The Summer With Spencer

The Summer With Spencer, Chapter 27- Death and All His Friends

She sat in silence, seeming trapped in her thoughts. I watched her as she looked down at the floor, unaware of my eyes. The door flung open, and Garcia stomped in, but stopped abruptly when she took in the sight before her; Llysa and I sitting together, with my arm around her back. “I was all ready to end this once and for all, but it looks like you two have everything worked out already. Carry on.” She turned to leave, but I stopped her. There was something I needed to tell her, and it couldn’t wait. “Garcia ? Can you stay a minute ?” I asked her in a demure tone. “Of course my little brainiac !” She slipped to the floor in front of us. “You had your angry face on Garcia, I don’t think I’ve ever seen it !” Llysa commented to her.. “I just wanted to say, thank you. Thank you for putting up with me, all of you, and I’m embarrassed at the way I acted.” I told her, looking down at my fingers. “Oh, sweetie !” Garcia said, touched. “We weren’t putting up with you, we were taking care of you ! That’s what family does.” She patted my shoulder lightly and left. I said nothing, just reached over and squeezed my best friends hand.

After that night, her and I were absolutely inseparable. Garcia showed me how to text, so on my lunch break every day, I would send her a text, almost always a statistic or fact of the day. After work, every other day I would go to her house just to do whatever. Some days the team would hang out with us too, and some days it was just her and I. One day in August, Llysa showed me how to use a computer program called Skype, which I could use to video chat with her. It was very hip, I knew her reason for showing me how to use it was so that I could video call her when she left me. Even so, every time I had a nightmare, I called her on video chat.

One day on the job, we had a particularly difficult case. Morgan and I went on site to try and find an unsub who had created a dangerous strain of the virus anthrax, and before I knew it, I was inside a house infested with the disease. I had to work quickly, if I wasn’t going to make it out of this, then I’d better at least be able to save the rest of the victims, or victims to come. Morgan was pretty angry with me for not allowing him access to the house, but one infected team member was enough. As I searched for the cure to the virus, I knew that there was one thing I had to do. Call my mother.
At tthis point I could feel the virus spreading through my body, flowing through my bloodstream. I called Garcia and instructed her to record a message for my mother, and told her everything I had always wanted to say. I felt that now I could die with dignity.

I found the cure, and I was rushed out of the house immediately. On the way to the hospital, being rushed by ambulance, I began to experience aphasia, and cough of blood. That’s the last thing I remember.

I woke up screaming and thrashing, from a particularly frightening nightmare in which Llysa was trapped in the house with the anthrax, and I was in Morgan’s position, stuck outside, unable to help. Hotch woke me up roughly, shaking my shoulder with surprising force. I sat upright, sticky with perspiration. Llysa was by my side, smoothing my hair down, muttering soothing words. I looked at her in bewilderment, where was I ? I didn’t recognize any of my surroundings, except for Hotch and Llysa. . “You’re in the hospital, sweetheart. Don’t you remember ?” Llysa laughed, probably because of my eidetic memory.The light outside the window was fading now, painting the pale sky with shades of lavender and velvety gray, as the night floated upon us. I gripped her hand in mine all the more tighter. As she sat next to me on one side of the bed. “What are you thinking about Spence ?’ She asked me, even though I had the suspicion that she already knew. “You. Us.” I told me, swiveling my head to look right into her twinkling eyes. “Color my life with the chaos of trouble….” She murmured. More to herself than to me. “That’s pretty accurate huh ?” she asked me. “Well, I wouldn’t really call your life troubled, more….riddled with bad luck, I suppose.” Was my reply. “That’s, um, eloquently put…” Her and I continued to go on like this for quite a while, and I didn’t want the night to end.

I was released late in the afternoon the next day, and sent home, with orders to take at least one day off from work, from both the doctors and Hotch. Llysa and I spent the day together, naturally. We watched old 90’s movies, ate junk food, and lounged around. We stayed in our pajamas all day, and I was secretly really excited to be doing something like this. For once in my life, I felt normal.