‹ Prequel: Ours Now....
Status: I'll start it soon!

Ours Forever....

Thought #19

Thought #19
You’re in the ocean now with Pat and it’s a pretty adorable picture. We’re on Isle de le Crosby for a full two weeks after the Olympics and I am thoroughly enjoying it. We’ve three days left before we have to be back in Pittsburgh for training camp. Hopefully, we’ll have some… exciting news from Janine and Kris. If you know what I mean.

Jesus, we’ve had quite the decade. Can you believe we met almost a full ten years ago at Shattuck’s? I can’t. It feels like it’s been the shortest 10 years of my life. Well, that’s with the exception of the few years we weren’t together. Those were the longest years of my life.

Pat’s looking more and more like you every day. He’s got your curls and your big smile. Although, it still needs your big, white teeth.

These letters have taken me the longest to write out of any of them. Granted, we have a child now and it was an Olympic year. I’m crossing my fingers that things will go a little more smoothly next time.

Yeah, that’s right. I said next time. I’m not quite sure when it happened, but I’m pregnant. I’m assuming it happened while we were in London, on a night where Janine and Kris had Pat. I’m not going to lie; I was a little taken aback when I took the test. But I’m more concerned over how I’m going to tell you. I’m several weeks along so I should probably tell you soon. But I know you’ll be thrilled when you find out.

Looking at our past, I see patterns. I see us falling in love and being so incredibly together. I see us parting ways, but finding one another later on. I see us conquering challenges in foreign territory (i.e. raising a child, balancing careers, and that pesky Ovi). But you know what? I say we break the pattern. I say we just take the first part, us being so in love and together, and let stay that way for a while. Will it be permanent? Of course not. Life isn't a cake walk. But you know what? Loving you pretty much is. It was ours then, ours now, and it'll be ours forever. I love you, Golden Boy.

Love You Always,
♠ ♠ ♠
I dropped a little Janine and Kris in here...if you caught on. But there's only ONE update left for this! And then I'll be able to devote more time to Be With Someone! Speaking of which, I'm working on the next chapter right now! But on another note, I'm going to leave a link below for a new original fiction I have planned out. I have a fancy-shmancy layout on the way for it, but I'd really appreciate it if you would check it out! Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!

Life's A Lot of Things, Deal With It