Status: Completed! Thanks for reading and doing whatever you do. :D

Taking Chances

Zayn's Living Room

“You were right,” Zayn admitted toward the end of the The Outsiders: The Complete Novel, “this version is way better.”

“Told you,” I smirked cheekily. “It has all the parts that other one was missing. Like that scene with Sodapop running out during dinner, and then they have that giant heart-to-heart.”

“That was a huge part of the book,” Zayn seconded with enthusiasm. “I can’t believe they cut it out of the other one.”

“I know. Just a disgrace." I shook my head and clucked my tongue a couple times. "But it’s alright. Because Francis Ford Coppola was badass enough to put all his scenes back so it looked like he wanted it to.”

Zayn did a little cheer, and I poked him in the side before snuggling back against him, my head resting on his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist.

“So, wait, where’s Rebecca?” Zayn questioned right after Dally got shot down on the street.

“At Liam’s,” I answered without turning to look at him. “They’re probably having a book club or something.”

He chuckled, his stomach bouncing up and down. “There’s no way Liam’s participating in a book club.”

“He might, for Rebecca.”

There was a short hesitation before Zayn sighed and agreed, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“That’s twice tonight!” I cheered, tilting up my head to stick my tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes dramatically. “Don’t get too cocky. You’re just on a bit of a roll.”

“Oh, trust me, I’m going to get cocky.”

I turned back to the TV, just in time to see Ralph Macchio doing a beautiful job of reading the letter of Johnny’s last words to Ponyboy. I sniffled, getting the tiniest bit emotional, and heard Zayn laugh above me.

“Shut up!” I snapped, slapping his chest. “This is a beautiful scene!”

“Mhm. Whatever you say,” he patronized.

I let out a loud sigh to show my discontent before turning back to the television.

Then, Zayn started wiggling underneath me. “What the hell are you doing?” I borderline-snapped at him. I just wanted to watch one of my favorite scenes of the entire movie, and he seemed dead-set on making that not happen.

“Trying to get my phone out of my back pocket,” he explained smoothly.

Groaning, I got up. “See? That’s all you had to ask me to do.”

“I didn’t want you to sit up,” he smiled, reaching up to grab my arm and pull me back down to his side.

I gave him a look, even though he couldn’t see me, as I tried to watch the last bit of the scene.

But then, just as Johnny was about to finish up the letter, Zayn started, “Bailey…”

“Is this a joke?” I burst out laughing, all my anger dissipated, as I sat up and turned to face him. “I just wanted to see that scene, and you couldn’t shut up or sit still for any of it. And now you won’t even let me catch the end?”

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “Alright, never mind then.”

He arched his back a little bit, and I noticed then the little box in his hand that he was trying to conceal as he put it back into the butt pocket of his jeans.

My stomach tightened and my eyes widened at the sight. “What’s that?” I questioned, possibly a little too urgently, pausing the movie to make sure I didn’t miss any more of it.

“What’s what?” he shot back innocently.

“That. In your hand.”

“You’ll never know now, since you got all pissy at me.”

“Zayn…” I trailed off menacingly, raising my eyebrows.

He chuckled and sat up so that I was between his legs. “Alright, you talked me into it.”

Then, he pulled out the box and handed it over. “I just wanted to get you a little something to say congratulations for sealing your record deal and your breakthrough with your confidence.”

I blushed significantly, rubbing the back of my neck. “Oh my God, did Simon tell you about that?”

“Yup. He was really impressed. And so am I. Whitney Houston?! Really?”

More blushing on my end. “Zayn, you really didn’t have to get me anything. I don’t…I don’t even know what to say.”

“Well, you should probably open it first,” he offered with a grin.

Taking a deep breath to try to calm down, I lifted the lid and looked down at the gorgeous necklace resting on the small silk pillow. It was a white gold heart with diamonds running down one side that caught the light and sparkled at any angle.

My breath caught in my throat as I eased it out of its case cautiously, so afraid that I’d break it or something. “Oh my God, Zayn,” I breathed, feeling my eyes fill with tears. “It’s beautiful.”

“Do you really like it?” he asked, his tone giving away the sense of relief he was trying to hide.

“Of course I do.” A tear slipped from my eye and ran down my cheek, and I used my shoulder to brush it away as quickly as I could, disguising it with a laugh. “It’s…I can’t believe you did this.”

He shrugged and leaned over so he could fasten it around my neck. “I just wanted to show you how proud I was of you and how much I love you.”

“You cheeseball!” I laughed, closing the gap between us and connecting my lips with his briefly. “But I love you, too.”

He smiled and cupped his hand around the back of my neck, kissing me again.

As he slipped his tongue into my mouth, he pulled me down on top of him, my legs fitting in between his perfectly. I let out a small sigh of content and ran my fingers through his hair, trying to ignore just how quickly my heart was racing.

Once his mouth moved to my jaw line, and then my neck, I finally managed to regain some of my sense and gasped out, “Did you do this to get laid?”

His breath tickled my soft skin as he laughed. “Is that an offer?”

“Nope,” I responded in a light tone, bringing down my chin so I could get a better look at him.

His grip tightened on my waist as he shook his head. “Damn,” he joked. A second later, he regained his serious demeanor and said seriously, “No, of course not. I’d never do that to you.”


“Really.” He propped himself up and kissed me quickly. “I’d never try to make you feel like you had to do something you weren’t ready to do.”

I bit my lip to hide the goofy grin that was threatening to overtake my face. “God, you’re perfect.”

He shook his head and tucked some hair behind my ear. “I’m really not. But thanks for saying it.”

I stared down at him with what I hoped was intensity, but I probably looked about as sexy as a teddy bear. “No, trust me. You’re really, really perfect. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

His entire face scrunched up adorably as he laughed at me. “Who’s the cheeseball now, huh?” he teased, raising his eyebrows at me.

Giving him a sassy look, I sat up and faced the TV. “Are we going to finish the movie now?” I questioned in a pointed voice.

He shook his head and grinned. “Sure, if you want to.”

And with that, I started the movie back up and went back into my previous position, curled up against his side. But this time, my hand was locked firmly around my necklace, and I had to fight myself for the last ten or so minutes not to grin like an idiot.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! Zayn's such a good boyfriend to Bailey. :)

Alright, now time for some publicity, since I got asked to do quite a bit of it in the past day. Hahaha. So you should check these out if you've got some time!

Here is a Zayn fanfiction by ProudThespian.

Here is another Zayn story, written by TiffLuvsLiam.

And, on still a publicity side, but not a story publicity side, heatherxo is entered in a contest where she can win some bomb stuff like an iPad with 1D stuff all in it and a signed hat. At least, that's what it looked like when I clicked on her link. So you guys should all help her win, just like you beautiful people clicked my link for the concert contest.

Thanks bunches for reading and following all my publicity suggestions. ;) Love you guys! And now I'm off to sleep because, once again, it's late, and I've got to get up early for driver's ed.


And here's a hysterical (though tiny) picture of Louis:
