The Original Selfish Machines.


July 19th, 2012

Every time I hear "Stella" by All Time Low, I think of the night we laid in bed watching TV til 2am. It just came on Pandora and now I'm just like, oh. It sucks though because I started thinking about him again on accident. Sunday & Monday night he was in my dreams, which sucked because I was doing so good at not thinking of him. It got worse on Tuesday though. First I woke up from dreaming about him, then I had gone to the store to get boxes and when I was pulling onto my street I saw his car. I don't think I ever turned a corner so fast to avoid looking at him. But seriously, this is my life; dream about him for the first time in forever and then see him on my street, okay.


There was a commercial for the Stella beer. "Did you know that song is about the beer, not a girl?" He asked.

"The All Time Low song?" I asked, still watching the commercial.

"Yeah." He began singing the song to me, which made me smile. I always loved when he sang.

I remember how you tasted. I've had you so many times, lets face it.

April 2012

I was driving around when he texted me back about hanging out. He asked if he could crash at my place, I said yes. I honestly felt sick because he had just said all that shit about wanting to start fresh and just be friends still. Sorry but friends just don't sleep over with our history. I decided to go tanning to calm my nerves and Ashleigh texted me asking if I wanted to have a sesh. I agreed.

I told her everything while we blazed in our usual spot. She agreed that it was crazy. As soon as I was done smoking, I no longer felt sick or nervous about it. That's one thing I love about smoking weed.

"I'm so happy you didn't ditch me for a boy!" Ashleigh said as she drove me back to my house.

"Hey, boys come and go but Mary Jane will always be there for me," I chuckled. I think Ashleigh nearly pissed her pants.

AJ came over about a half hour later. I asked him if he was serious about sleeping over. I misunderstood, he just meant take a nap because he was tired from work. We cuddled and watched Bad Teacher. He told me that if I was a teacher that'd be me because of Cameron Diaz's character always smoking. I laughed and agreed. He pulled me closer than I already and kissed my head while playing with my hair. I don't think I'll ever forget what happened that night. It's funny now but when it happened I think we nearly died.

We were at it for the second time that night. Just as we were about to climax, we heard the garage door that's next to my room slam shut, signaling that my mom was now home. AJ slammed my head into the pillow with his hand covering my mouth to prevent my moans from coming out.

"Shhh," he whispered in my ear, his stubble scratching my face. I stared at him with wide eyes.

We laid there silently for a couple minutes. It was dead quiet except for our breathing that was going back to a regular pace. He removed himself from me and sat up.

"Do you think she heard anything?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know. I hope not," I said just as quietly.

one more reason I should never have met you. just another reason I could never forget you.

We put our clothes back on and went back to cuddling. He demanded that we watch either the History Channel or the Discovery Channel because he likes the shows and thought I needed to be educated. We watched Myth Busters until we were both in and out of sleep.

His heartbeat comforted me and sounded better than any song I ever heard. "Just sleep over," I said in a sleepy voice, wrapping my arm tighter around his torso.

He nuzzled his face into my hair, "I can't."

We laid there quietly again. Our finger tips brushing against each other's skin. The feel of his fingers going across my back and side of my hip made my stomach fill with butterflies. I could hear him gulp as my fingers grazed across the skin above the elastic band of his boxers. I gave him a hand job without much thought as he kissed my head and grabbed my ass. It would have gone further again for the third time that night but we realized we had no more condoms. I didn't wanna risk it as much as I did want him.

He left around 2am. He kissed me goodbye on my front porch with his fingers tied into my hair. The cold breeze made us part our lips.

feels like I'm falling in love alone.