You Make Me Feel So Right, Even When I'm Wrong


I wake up and stretch before getting in the shower. I change and go and sit down. Paris smiles and we go to the Monster girl truck.

“Paris breakfast?” I ask.
“We are early I figure you go see Dean.”

I smile and walk over to the pit and hug Broc.

“Where is Jessica?” I ask him.
“Talking to some other girls, Dean didn’t come yet.”
“Thanks. I should get ready. Is there food?”

Paris points making me look and see Dean and notice a box in his hand.

“Is that pink?” I ask.

I smile and run over to Dean.

“Is that Doughnuts?” I ask him.
“Yeah it’s for you.”
“Aw you’re the best.”

I hug him tight and feel him tense up. I back away from him and bit my lip and look at him.

“Sorry,” I said.
“It is fine.”

I kiss his cheek before opening the box and grabbing a doughnut. Dean looks at me.

“I’m hungry ok,” I said.
“Yeah how is school going?” Dean said.
“It’s going good. I will get an A for English. I won’t have to read my story for the class on our finale. You are going to try and ride?”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Your smile was worth it.”

I giggle at him. We go to the pit and I grab another doughnut. Dean hands Mitch a drink.

“This doesn’t make up being late,” Mitch said.
“Look at Angle,” dean said.

I smile at Mitch and he shakes his head.

“How are you feeling?” Mitch ask Dean again.
“Good. I’m going to try.”
“Good. That’s all we can ask for.”
“That makes up for it?”
“Will that get you out any bad moods.”

“Why are you Happy today Angle?” Paul asks.
“Dean got me doughnuts. They are the best food in the world,” I said.
“Love them. Kristy Kreme is really too far away for my liking from my school.”

“She is happy to talk to anyone about doughnuts,” Paris told Paul.
“I just never see Promo girls eat Doughnuts or anything like it.”
“You haven’t seen her eat.”
“I like Doughnuts, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, Biscuits and Gravy, Mountain Dew, Monster, Doughnuts, Stake, and The Dirty heads.”
“Ok that’s nice to know.”
“There Puente M&M’s too,” Jake said from the other side.
“They are wonderful delicious,” I said.
“I thought that’s lucky charms.”
“The Marshmallows are yummy but the other things aren’t. Can you just get Marshmallows from Lucky Charms?”
“Did someone get her high?”
“No I got her Doughnuts. She talks with them.”

“Ok come on Angel,” Paris said.
“Aw come and she just got talking,” Paul said.
“Take the last one.”
“Ok, thank you.”

I hug Dean and kiss his cheek.

“Be careful when you ride,” I told him.
“I will.”
“OK good Luck.”

I grab it and walk away with Paris.

“Do the team not like me?” I ask.
“They actually really like you.”

Paris smiles and we go to the truck. I throw the box away and go in and change in the outfit. I sit down and start doing my make-up.

“How’s Dean doing?” Ashley asks.
“He’s doing ok. He put a lot of work in to this.”
“He’s going to do fine just you watch.”

I laugh at Ashley and finish the make-up. Paris came and starts fixing my hair. Once we done we go to the pit again since it’s early and I see Jessica with some other girls. I go over and she gets up and hugs me.

“How are you?” Jessica asks.
“I’m good,” I said.
“She had Doughnuts,” Broc said.
“Paris stop to get you some here?”
“Dean did.”
“Aw that’s so sweet.”

I laugh at her and she hugs me tight.

“What are you going to do for the summer?” She asks.
“I’m out of school after Vegas. I have outdoors to do then I’m going to see about getting an internship somewhere else.”
“True your half way with school.”
“Yeah oh I have Paris graduation to go to.”
“She finish this year?”
“If you need to be away from your family you can always stay with me and Broc.”
“No she can’t,” Broc said.
“He’s joking.”
“She won’t. She has someone else.”

Jessica rolls her eyes.

“If he pisses you off also,” Jessica said.
“Thanks,” I said.
“No problem.”
“Hey don’t I get a say?” Broc said.
“When will you learn Broc that you never get a say?” I said.
“I don’t like you.”
“Ok then I will go over to someone who does.”

I stick my tongue out and go over to Paris.

“Dean’s not out here,” I told her.
“I can see that. Say hi to Paul.”
“Hello Paul.”
“Hello Angel. How are you doing?” Paul asks.
“Good I had doughnuts.”

He laughs a little and I see a smile on his face. Dean came out and smiles at me. I smile back at him and wave at him. He came over and hand me a monster.

“You’re the best.” I told him.
“She ate all three doughnuts,” Paris told him.
“I have to deal with a sugar rush Angel.”
“She gets that?”
“She can’t shut up when she’s on one.”
“It’s quite funny to see her high.”
“My sister doesn’t do pot. She doesn’t even drink yet.”
“He thinks I got second hand high at the smoke out,” I told Paris.
“With a name like that you wonder why,” Paul said.
“They had a good line up.”

