‹ Prequel: Ours Now....
Status: I'll start it soon!

Ours Forever....

Thought #1

Thought #1
I think way too much. You’ve told me that before. But lately, with you back playing and on the road so much, I find myself doing it more and more.

Like right now, Pat and I are down at our spot. We’re just lying in the grass and the much-too-early spring flowers while I write this and he babbles on. It’s late March and it’s just beginning to get warm. I’m thinking of all the things that we’ve done in the past two years. It’s taking me back to that day at the Olympics when I told you. Hell, it’s taking me to the 9 months that followed.

Those 9 months were probably some of the most tumultuous months that we’ve ever been through as a couple, right up there with the time we spent figuring things out with your concussion. You were distant, I won’t lie. You were… different. I was scared out of my mind that we were losing each other. I was terrified that we wouldn’t be able to raise our child. But you proved me wrong about it all. Especially recently. You’ve stepped up, even while you’re out on the road. I’ve been training like crazy to get ready for trials in just a few months and you never cease to amaze me. Every day you’re on the road, I still get flowers. Every day, no matter where we are, you tell me you love me in different ways. Every day, Sidney, I fall in love with you all over again. Isn’t that incredibly cheesy?

Pat’s trying to steal my pen now. He’s doing it so adorably that it makes me want to smother him with hugs. You’re getting back later tonight and I suppose we should be getting home to make ourselves presentable to pick you up at the airport. Something tells me the paps would just love a shot of me in my yoga pants and ratty t-shirt.

‘Ha ha ha,’ I say to myself… as usual. God, I really need to learn to stop talking to myself.

Love You Always,
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is yet another thank-you to you all! 3 recs, 51 subs, and 4 comments before I even post the first chapter. You're all so... amazing. I just can't thank-you enough for everything! I'd love to hear what you're thinking about this so far! And yes, I'm going to try and update at least once a day! Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!