Status: Working on it.

Through Sin and Self Destruction

Someone, Somewhere.

My eyes opened and I looked around. I was in my living room. Did I fall asleep? I looked up to see a sleeping Danny and remembered what had happened. I must’ve cried myself to sleep. Oh, what joy. I sneaked out of Danny’s arms and went to the kitchen. The stove clock read 5pm. Damn, I slept far too long. I heard movement in the living room but proceeded to make some tea. God, how I love tea.

“Ohh, I love tea!” Danny sat onto the kitchen countertop and I shook my head.

“Yeah, me too.” I really didn’t know how to act towards him after my waterworks from earlier. I felt like such a pussy. That wasn’t myself at all. Danny decided to break me from my thoughts.

“You alright, love?” He made himself at home by grabbing a cup of tea. I sighed a bit and sipped my cup.

“Uhm, I’m sorry about earlier. I never cry. Especially not in front of males.” I confessed to him and he seemed apologetic.

“There’s no need to apologize. Everyone cries here and there. You’re under a lot of pressure.” He was right. I couldn’t understand why I was letting myself be a like this lately but he was right. He smiled a bit and looked at me.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why’d you go into the whole stripper thing? Not that I’m complaining or anything..” I smirked to myself and giggled, remembering exactly why.

“My parents were never around. They were into the whole ’ you were a mistake, I never wanted you’ thing. So, I ran to boys for attention. I lost my virginity at age 13. I just didn’t give two fucks. My grandmother would take me to ballet as a child. That’s where I met Joce. I guess I always loved dancing..and men. Put two and two together and shabam! Stripper.” My mouth apparently had a mind of its own. I didn’t want to tell him my whole personal life. That was certainly none of his business but I just felt a connection there. I felt I could trust him. His smile grew a bit and he nodded.

“You sound like me. I wasn’t close to my parents either. Except, I went rockstar and ran to groupies.” He chuckled at himself and I smiled. He really wasn’t that bad. I saw a lot of myself in him and I was pretty sure it was vice versa. He looked really intrigued at this point.

“What happened to your parents then? They just leave ya?” I bit my lip and sighed, not ready to answer that question.

“They were stoned one night and my father got angry at my mom because she came home ten minutes late. He shot her through the chest and then shot himself..” I shrugged to myself as Danny pulled me into a hug. I really didn’t care about my so called parents. They were never my “parents” anyway. That’s why I saw Jocelyn as my mother. He cupped my face and smiled.

“How about I come see ya later at work? I promise I won’t bring Ben.” He chuckled and I smiled.

“Yeah, that’s fine.” He hugged me goodbye and promised he’d see me later after giving me his number to reach. He was definitely a great guy. I couldn’t understand nor did I realize men could actually be nice. This was the start of a great friendship, for sure. I just knew it.

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Another chapter, everyone! Thanks for all the comments, subscribers and recommendations! I love you all.(:
