‹ Prequel: Ours Now....
Status: I'll start it soon!

Ours Forever....

Thought #2

Thought #2
I have a weakness for you and children. Any children, really. It doesn’t have to be Pat. But right now, you and Pat are rolling around on the floor, just being boys. He’s missed you so much, Sid. We both have. Skype at night and phone calls during the day aren’t really the same.

I remember days when I would be stuck in the house on my own. It was the worst during my pregnancy. Often times, I would feel so awful while you were away, I would call Janine and she would come over and stay with me.

When you were home, it was hit-or-miss. There would be times when you’d be so happy. Times were even after a loss that would usually have put you in a sour mood for days were forgotten because of what was growing inside me. (Well that’s weird to say.) And other times, you would be distant. There would be nights were you’d come in from an away game late and just fall into bed. Now, don’t get me wrong, when you come home late at night from a road trip, I don’t expect cheeriness, especially if it was a loss. But usually, we have a small conversation while you get settled to sleep and then, when you get into bed, you pull me against your chest and kiss me good night. On the bad nights during my pregnancy, I’d be lucky if I got a dozen words out of you and a kiss on the cheek.

At first, I didn’t know what to make of it. Luckily, Vero and Janine did.

“He needs to get his head outta his ass!” Janine huffed one afternoon while the boys were out at practice.

“Janine,” I sighed. “He’s my husband and the father of my child. How would I go about telling him to ‘get his head out of his ass’?” I used air-quotes.

“By saying for him to get heez head out of heez ass,” Vero giggled in her accent. “That is ‘ow you would go about eet, oui?”

I smiled at her. “I guess I could do that. But it’s not all the time. Sometimes, he’s so happy. He’ll kiss me and then my stomach and it’s just like he’s on top of the world. Then there are other times when he’s just… not.” I put my head in my hands. Or at least, I attempted to. My stomach was slowly growing. “I just don’t know what to do.”

“We’ll figure something out, Rory,” Janine patted my back. “It’s Sidney, though. Just remember that. He loves you more than anything else in the world. If he knew you were hurting like this, I doubt he would be acting the way he is.”

And she was right. You’re the definition of a ’doting husband’. You spoil me just as much as you like to spoil Pat. According to Flower, all you talk about now in the locker rooms is me and Pat. If that’s not adorable, then I don’t know what is.

Love You Always,
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo? What do you think? I've got no clue what so ever how long this one'll be. Is there anything specific you guys want to see happen? I have some plans for this, but I'd love for you to give some opinions! Let me know what's on your minds, lovelies!
P.S. I'm going to leave a link below to an original fiction piece I'd love for you all to check out! I've just started writing it, so I'm curious to hear what you think! It's kinda crime-action-drama-comedy-romance. A little bit of everything!

Stealing Hearts