Status: In Progress

Where We Want to Be

Blind Date

James glared at me, and he continued to as we worked around the bar, on busy nights like this James didn’t have a choice but work with me at the bar.

“Lilah. It’s been almost three months, and you still continue to ignore the poor boy? He’s going to die before he ever gets to fuck you”

I rolled my eyes looking over at him, “I’d rather not be mentioned as a prize.”

“You have an ass, and a nice rack” he smirked, “even a gay guy can tell you that. Just flaunt it
will you?”

“What do I have to do to get you to shut up about him?” I complained.

“Take an hour break” he said quickly facing me.

“Excuse me?” I asked confused.

He pointed behind me, which I turned to see what had made him give me an hour break, it dawned on me that it might have had something to do with the fact Zayn was walking in the bar and straight at me.

“You ready to go?” he asked with a smiled, “Do you need to change or anything?”

James yanked me to his side sending Zayn a smile before turning me, “So I might have stolen your phone half an hour ago and texted him that you wanted to go out tonight.”

Before I could protest he pushed out of the bar and into Zayn, “Make sure to take her home at a reasonable time” James called as Zayn led me out of the bar.

“So what made you change your mind?” Zayn questioned as we started walking.

“I got a break tonight” I told him, “So where are we going?”

“Nandos” he looked at me, our height difference a large one, “I thought I could take you to dinner.”

I nodded as we continued to walk in silence until we reached a place I’d passed by countless of times walking to work or just walking for something. I really hoped they didn’t have a dress code, because right now I was in skin tight black shorts and a tank top. It resembled the Hooters outfit; except the shirt didn’t have a logo it was just a plain green one.

“Have you been here before?”

Shaking my head I took a seat, “Even before I moved to New York I’d never come here, so no.”

“Can we play a game? To get to know each other more?” he asked warily, I felt bad that he had to be careful with his words when talking to, I hadn’t thought I’d given him such a hard time.

“Twenty questions?” I smiled.

He nodded, “Alright. Favorite artist?”

I had to think about it for a few minutes, “Miley Cyrus hands down.”

Chuckling he nodded, “I’d have to go with Robin Thicke. Favorite hobby?”

Biting my lips I racked my brain for an answer, “Reading, don’t even get me started on it.”

“You read?” he asked excitedly, “favorite author?”

I laughed, “Yes, I read. I’m not illiterate. But it’s a tie between Jane Austen and Poe”

“You’re a Poe fan” Zayn chuckled, “Don’t see many of those anymore.”

“What about you mister? You got all excited at the fact that I read, what’s yours?”

“I can’t decide” he admitted, “I’ve read so many books but I can’t decide.”

We spent the rest of the time at the Nandos talking about books, I learned that if he hadn’t made it with singing he would gone to become an English teacher; and that honestly that made me see him in a completely different way.

To be honest, for a while I’d been thinking that he was just another guy in a band who was doing nothing with his life. But hearing his goals, I started liking him a bit more.

“So how’d I do for the first date?” Zayn asked as we walked towards my building.

Chuckling I shrugged, “You did alright.”

“Just alright?” he frowned, “You should have seen your face when you talked about Poe and Jane, you were like a little kid on Christmas.”

“Alright” I admitted, “It was a good effort for a first date. I’ll give you that.”

He grinned, “Maybe another date sometime soon?”

I looked at him warily, “Maybe. We’ll see, I’m pretty busy all the time.”

“I think we’ll be seeing each other more often” Zayn pointed out, “Lou really appreciates the help, she’s thinking of asking you to work with her full time.”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen, I like my two jobs right now.”

His face fell slightly as I reached for the door, “Well goodnight then.”

“Goodnight” I smiled leaving him behind before he could think of hugging me or anything else.
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It's short. And i'm reaaly sorry about that.