhere. What about you and Steve? I know you did it the night of the party but is that going anywhere?" She moves her hands along the hangers.

"Oh, it's going great! We're totally intimate all the time." I smile at her, winking.

"What do you mean by 'all the time'? How often do you do it?" Her eyes grow skeptical.

"Well there was the night of the party, then the afternoon the next day, then the next day and then last night..." I count off the days on my finger.

"So every day since the party," she says flatly.

"Yup! You know how guys are when they first lose their virginity! They're like rabbits! Well, actually, they're like rabbits all the time." I look up, thinking.

"You girls ready to hit the next store?" Steve asks, coming over to us. He looks around embarrassed at all the lingerie among him.

"Sure, babe," I say to him, winking at Natasha.

We hit a couple more stores and then the food court. Thor eats about a hundred dollars worth of food. Watching him eat is like water ballet but more even splashing and splattering. I share a sub with Steve from Subway. Natasha and Clint get Chinese. And Tony decide he is too good for mall food. Of course.

I did not want the day to end but like all great times, it had to. We say our good-byes and recede to our cars. On the way home, I convince Steve to stop so we can make-out in the backseat behind a McDonald's. And when we get home, we travel to our bed to make love even more.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so late. I wish I could say I was busy but I've started reading The Avengers comics from the beginning to better my writing. I decided to write this chapter as kind of comic relief. Don't worry, the action and drama will return. ;)

Skylar's Outfit