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Suicide Is The Best Solution

He's The One...

I was walking home when I heard laughing from a far. I whipped my head around seeing nobody. I quickly walked again and heard it again. Then I heard a shot and excruciating pain in my left arm. I screamed and dropped to the ground holding my arm. Tears sprang out. I looked at my arm and saw blood everywhere and the hole where the bullet was. I started breathing heavily. No, no, no, no, no, no! I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?!" I heard a deep voice.

i looked up to meet two crystal blue eyes.
I shook my head violently. He kneeled and touched my arm and I yelped.

"I'm taking you to the hospital okay?"

I nodded and he scooped me up in his arms. He opened the passenger door and hently set me down and buckled me in. He got in and turned the key to start up the car. He put it in reverse and went on his way. He sped to the hospital. I tried applying pressure but it made it hurt even more. More tears spilled out. Once we got to the hospital he pulled the car over onto a curb and turned it off rushing to my side. He scooped me up again and rushed into the hospital.

"I need a doctor immediately!" He yelled.

A few nurses stopped and rushed over with a wheelchair. He set me down.

"What happend?" The nurse asked.
"She was shot. I don't know who did. It came out of no where."
"Okay sir, i'm going to ask you to wait in the waiting room. We'll come get you when we finish."

He just nodded and stayed back. I started nodding off as they rushed me down the hall.,

Miss? What's your name?"

The nurse asked as they set me on a bed. A doctor rushed in.

"Bristol. Bristol Rhymes."

The doctor gave the nurse a look and the nurse rushed out.
"Okay, Bristol. Don't worry we're going to sedate you so you aren't in pain anymore."

She inserted an IV and injected the sedatives into the IV. I immediately dozed off since I was already exhausted from the amount of blood lost. I hadn't even been out of the hospital for two days and i'm already back...


I woke up and knew exactly where I was and what happend. I turned over groaning. Someone grabbed my hand and my eyes shot open meeting those crystal blue eyes again. I loved them. I couldn't look away. He started to smile.

"How are you feeling?"

I looked away blushing realizing I was staring. He chuckled.

"No need to look away, Love. Your cute when you blush."

That didn't make it better because my cheeks blushed a deeper red.

"I'm gonna ask again, Sweetheart. How are you feeling?"
"Good. My arm's sore."
"I bet. You did get shot." He chuckled.

I got that warm feeling you get when your around your crush. But I couldn't like him. He was nearly twenty years old! I was only seventeen.

"I nearly forgot. I'm Damon. Damon Revals."
"Bristol. Bristol Rhymes."

He smiled.

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

I smiled and blushed looking away. He pulled my face gently to look at him.

"Don't look away and cover your pretty face and thise gorgeous green eyes." He whispered.

Everything about him made me squeal inside. I smiled.

"Thank you, Damon."
"Anytime, Beautiful."

God damnit this man! Everything he said made me smile even more and blush a deeper red.
Just then the doctor walked in.

"Miss Rhymes, how are you feeling today?"
"Good. My arm's sore."
"That's normal. We contacted your parents. Well tried. We couldn't get a hold of them."
"That's normal. Don't worry. They're probably caught up with work or something."

The doctor smiled faintly. I knew he felt bad.

"Well you're free to go."

He walked over and took out the IV and the patches iff my chest to monitor my heart. I signed a paper and Damon and I walked out after I got dressed. His car was still on the curb.

"Did you stay the night with me?"
"Two nights actually."
"I was here for two days?!"
"Yeah. You lost too much blood."

I sighed. Damon took my hand in his.

"Don't worry, babe. I wasn't going to leave you."

I smiled at him.

"Why are you being so nice?"
"Why not? You're a beautiful girl. You deserve to be treated well."
"I'm not." I looked away as we approached the car.
"What do you mean?"
"Every one ignores me. My parents are never around. I havent seen them in weeks. They leave me notes saying where they are but i fend for myself. I.....I was in the hospital two days before i got shot. They didn't even come to see me. Nobody did. Besides this one kid. I hate him. He's crazy. I loved him an dhe told me to my face that i'm ugly and everyone hates me and wishe dI would disappear. So I was going to disappear. To make him happy."
"What did you do, Bristol?"

By now we were sitting in his car. I dont know why I was telling him this. I felt I had to.

"I cut myself. So deep that it's still healing and the stitches have yet to dissolve." I showed him my arm. He took my arm and lightly grazed over the damage with his fingertips.
"As you see I didn't succeed. This gu's name is Tristan. I woke up in the hospital and Tristan was crying holding my hand. He said he loved me and everything. I didn't believe him. I hate him. He's the reason my life has been hell."

I finished and looked at Damon in the eyes. He looked astonished and pissed?

