Status: Completed! Thanks for reading and doing whatever you do. :D

Taking Chances

Dorm Room

I turned over in my bed to look at my alarm clock, the last thing left that I hadn’t packed because we would need to it to get up early the next morning to catch our flight.

The bright red numbers reading 1:42 stared back at me, searing into my eyeballs. Next to me, Zayn was curled up, snuggling with his pillow instead of using it under his head. The rest of the boys were sleeping around on the floor, using various extra pillows and blankets that we’d borrowed from surrounding dorms. They were surprinsingly willing to give up their stuff, but that could have been because Rebecca and I brought Harry along when we asked.

In the bed next to me, I heard Rebecca turn over onto her back, letting out a long breath. I figured she was sleeping, but I whispered to her anyway. “Hey, Rebecca.”

To my surprise, she actually turned to face me, her brown eyes wide. “What?”

Instead of coming right out with what I wanted to say, I replied, “Are you asleep?”

She let out a laugh that was a little too loud before slapping her hand over her mouth. I chuckled with her in spite of myself. “Shhh! You’re going to wake up the boys!” I told her between giggles.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “Was there anything you wanted to say, or did you just want to make me laugh obnoxiously?”

I let out a sigh before getting up, stepping over a sleeping Liam, to sit Indian-style on her bed. That way, I’d be able to talk at a softer level. “I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry that I’m leaving you. You’re the first girl friend I’ve ever had in my life, and I love you so much.”

Rebecca smiled sadly at me. “I love you, too, Bails, but I understand. You were meant to be in the spotlight. And I'll actually try to follow pop culture for you.”

I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair. “I’d appreciate that. But I really don’t want to leave you.”

There was a short silence before Rebecca piped up, “Maybe you don’t have to.”

I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Honey, there’s no way you’re dropping out of college. You’ve already spent so much of your money going here, and it’d be crazy for you to follow us to England.”

“No, I’m not dropping out,” she mumbled. “Okay, so, winter break’s coming up, right?”

“Uh…yeah,” I responded.

“So over the break, I’ll come to England and stay with you, if that’s alright.” My heart started to race as it dawned on me what she was suggesting. “And, while I’m there, I can look at some colleges…and I’ll apply for a transfer. We won’t have to be apart that long.”

Before I could control myself, I let out a loud squeal and launched myself at her, throwing my arms around her neck. “Rebecca, that’s perfect! Now we’ll only have to be without each other for a couple of weeks!”

“I’ll have to struggle through a bit of separation anxiety,” she joked, “but I think I’ll be able to make it when I know that I’ll be staying with you in England at the end of it.”

The grin on my face was absolutely huge, and I probably looked borderline insane, but I didn’t care. Not in the least. “Ugh, this is fantastic. Alright, I think I’ll be able to sleep now. This is going to be great!”

She smiled at me before looking at the clock. “Yeah, you should get to sleep. Considering, you know, you have to be up in about four hours.”

I followed her gaze and groaned loudly. “Damn it. Alright, goodnight, love.”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “Love?”

“I didn’t say love, did I?” She nodded. “Ugh…freakin’ Louis. I hate him so much.”

Rebecca chuckled before shooing me away. “Go away.”

“I can feel the love,” I snickered before stepping over Liam again to get to my bed.

“Will you two shut up?” Harry groaned, turning onto his stomach and pulling his blanket over his head. “Some people are trying to sleep.”

Instead of coming back with something snarky, I just threw the water bottle that was next to my bed at him. It bounced off his shoulder, and he let out another irritated groan.

“Wait, is it time to get up?” Louis asked, sitting up, blinking a couple times.

“No. Go back to sleep,” I demanded.

He shrugged and did so without further comment. A minute later, I heard Harry’s breathing get slow and even again, too.

And I lied down, a smile playing on the edges of my lips. Soon enough, my consciousness was lost.

* * *

“GOOD MORNING!” an irritatingly familiar voice shouted right in my ear.

Without thinking, I snapped up my hand and shoved the person away. Slowly, I opened my eyes, finding a surprised, yet thoroughly amused, Louis.

“Ugh,” I huffed, rubbing my eye. “I hate you. What happened to my alarm clock?”

“You slept through your alarm,” Liam answered. He was sitting in the desk chair, his hair damp. “Oh, and I used your shower stuff. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind,” I mumbled, sitting up. “I don’t know why you’d want to smell like sweet pea, though.”

He shrugged. “Soap is soap. I don’t care if I smell pretty or not.”

I shook my head. Those guys were certainly unlike any other male on the planet. “What time is it?”

“Uh…” Louis trailed off, looking at the clock. “Six fifteen. Harry, Zayn, and Niall are using the showers right now. Zayn and Harry are using their own shower stuff, and Niall’s using yours.”

“Okay. Figures he’d forget it, too.”

“Hey, I have no idea how Zayn and Harry actually remembered,” Liam defended. “I think we packed with about three seconds notice.”

I got to my feet and stretched. Rebecca was still sleeping soundly in her bed, looking as peaceful as can be, despite the noise. “Well, you know Harry has to have specific hair care products to make sure his curls stay as healthy as possible.”

The other boys chuckled before Louis filled in, “Good point.”

“When do we have to leave?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Seven,” Liam answered. “So you don’t have to rush or anything.”

“Cool,” I responded. God, I was going to England. This whole thing just sounded crazy.

After I got ready in the communal bathroom, I sauntered back into the room, stuffing my pajamas under my arm as I threw my hair up into a ponytail.

“Good morning,” Zayn greeted, coming over and leaning down to peck me on the lips.

“Hold on, buddy,” I laughed, taking a step back. “My hands are full.”

I made my way over to my suitcase and threw my dirty pajamas into it, hoping that I’d remember to wash them before I wore them again. Then, once my alarm clock was securely in my suitcase, I went back over to Zayn and stood up on my tiptoes, finally kissing him for a second. “There we go.”

“Who’s ready to go to the airport?” Harry questioned enthusiastically.

“I’m ready,” I responded, sitting down on the edge of my newly naked bed to put on my Converse sneakers. “And I’m more than ready to meet Charlie.”

Harry let out an irritated sigh. “Will you stop with the Charlie thing? You sound like you’re going to fangirl when you see her.”

“I probably will,” I joked with a grin.

“I figure Charlie will probably fangirl when she sees you,” Niall voiced with a smirk.

“Why the hell would she do that?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Oh, she loves you for some reason,” Harry told me offhandedly. “Alright, everyone, gather up your shit! We’re leaving.”

I stuck my tongue out at the curly-haired boy before going over to the desk. Quickly, I scribbled a note to Rebecca, since I didn’t want to wake her up to say goodbye.


Thanks for being such an awesome friend and roommate. I can’t wait until you join me in England. Those English folks will have no idea what’s in store for them. ;) Call me when you know your plans. LOVE YOU.


And then, we were out the door, butterflies already making a place for themselves in the pit of my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
AND NOW YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO REBECCA. :D I'm updating like a fiend, I know, but I can't help it. Hope you guys don't mind me spamming you with chapters. ;) Hee hee.

Also, disclaimer: I have no idea if, in real life, you can apply for a transfer with that short of notice. In fact, I think you can't. But this is my story, and I think I can be allowed to reject your reality and substitute my own. ;) Hee hee.