Status: Developing slowly.

The Cornucopia of Us


"Mindy, can you pass me another beer please?" Jack asked his girlfriend. They've been dating since the day they slept together - almost three months ago. He remembered seeing Kelsey at the club the same night, which led him to make such an idiotic 'mistake' on his behalf. Although he would never admit that to Mindy.
"Here ya go babe." Jack smiled and took a swig from the already opened beer.
"So, when are you guys touring?" Jack took his eyes off the screen for a brief second to look at the tour schedule.
"In two days. We're planning to go out tonight." Jack gulped a little because this would be the first time he would see Kelsey. Yes, they go to school together but Jack indirectly avoided her at all times. He talked to Alex about it but hell, the guy had more shit on his plate than anyone considering he still couldn't find Molly which took a major toll on everyone, especially him.
"Okay, well I guess I'll go home and get ready." Jack got up and followed his girlfriend to the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed Jack longingly. Jack squeezed her hips in response to her act. She removed herself from Jack, placed a quick kiss on his cheek and left.

Kelsey slipped on her thong and clasped her bra together and got out of Josh's bed. She got up quickly as to not wake up Josh. He turned around, his stomach against the mattress. Kelsey smiled and slipped her shirt and jeans on. She tugged on her American flag printed converses and walked over to Josh's side. She bent down a kissed his temple, causing Josh to stir underneath her.
"Mmm.. I love waking up to that." Kelsey pulled back and smiled. Josh grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down to the bed. Kelsey giggled and intertwined Josh's fingers with hers.
"Will you be going with me to the boys party tonight?" Josh hummed in response and kissed the tips of her fingers. She got up and smiled down at Josh who was pouting his lips in protest.
"I'll see you soon."

"Why do we have to wear suits Flyzik? We look like monkeys!" Jack threw his arms up in the air and pouted at his manager.
"Shut up Barakat, you complain more than my ex." Jack flipped him the bird and tried to slip on his tie. Jack groaned as he tried and tried to put the tie on right until Flyzik came and fixed it for him.
"Thanks baby." Jack slapped Matt's ass and winked at his manager who just laughed and returned to putting on his own tie.
"Is it like formal or something?" Alex said as he came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. Jack looked down at Alex's pants and noticed they were a little too high for his height.
"Alex, oh my fucking god, your pa-"
Alex glared at him, pointed his index finger and said, "Not a word Barakat." Jack covered his mouth with his hands but couldn't control the giggles that erupted. Flyzik joined in and they were both laughing at Alex's silly outfit.
"Fuck you guys. My mom fucking got the wrong size... Again."
"Again!? Damn Alex, your mom fucking hates you!" Jack managed to say through his fits of giggles. Alex rolled his eyes and just then, in walked Rian And Zack along with their girlfriends, Bri and Tiny Tina.
"Hey guys. 'Sup Bri, whaddup Tiny Tina?" Jack said as the gang piled in. They all began to chat idly and waited for Mindy, Kelsey and Josh. Jack sat next to Alex, barely talking, just focusing on things that would not make him think of Kelsey.
Twenty minutes passed before Kelsey and Josh arrived at Flyzik's home.
"Kelsey!" Bri got up and ran to Kelsey, followed by Tina, her red curls bouncing all over the place. Everyone waved excluding Jack who just watched everyone welcome Kelsey. She grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him to the single sofa seat. She watched as Josh sat her down on his lap, something Jack used to do all the time even if there was more room on the couch for both of them. Jack tried to look away but he couldn't even if he was willing too. Kelsey glanced in his direction, a small smile tugging on her lips but not fully developing.
Oh how I wish I could be the one who makes her laugh and smile all over again.. Jack thought as he just stared back, not offering a smile or anything in return of that small gesture.
"Alright, let's go out now! Your parents called and said they were ready." Matt announced as he hung up and walked to the staircase, leading back upstairs. Mindy appeared at the top of the steps and smiled down at Flyzik.
"Sorry I'm late, are we leaving now?" Jack pushed through Flyzik and walked up to meet his girlfriend, pecking her on the lips before calling out, "Hurry the fuck up ladies!"


Jack hugged his parents tightly because this was an amazing party. They bought a big 'ballroom' type place just for all of them and a few hundred of their friends. Jack also hugged the rest of the gang's family because they all chipped in according to his parents. He smiled cheekily as they all took a picture with their girlfriends and close friends. Someone tapped Jack on the shoulder, causing him to turn around.
"Uh.. Hey." Kelsey said, her cheeks becoming that perfect shade of pink whenever Jack said stupid things or gave her compliments.
"Hey." Kelsey bit her lip. Jack ran a hand through his hair because yes, this was awkward as fuck. She grabbed her little wallet and pulled out an envelope.
"What's this?" said Jack as he took the envelope in his hands.
"Open it silly." Kelsey said as a small smile formed on her lips. Jack did as told as he pulled out a bracelet with tiny skulls on it.
"Sick Kelsey! Thanks!" He picked up Kelsey and spun her around, bringing her down slowly, their noses brushing as he put her down.
"Um.. Yeah, no problem, I got one for each of you cause you guys honestly deserve this." He smiled and bent down to kiss her on the cheek, letting his lips linger for quite some bit before pulling back. Her cheeks became a darker shade of pink. She opened her mouth to start talking again but Josh came and ruined the moment, according to Jack.
"Hey love, wanna go dance?" Kelsey nodded and glanced at Jack who simply smiled at both of them.
"By the way, congrats man. You'll do great out there." Jack smiled and took Josh's extended hand.
"Thanks." Josh nodded and pulled Kelsey out to the dance floor. Jack looked down and slipped on the bracelet Kelsey had given him. His finger tips grazed over his lips and he smiled at the shared moment he and Kelsey just had.
♠ ♠ ♠
OoooooOOOoOOooh A sequel to A War In Your Bedroom Baby (is that even the title) anyways! It's just Jack's and Kelsey's relationship but I'll be writing Alex's & Molly's relationship soon. Yeah okay, hope you guys liked it. :') ***UPDATES EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY***
Comment please!
The Guy's Friendship Bracelet(s)