Status: In the middle of a gunfight, in the center of a resturant....

Letters to Kelsey


Dear Kelsey,

Today for the first time, I learned how to use a gun. Can you believe it, Kelsey? Me actually shooting a gun and then killing people, I don’t think it didn’t cross your mind either. There were other soldiers besides just me that were just as skeptical and probably, some really do not want to be here. I don’t for sure and I’d like to be back home and watch Scarlett grow up like normal parents do. I guess I can’t be afriad anymore, right? It’ll be alright like I promised. Do you remember the last time we went to the beach together and spend nights there? Well I do and I thought if when I get back home, that maybe we can go again. Maybe even showing Scarlett the stars after sunset, you know? It’d be amazing.

Training, preperations and gearing up was morbitly the worse part about today. It was dirty and wet from the non-stop rain. We were left outside for hours, drenched in wet shirts, boots and dress green pants. I felt like my legs were going to give in and come apart because of how tired I was. I’m still sore from all that jumping around, learning how to aim and shoot. Nothing artistic at all, just pure poison. I had also met the two men that are higher than we all are, Lt. Kelly and General Gerald Bailey. Both of them very strict men and straightforward. They told us that we’re going to Rome and we’re not to question why, and just do. Anyway, I’m sitting on a boat with millions of other men awaiting to arrive to Rome.

Side from the violence and trembulations, I never thought of going to Rome. I’ve read about famous artists and artwork from their, but that’s it. Well maybe, I’ll I’ll take pictures or send you souvenirs, even something fancy. Rome must be a beautiful place and I hope I could bring some God forsaken peace around here. I swear, Kelsey. They would need it, I mean, in order to resolve anything. Peace making could be artsy too. Absence of the paint, paintbrushes, and any other art utensils that would be needed to provide the urge to create art; but I believe that also without those things, you could always make a beautiful picture.

How are you? How’s my parents taking me gone and Scarlett? I need to know these damn things, please. Well alright, Kelsey. I shall write back shortly, probably with some new ideas and more than likely a postcard. Not quite sure of anything right now though, but I hope this letter will give you some sort of faith that I’ll be home sooner than later. Kiss Scarlett goodnight for me and tell her that daddy loves her.

Te’ iubesc,


I began to feel this sharp, deeply painful throbs to my heart as I read it carefully to myself again. I wanted to cry even more, again. God why?! It felt like that first day I found out again, played back in the back of my mind like an old memory. Noah dying and saving Joel’s life, it couldn’t have been any more than inspirational. But I had to redeem myself, this was my avail to getting better and happy. Frank stood up in front of me and looked into my eyes with worry. He didn’t even say anything, he just looked at me and then, glanced at the letter.

“It’s alright, Frank. Everything is fine, I promise.” I told him. “Maybe you should go home now and let me be alone for the rest of the night.”
“There’s no way that I’m letting you be alone, drunk. Let alone with a child upstairs asleep.” Frank said, reluctantly.

“I’ll be fine, I swear. I’m going to head upstairs anyways for bed.” I assured him. “Come by in the morning.”

Frank sighed. His eyes lid up a little when he continued to stare at me and nodded. “Alright then, fine. Take care of yourself, please?”

“I will, Frank. Now go home and sleep. Don’t you worry about a thing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
More to come! Thanks for reading :)

Art is the weapon!
Jazzilyn xoxoxox