I pout and Dean pulls me in to his side.

“It was a good show,” Dean said.
“You even like when the rappers got off the stage?”
“Yes I even like that part.”

I smile and Paris looks at her phone.

“Ok we have go the party is starting,” Paris said.

I kiss Dean’s cheek.

“Good luck,” I told her.

I smile at him and go out with Paris. We start dancing. Paris hugs me.

“Go get something to eat. I got some things in my bag at the truck,” She said.

I go to the truck and just see they are snacks. I grab my wallet and go over to the dirt. Paul looks at me.

“How do I get in to get food,” I ask him.

Paul laughs at me.

“Food is important to you isn’t it?” He asks.
“I’m sure there is a way but I don’t know one.”

I pout and see Deanna leaving the little stage. I go over to her and she hugs me.

“Food?” She asks.
“I show you the entrance.”
“No problem. How do you like this?”
“It ok.”
“You like Deano don’t you?”
“That’s where you went last week.”
“Yeah I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine we got Paris in before anyone really notice. They expected a blond so there was one.”
“How is little Deno felling?”
“Ok his shoulder is still hurting him.”
“Ok here you go. I keep it open for you knock twice.”
I go and get my food. I go to the door and I see there are bikes on the field.

“Lights?” I asks.
“Yeah I think Dean is on there.”

I watch off to the side and see Dean. I smile and eat while watching. I finish and go over to the party again.

“Go to the Monster tent,” Paris said.
“Which one?”
“Jake will walk you to it.”

I walk over to the tent and Josh takes me to the signing tent. I lean back and smile at the fans. The person to next to the tent moves. I look and see Eli there.

“Hello Angle,” He said.
“Please get away from the Monster tent. We have to set up for the next group of signing,” I said.
“Eli maybe you should just back off ok,” Jake said.
“Why Jake?”
“You are upsetting her that’s why,” A other guy said.

Jake gets up and looks at me.

“Are you coming?” he asks.

I shrugged my shoulders and he look at his phone after he messed with it.

“You stay here till the end,” Jake said.
“Thanks Jake.”
“No problem.”

Jake leaves and Eli looks at me.

“He’s with Nicole,” Eli told me.
“I know. I like Nicole. He is just being nice.”

I look and see two new guys.

“You two Monster?” I ask.
“Yes HH team,” One said.
“Ok you normally around Josh.”
“Yes that is right.”

I nod my head and Eli looks at me.

“So you are not like most Monster girl,” Eli said.

“Eli come on,” A guy in red said.

“So I see you later on the podium,” Eli told me.

He leaves and I rub my face a little.

“Do you know where monster is?” The guy asks.
“Get me a green one.”
“Me too please.”

I go to the girl truck and grab the monsters and hand them to the guys and they sign the monsters. They leave and Dean came with Broc.

“How are you feeling?” I ask Dean.
“Pretty good, I got good in my practice.”
“I saw you. You were looking good.”

“What about me?” Broc asks.
“No one cares about you Tickle,” I said.
“That’s not nice.”
“It’s the truth.”
“Get me a monster please.”
“Ok you want one too Dean?”
“Yeah,” Dean said.

I go and get three monsters from the girl truck again. I go over and hand them to it. Dean opens it and smiles at me. I smile again. I grab it from him again and take a sip.

“Thank you,” Dean said.
“No problem.”

“Was your shirt from a cartoon?” Broc asks.
“Yes it was Gir form Invaders Zim. Now pay attention to your fans idiot tickle.”
“His last name is an insult,” Dean said.
“I know right same thing for you too Dean.”

The fans came and they were all being sweet to him. A guy came with a girl.

“Hi Dean,” The guy said.
“Hi just the poster?”
“Yes please.”

Dean hands the poster to them.

“How’s the shoulder?” He asks Dean.
“It’s going to be ok. Thanks for asking.”
“The Monster girl should give you a kiss.”

Broc chuckles a little. I kick his chair and he sent me a look.

“Here take my poster you made me screw up,” He said.
“What are you talking about it didn’t do anything.”
“I think you should give him a kiss too,” The girl said.
“Kiss him kiss him,” The guy said.

The few fans start chanting. I bend down and kiss his cheek lightly.

“Aw come one,” The guy said.
“Anything more I can get in trouble and no more job,” I said.
“That sucks.”

I smile and they leave Dean gets up and I roll the poster up and hit Broc then hid behind Dean.

“I’m busy,” Broc said.
“I’m going to live with you during the summer,” I said.
“Just to bug you all the time.”
“Urg you have a big brother to do this too.”
“Yeah but he is going to be on a farm all summer.”
“He wants to be a vet. He is learning how to take care of horses.”