"I'm sorry. My life is a damn soap opera."
"Babe, don't worry. I want to help. And if Tristan does anything to you. Anything. Tell me. I'll take care of it." He smiled.
"Thank you, so much. If you weren't there to save me I probably would be six feet under right now. Or decaying in a dumpster..."

He pulled my face up gently and leaned in closer. My breath hitched as I felt his breath on my face. He closed the gap and pressed his lips to mine. I went along with it slowly. It was a passionate kiss. It wasnt rough and it wasnt a peck either. It was in between. It was perfect. He broke the kiss and looked at me smiling. I smiled back.

"I don't know what it is about you but when I saw you drop to the ground my heart broke. You're different. You're beautiful, funny, cute, and smart. You're broken and I want to be the one that fixes you."

I smiled and kissed him again but a little more rough this time. He picked me up and pulled me into his lap so my feet were restin gon the passenger seat and my back was against the driver's window. He held my face in his hand and I clutched onto his shirt. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead against mine. I smiled. He smiled.

"I promise never to let you fall Bristol. I will be there for you. Even if it means i'm risking my life, I don't care. I know this is all going so fast and we just met two days ago but something about you has set off a fire in my heart. I feel that if I let you go i'll never get an opportunity like it again." I smiked through the whole thing. "Bristol, will you be my girlfriend?"
"How old are you?"

He chuckled.

"You realize if we date it's against the law. I'm seventeen."
"I don't care. The law won't keep me from you."

I smiled and pressed my lips to him once more. He moved along with mine and then he suddenly broke the kiss.

"We're still at the hospital."
"Oh yeah." I breathed.

He chuckled. I kissed him once more and got back in the passenger seat and buckled in.

"My house or yours?" He asked.
"Yours. My house is boring."
"My house it is."

He put the car in gear and sped off. I smiled the whole way. I had a nineteen year old boyfriend. He cared. Even after sich a short time of knowing him he's proved to me that he wont leave. That speech of his won me over. Before I knew it we were pulling into his driveway. He got out and so did I. I was walkong towards the house when he scooped me up in his arms. I squealed and laughed.


Once inside he set me down.

"Welcome home, baby." I smiled.

I gotta admit the place was huge! Now it was like maeble floors everywhere but it was pretty freaking fancy and huge. He instantly scooped me up again and walked us upstairs openeing a door to a room that was obviously his. He set me on the bed and pressed his lips to mine. My hands flew to his shirt pulling him down onto me. He smiled and continued kissing me. He took my hands in his and intertwined them and put them over my head. It started to get pretty rough. He broke the kiss and trailed gentle kisses down my neck ended at the top of my right breast. I moaned when he ended there. He looked at me smiling and I blushed. He started kissing me on the lips again and I lost control. I bit on his bottom lip and pulled on it. He groaned and I felt his boner. I didn't care. It actually kind of turned me on.

"Babe, I've got to stop before I lose it. You're so beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I smiled.

I rolled over on top of him straddling him. I kissed him and leaned down so I could whisper in his ear.

"Maybe I don't want you to stop." I whispered.

He rolled over on top me and I giggled. He pressed his lips to mine but broke it.

"You shouldn't tease me like that." He smirked.

I kissed him. Then pushed him off and ran down the stairs. I hid in the pantry. The pantry was the size of my damn bathroom.

"Bristol! Baby, come out. Please." I heard him beg. I silently giggled.

I heard his footsteps come into the kitchen and I shutup. I tried to breath evenly and quiet. All of a sudden the pantry opened and I ran to the back and slid down to the floor giggling. He smirked and leaned down and picked me up.

"You're going to get it now, Love."
"Oh shit..."

He smirked and he walked into the kitchen and set me on the counter.

"In due time just not right now. You're too beautiful to mess with."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. I loved kissing him. So much.

"Can I just stay with you forever?" I asked. He smiled.
"Sure. Stay in my room with me. I need a cuddle buddy anyway." He winked. I laughed.
'Bristo, he's the one.' I gasped and whipped my head around.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He set his hands on my hips.
'Sorry Bri for scaring you. He's the One. Stay with him. Let him protect you from Tristan.'
I smiled.
'Okay Lizzy. Love you sis.'
'Love you too. Have fun!'
I knew she was smiling.

I felt a set of lips press to mine and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pressed his lips onto mine harder.

"It's really hard not to strip you right now." He said against my lips.
"Don't fight it baby."
He groaned and picked me up and he ran up the stairs and threw me on the bed. I squealed laughing.

I'm almost flad I got shot. Otherwise I woukdn't have met him. I loved him already. He's the One.... Oh my god. It's so unreal but it's true. I knew something about him was different.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter alot(:
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