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Suicide Is The Best Solution

I'm Done.

I opened my locker and there were sticky notes every where. They all had names written on them. Names I had heard for five years now. Slut, Bitch, Whore, Cheater, Liar, and the worst, Cunt. I took them down and threw them away. I shut my locker and was on my way to class when Brittany and her bitch gang cornered me.
"Oh look, it's Ugly Bristol. Why don't you kill yourself? Nobody wants to see your disgusting face. Every one's loves would be easier if you just disappeared." The bitch gang laughed.
I sighed.
"Brittany, do you have anything else to do? You obviously have no life. You want to know something? Tristan dated you to make me jealous. Not because he liked you. He never did. I'm better than you. Why? Because you're fake and i'm real. Everyone knows you wear extra padded bras that are two sizes too big to make you look like you're not flat chested. You wear too much make up and your hair is dead from the many times you've bleached it. Accept the fact that you're fake. Your bitch gang here are only your so called friends because they want to be popular. And it worked. They're popular. They havent left because they want to be known by their names not Brittany's bitch gang. Face it, you're hated."
With that i pushed a speechless Brittany out of the way and went to class. I don't know what made me say it but it was about damn time I did.

Lunch came around and I sat at my table. In the corner. Alone. Eating school pizza. For it being school linch the pizza was really good. I was minding my own business when Brittany sat across from me. I looked up at her.
"Yes?" I said sarcastically.
She groaned.
"Tristan wants to see you outside. And if you pull what you just pulled this morning I will personally make sure your life is hell."
"Already done. My life is hell. But yours is about to blow up in your face. Have a nice day, Bitch." I got up and walked outside.
What the fuck was wrong with me?! Brittany was so going to kill me.

I walked outside and found Tristan leaning against the wall. He looked at me and I thought I saw a sparkle on his eye or something but shrugged it off.
"We need to talk." He said.
Butterflies immediately filled my stomach just from the sound of his voice. This should be fun..
"Alright." I said.
"Let me get something across to you. I love Brittany. Not you. I will never love you." I swallowed theblump growing in my throat and tried to ignore the tears fighting to break through. Only one person could drive me to the brink of me killing myself. And that was Tristan.
"I want nothing to do with you, Bristol. Just go away. Kill yourself. I dont care."
"Would you be happier if I disappeared?"
"You know what, I would actually."
I nodded.
"It's done then. I'll disappear out of your life forever. You won't have to see my ugly disgusting face ever again. You wont have to hear my annoying voice. You wont have to hear my fucking name ever again, Tristan. I'm sorry I ever hurt you. I'm sorry about seventh grade. You should know now that I never cheated. I loved you. I still do. But all of that doesn't matter. Because after this conversation i'm disappearing out of everyone's lives. Goodbye, Tristan. I'm sorry you had to meet such a piece of shit."
Tears had won me over and spilled out. After I said the last word I turned around and walked home. I was going to do it. This was it.
Nobody was home. I ran up to my room and found the razor who had made the beautiful scars that line my arms. I leaned against the wall of my bedroom and cut open my arms. "I'm sorry I fucked up. I'm worth nothing." I said while cutting. The last cut was too deep and I passed out immediately. I left a note on my bed.
One for my parents. One for Tristan.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im proud of this chapter. Yes it's sad but it had to be done.
Comments are appreciated.