He leaves since all his posters are gone. A woman comes up with a little boy. Broc looks at me and I hand him the poster and he sign it and smile at the kid.

“Hurry along Tickle,” I said.
“I will.”

Dean walks with me to the pit.

“Good luck tonight,” I told him.

I kiss his cheek and smile at him. He smiles back and I walk back to the party and Paris smiles at me. I smile back and go through everything. Paris hands me her wallet.

“When the race is going go find something for us to eat,” Paris said.

I smile and go over where to the side. The first light race starts. I look around found a place that sales Pizza. I bought some for me and Paris. I go back and Paris came at the end of the race.

“Hey Dean is doing good today,” Paris said.

I smile and eat the pizza. I throw the trash away. I lean back watching the other races. Dianna came to me once the LCQ comes. We talk a little while the race goes on. She goes and did the sign for the main event. Ashley holds on to my hand since the lights main starts. Dean goes and get in second place. I smile and after a couple laps I look at the stands and see Eli behind him.

“Oh no,” I said.
“What?” Ashley asks.
“Eli is behind him again.”
“They cool off. They won’t contact again.”

I bit my head and see Dean looks wired on the whoops. I bit my lip seeing Eli getting closer. Dean goes again. They go on like that and on the 12th lap Dean went over the bars on the whops.

“Oh no,” I said.
“They taking him off,” Ashley told me.
“Dame it. He’s hurt worse than right?”

I bit my lip and I see him walk over to the pit with his head down. I pout and Ashley grabs my hand.

“Stay,” She said.
“I know.”

The race finish and Dianna look at me.

“Who you want?” She asks.
“Third, outside.”
“Ok here is the check.”

I smile and grab it from the person. I go over to the podium and they take the pictures. I go down and go over and grab a water bottle and watch the 450 race while drinking the water. I grab a monster can and go over to the podium and stand next to Jake.

“Smile,” He said.

I smile a little and get down once it’s over. I go over to Paris. She warps her arm around me. I look and see she looks pale.

“Ashley,” I call out.

Ashley turns around and came to me.

“Help me,” I said.

She goes to the other side and takes her to the monster truck. I get change and look at Paris.

“Water?” I ask.

I get up and kiss her forehead.

“Hold on,” I said.

I get up and go over to the haul and go over to Broc and did a puppy dog face at him.

“What?” He asks.
“Paris is sick can you carry her to the car,” She asks.
“Yeah for her.”
“Thank you Tickle.”

Dean came over. I kiss his cheek.

“You doing ok?” I ask.
“Ok meet you at the hotel.”
“No party?”
“Paris is sick again. She doesn’t look right.”

I smile and go back to the truck and get Paris stuff. Broc carried her to the car she rents. He set her in. I hug him.

“Thank you Tickle,” I told him.
“No problem but go to the hospital. This is sudden.”
“Ok tell Dean.”
“I will.”

I get in the car and get my phone to tell me how to go to the hospital. I get Paris out and she sits down in the waiting room. I go up and they look at me.

“What is wrong?” The nurse asks me.
“Sudden onset of a fever and she’s paler than normal.”

I fill the paper work and hand it back. I lean my head back and sigh a little looking at Paris.

“Need anything?” I ask.
“I don’t need to be here.”
“You don’t look good. “

I smile and a nurse calls Paris. I help her up and go over to the nurse. She leads me to a room. I get Paris sit down. I sit down in the chair and a doctor came and looks her over. I bit my lip once he leaves without saying anything. The doctor came back and shoots her with something.

“You are allergic to something you ate today,” The doctor said.
“Yeah. It wasn’t a major thing. Everything will be gone now with the shoot.”
“No problem. It’s what we here for. Go do an allergy test when you get home.”
“I will.”

We go to the hotel. I grab my phone and text Dean asking where he is. He text me he is back at the hotel.

“I’m going to the party,” Paris said.
“Ok well Dean is in the hotel. I’m going to go see him.”

I go to the elevator and go to his floor. I smile seeing him waiting for me. I hug him lightly.

“Come on,” I said.

We go to his room. He takes me to the bed.

“Dose someone need a hug?” Dean asks reading my shirt.
“Seems fitting for you.”

He laughs and I kiss his cheek. He lays his head on my shoulder

“So you can’t ride in Vegas. Are you going to come to it?” I ask.
“I think so.”
“Ok. Do we still have to wait?”
“Yes Mitch made sure I knew that.”

I giggle and start running my hand through his hair.

“That feels good,” Dean said.

He nuzzles his head in my neck again. I kick my heels off and push them off the bed. Dean kisses my lips lightly before laying his head on my shoulder. He warps his arms around me.

“You not are going anywhere,” Dean said.

I laugh at him. I turn on the TV and start watching it as I run my hand through his hair.
♠ ♠ ♠

5 more chapters left.