‹ Prequel: Ours Now....
Status: I'll start it soon!

Ours Forever....

Thought #10

Thought #10
We’re headed back to Pittsburgh tomorrow. Neither of us wants to leave, but we’ve been up here for nearly three weeks. Trials are in Omaha next month and I need to get back to training if I want to get a ticket to London. Janine and Kris are leaving for his home in Montreal tonight. The conversation the two of us had with Kris yesterday is still ringing in my ears. But that’s to be discussed at a later date.

It was October 9th, 2010. I was due the next day, making us both a little on edge. I hadn’t been feeling odd and my water hadn’t broken. It was getting late and closing in on midnight. You and I are both sleepers, but slumber seemed to evade us.

“What are you thinking about?” you asked me.

I stared up at the ceiling as your hand found mine beneath the covers. “Janine and Kris. Something about it worries me.”

“What’s there to worry about? Kris really likes her?” you furrowed your brow together.

Restless, I got out of bed to stare out the window. “If he really likes her, why did he want to keep it a secret? More importantly, why did she agree?”

You stood behind me now with your hands on my large stomach. Pressing your lips to my neck, I shivered.

“They were just looking out for Janine’s job. Kris didn’t want her to have to quit something she loved for him,” you explained.

That made sense. Janine had been working with the Pens as the team’s physical therapist. I’m sure Dan, Mario, and Ray weren’t thrilled with the idea of Janine and Kris dating.

We were quiet then for a while, just looking out the large windows of our bedroom. Or at least we were, until Pat decided to make his presence known.

“Ooph,” I muttered putting a hand to my belly.

“You alright?” you asked with your lips still pressed to my neck.

“I think so,” I nodded slowly.

We stood in silence again, letting the moonlight cast shadows around the room.

“Or you know what?” I said turning around. “I think you had better grab the keys.”

You stared at me for a moment with your head cocked to the side.

“Grab the keys, doofus!” I reiterated. “My water just broke!”

Realization dawned on your face and you sprinted out of the room. Grabbing my bag that I had literally packed that afternoon, I slowly made my way down to the car.

“Sidney-fucking-Crosby, if you don’t get down here, I’m going to freak!” I called out to you. Yeah, I needed to get to the hospital, pronto.

“I can’t find my keys!” I could see you running around at the top of the stairs that led down to the basement and garage.

“Sitting on the counter next to your wallet. Make sure you grab your phone,” I sighed and rubbed my temples. “Can we make this snappy, Golden Boy? Your child is impatient, like me.”

“My child?” you smirked as you helped into the Range Rover. “Isn’t it your child too?”

“You did this to me, buddy boy,” I pointed out. “Just start driving. I’d prefer to get this over with.”

And get it over with, we did.

Pat really was impatient. I was in labor for 8 hours, much shorter than I had been expecting. I remember the look on your face after it was all over. You were ecstatic. Your eyes were bright and your smile was massive. I remember laughing at your hair. It was mussed from lying in bed and it stood out at odd angles.

But I didn’t have much time to dwell on our appearances. All too soon, we were bombarded with family, friends, and teammates.

“He’s got the Crosby hair!” Janine laughed. “The poor thing.”

I laughed. “I like his hair.”

“He’s got your eyes,” my brother, Alex, pointed out.

“For which, I am glad,” you smirked before pressing a kiss to my temple.

“So have you considered Patrick’s god-parents?” my mom asked ever the practical one.

I looked up at you. “I think we have.”

We had formulated an interesting idea.

“We’d like Alex and Taylor to be a pair of god-parents,” you began.

“While we’d also like Janine and Kris to be another pair,” I said without thinking. You gave me a bewildered look. “Don’t stare at me like that, Golden Boy. I know what I’m doing.”

“Are you sure, Rory?” Kris asked. I hadn’t exactly hidden my ‘disproval’ of their relationship. Hell, I wouldn’t call it disproval. I was just concerned for Janine. She’d dealt with douche bags before.

“Never been surer in my life. Crosby over here said some interesting things to me tonight that made me see things in a new light,” I said.

“I’m offended,” Max said feigning offense.

“Well maybe if you’d find yourself a girl that wasn’t a total puck bunny, then we’d consider it,” I retorted.

“Don’t worry, dude,” Jordan said clapping him on the shoulder. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty more kids on the way, seeing as how fast they got down to business with this one.”

“Jordan!” I groaned.

“You can never lay off, can you, Gronk?” you chuckled.

Love You Always,
♠ ♠ ♠
This one got longgggg! But haha, I really liked writing it! I have some ideas in store for the next few updates. Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!