You Make Me Feel So Right, Even When I'm Wrong


I wake up and grab my phone and see it is Paris text me saying she is on her way to pick me up to go to Vegas. I sigh and get up and throw on sweats and a shirt. I grab shorts and another shirt and throw it in the bag. There is a knock on my door. I unlock it and see Paris.

“Hey,” I said.
“Put a swimsuit in there ok?”

I grab my swim suit and throw it in my bag.

“You are packing up already?” Paris asks.
“Yeah, Jordan is going to come on Monday and going to help me with the fridge.”
“ And Jordan is?”
“Nicole’s boyfriend. He’s blond with hair that goes away from his face.”
“Oh ok I remember him. How is Vicky?”
“We are not talking.”
“She is crazy.”

Paris laughs and grabs my bag.

“Come on,” Paris said.

I grab my hair and make-up bag and then grab my phone and the changer and slip my vans on then grab my pillow and go down and get in her car. She drives to Krispy Kreme. We get out and order. I sit down and lean against the booth.

“Your pillow,” She asks.
“Night night.”
“Why are you so tired?”
“Finals were yesterday.”
“How are you and Hansen?”
“We talked and just going to forget about sex.”

I giggle at her and Ashley came and I hug her.

“When are you done with school?” Ashley asks.
“I’m all done.”

I laugh at her and she goes over to Paris.

“Angel,” A worker calls out.

I get go and get my coffee and doughnuts.

“Ok I got coffee and breakfast,” I said.
“That is horrible.”

I laugh and go to the front of the car while Paris gets in the driver seat and Ashley goes in the back and throw her bag in.

“Did you bring a dress to change in to for the after party?” Ashley asks.
“I brought one for her,” Paris said.

I smile and grab my phone and take a picture of the doughnuts and send it to Broc.

“You didn’t send a message to Dean did you?” Paris asks.
“Nope. I kinda miss him.”
“I haven’t talked to him since we left the hotel on Sunday.”
“You guys haven’t talked at all?”
“Yeah. I really haven’t talked to anyone. I had to study for everything.”
“I’m surprise.”

I shrugged my shoulders and my phone went off. I look and see it is Jessica saying thanks for any rallying him up. I laugh and grab a doughnut and start eating it.

“So what kind of coffee do you have?” Ashley asks.
“It taste like glaze doughnuts. It’s yummy for the tummy.”

Ashley laughs and smiles at me. I eat my three doughnuts then fall asleep.

“Wakie Wakie,” Paris said.
“No sleep sleep,” I mumble out.
“Angel come on just enough to go to the room.”

I grab my phone and pillow and fallow Paris to the room. I lie down on the bed and cuddle on the bed.

“Come on let’s go get something to eat,” Paris said.
“No sleep.”

My phone rings. I smile knowing form the song that it’s Dean. I grab it and tap the answer key.

“Hi,” I said.

Paris looks at me since I’m up already.

“Hey. Are you at the hotel?” Dean asks.
“I’m going to go get something and bring it to the hotel. You want me to bring something for you and just stay in my room?”
“Yeah sounds good.”
“Ok chicken?”
“Yeah anything that is chicken is good.”
“OK bye Angel.”
“Bye Dean.”

I hang up and smile at Paris.

“Dean calls and you wake right up?” She asks.
“He will bring me monster.”
“He will?”
“Yes just you watch.”

Paris laughs and there is a knock on the door.

“Well you have to share him while we here,” Paris said.
“With who?” I said.
“Justin Bogle.”
“He no like me.”
“You meet Justin already?”
“Yeah Get the door.”

It opens and I look and see Dean with bags and a monster. I smile and get up and hug him.

“You made it sound like you were leaving,” I told him.
“See he brought monster.”
“Yeah. I will be back at ten,” Paris said.
“Ok Paris.”

I smile at her. She kisses my forehead and leaves. I smile and grab the Monster before Dean grabs it back. He opens it and hand it to me.

“There you go,” Dean said.
“Thank you.”
“How did the tests go?”
“It was ok. I didn’t like this week.”
“I was super stress and I study a lot.”
“You think you got A’s on the test?”
“I sure hope so.”
“That’s good.”

He smiles at me making me smile.

“How are you feeling? I been a little worry when Paris told me you be ridding,” I said.
“I’m feeling pretty good. Better than last week.”
“That’s great.”
“You want to say something.”
“You didn’t call me all week or text me.”
“Figure I let you focus on your tests. I got Paul to switch your number to some other name. He barely told me where it was or I would have asked to go out.”

I smile and kiss his cheek.

“That’s sweet, I told him.
“Thank you.”

He smile and I take a sip of monster and we eat dinner. He pulls me to the bed and turns the TV on. He flips through the channel.

“Hey I meet that girl last week,” I said once he stopped on MTV.
“That’s who you went to breakfast with?”

The door opens and I look and see Paris.

“Ok Dean when I come out of the bathroom you will be out,” Paris said.
“Ok Paris.”

We smile at her and she goes to the bathroom. He takes me to the door. I hug him tight.

“I don’t want you to leave,” I told him.
“You look like you need more sleep,” Dean said.

I smile and kiss his lips lightly.

“I can’t wait to be done racing,” Dean said.
“You don’t like racing?”
“I can’t wait to party with you as my girlfriend.”

I giggle at him and he kisses my lips lightly before he leaves. I smile watching him walking to the elevator.

“Dean?” I yell out to him.

He stops and turns around.

“Be careful tomorrow. I want to party.”

Dean laughs and smiles at me. I smile and walk inside and go to the bathroom and wash my face. I go back and lie down in bed and cuddle in the bed and go asleep.
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Three more left