‹ Prequel: Ours Now....
Status: I'll start it soon!

Ours Forever....

Thought #15

Thought #15
I just realized something. We’re going to be in London for both of our birthdays. Jesus, we’re turning 25. I feel… old. I mean, every other 25 year old on the Olympic swim team isn’t married with a child. A few of them might be married, but none-and I meannone- have an almost 2 year-old son. They all think I’m old too. It’s kind of funny. In Beijing, we would all eat out together and play rounds of poker until it got so late that none of us could see straight. I don’t think that’ll be happening this time around. Although, I’m going to crush Garrett Weber-Gale at poker.

Thinking about how hectic our schedules are now, makes me think of your second return to hockey.

I was in full swing with training and getting ready for trials at that point and you had been back at practices for a little while. We were doing our best to juggle our careers and our family, but sometimes, it felt like I was pregnant all over again. It’s not that you were distant (you certainly weren’t), it’s just that we barely had time for each other. You would be at practice and I would run errands with Pat in the morning. And then when you got home, I’d take off for the pool. Then we’d pretty much go to sleep and do it all over again.

You’re first game back was against the Rangers. You were like a puppy, all excitement and joy. The team was doing well, and while you weren’t sure where you would be in the lineup, you were just happy to be on the ice.

Text from Sid: You on your way?

I was just getting to the arena. With Pat in tow, I was now 10 minutes late for our usual game ritual.

Text to Sid: On my way down now. Had to feed Pat first.

That was pretty much the story of our lives at the moment. Putting our son before anything else, yeah, that was it. But we were parents. What else were we supposed to do?

“There you are,” you smiled at us in the tunnel. Pulling Pat into your arms, you pecked me on the lips. “Everything okay?”

I nodded. “Yup. We fell asleep after my practice, so Pat’s not entirely to blame for us being late.”

Yeah, my son and I are both sleepers.

You laughed. “Of course you did. But you should be getting more rest.”

I sighed. “Yeah, you’re tellin’ me.”

“We’ll work on it,” you told me. “C’mon. The guys want to see Pat.”

And so Pat was passed around in a group of hockey players, family, and staff for the next twenty minutes while I tried not to fall asleep on my feet.

“Go lay on the couch in my office,” Janine told me. “I’ll take Pat and we’ll wake you up when the game starts.”

I nodded, too tired to argue.

Needless to say, after that night, you were back in black. Hell, you always were. You’re Golden Boy.

Love You Always,
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmm. So yeah, we're getting close to the end, I think. I'm planning on about four more chapters from Rory's POV and then one from Sid's. I've had a great time writing these you guys! But don't be too sad that this is ending soon. I've got my Janine and Kris story to write! And there'll be plenty of Rory, Sid, and Pat in that one. Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!
P.S. If you guys really love me (and I know you do), you'll check out my original fiction Stealing Hearts. It's got a shmancy banner.