Status: Alright, I'm gonna take my time with this, but I'll try to update as much as I can once a day :)

Waiting For Summer

Chapter One: The Beginning

The laughter bounced around in my head. It swam around, hitting the walls of my brain, and then it rotates and swims around some more. My head was a swimming pool for a class of bad thoughts, except the class never really ended. The taunts, the jabs, little comments that all added up, words I'd always kept with me. Not that anyone knew that I ever kept those words with me. They just thought that when I smiled at them, I'd have let it go. Oh, how wrong they were.

"Hey, freak! Lost your blade yet?"
"Why don't you cut up the street instead of across?"

I was really getting tired of those. There are more, but I don't want to make myself feel even worse by thinking of them. So, why don't we change the subject? How about where I am right now.

Well, I'm in hell. Quite honestly, if I died and went straight to hell, which I'm sure I would, it would take me a week to realise that I wasn't at school anymore. But then again, it's probably that bad for everyone. No one really likes school.

But, at this very moment, I'm walking down the hall, listening to words being shot at me, trying to dodge them. Pretending I don't hear, even though they know that I do. Those nicknames they call me, Scar, Blade, Cutter, Silver, they're so common I might as well refer to myself as one of them. The worst is probably emo. Do people even know what that word means? I mean, seriously, if you're going to call me names, I'd much rather have you think them through before you call me them. Nonetheless, I still hate being called that, it's the one that I find is the worst to stand. A label, a way to put me on a shelf.

Suddenly, a voice snaps me out of my train of thought, and I'm pulled back to the hall of hell that my Chucks are managing to walk down.

"Hey, emo. Got a blade I can borrow? My boyfriend broke up with me, I'm just so sad I don't know what to do about it. I need attention to make me feel better!" Peals of laughter. I know exactly who's said this, Chelsea Dauns. She's been on my case for months now, it's even got me starting to feel a bit special.

" What a great conversation starter! Awh, Chelsea, don't go cutting for no reason now. I highly doubt you'd even know where to get a razor. Those are the best, you know. By the way, did you know that you're a waste of sperm and 30 seconds of pleasure? Guess you learn something new everyday. It's not really a shame, I must admit. All your friends already knew it, though, I wonder how you didn't catch on."

With what I'm sure were daggers glaring at my back, I turned around and headed toward my next class, which happened to be my favourite, English. I guess it wasn't really that much of a hell as I thought it was, seeing that there was at least one light shining, however faint it was.
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Alright, so there's a lot of sarcasm. But that's what makes a story a story, it really isn't complete without some. We all need to have some humour whilst in the midst of seriousness, I think. In all honesty, I need opinions cos I don't think this is that great./: Chapter Two shall be on its way tomorrow (: