Status: This isn't hardcore gay porn, if you're looking for that, but it's not fluff either. Have fun~

No. 14

The end.

He sat alone, his headphones plugged into his phone or music player. His eyes stared blankly into space and the hard concrete of the floor seemed not to bother him. Next to him, a ginger girl painted her nails. She didn't notice me either. There were more than just the two in the room; in fact, there were about ten people in the room, including me.

I took a seat in the only chair that wasn't near someone who looked like a potential murderer or druggie/dealer. The boy sitting next to me had a polite smile on his face that bordered on creepy.

He leaned close to me and raised a hand to hush his words.

“I start fires,” he said. He giggled, then laughed hysterically. I resolved to stand by the door in case I needed a quick escape. Just as I was going to the door, a woman in a dark purple pantsuit walked in. She looked way too conservative to be working with children. She carried a clipboard and had glasses on a chain around her neck. The tight bun that held her hair in did very little to pull back the wrinkles that she had. Her steely gray eyes bored into my forehead.

“You are Matthias Torres, right?” she asked. It took all I had not to flinch at the sound of her voice.
It scraped against my brain and felt almost painful. “Well, answer me. Are you Matthias Torres?”

I nodded hesitantly. The woman turned around and held a hand up. A thing I had learned during my time at the Institute was that if someone held their hand up as they walked, they wanted you to follow them. Apparently the others had learned too. Everyone stood up, including Fire-kid. The woman turned back around and stared everyone down. “Only Matthias needs to follow me. The rest of you wait until your designated appointment time.”

The others went back to their spots. The woman and led me through the door she had come through to a narrow hallway lined with doors every so often. The air grew thicker. This building with its low, cold lights, narrow hallways, and dingy walls reminded me of the Institute.

My head pounded. I sunk down to my knees and gasped for air, clutching at my chest. The woman didn't stop for me. She continued walking, not looking back. My eyes watered and blackness swirled around. The hallway fogged. I tried to call out to the woman, to reach for my cellphone and call 9-1-1, to call someone else for help, but I was immobilized. The woman stopped and turned back. Her face was covered in a surgical mask, so I couldn't see the bottom half of her face, but her eyes told me everything. Her eyes smiled at me and told me that I was going to die here. A door flew open and men in white lab coats and gas masks and hair nets swarmed out. I was lifted and carried down the hallway and then blackness surrounded me.
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This is the first chapter. It's not all that great, but I promise it gets better (: