Status: a work in progress :)

The I Love You Challenge


Nov 6, 2012
Although Jamie had exchanged numbers with Seguin she never expected him to call. She was surprised when she saw her phone light up as it sat on the desk in her classroom. As she walked to her next class, she went to her missed calls and pressed call as Tyler’s name was lit up.

“Hey,” he said when he picked up the phone, as if he was expecting her to call back.

“Oh hi, um, I saw that you called and I was just getting back to you. I was in class when you called sorry.”

“It’s fine, I was just checking in on you, I was worried. How do you feel?” he asked sounding genuinely concerned.

“I think I’m okay,” she replied realizing she sounded skeptical after stating how she was.

“You think? Well, what are your symptoms?”

“Um, well, my head still hurts a lot and its really noise and light sensitive and I’ve gotten dizzy a lot and I’m feeling really fatigued but it’s probably just from my long weekend.”

“Those are common concussion symptoms. You should see a doctor or something. The guy at the Garden would probably be willing to see you if I asked him to.”

“No that’s fine I have my own people through the university. I’m an athlete too, remember?”

“Oh right. Well you should go see him as soon as you can.” He sounded a little saddened at her statement of having her own people.

“I have one more class this afternoon and then I’ll call and see if he can fit me in this afternoon.” She paused hoping that he realized she was being completely honest.

“Good. I’ll call you later to see how it went.”

“Okay,” she said awkwardly. “Well I should probably go; I’m outside of my class now. She was actually a block away from her class but she wanted to end the awkward conversation before she began to wonder what she had gotten herself into.

“Okay, go learn some new stuff. I’ll talk to you later,” He said in an attempt to end the phone call.

“Tyler, wait,” she said impulsively.


“Thanks, you know, for checking in on me,” Jamie whispered as she looked at the buildings she was walking by.

“Of course,” Tyler said and even though she couldn’t see him, Jamie could tell he was smiling. She hung up and went on walking to her class; her head throbbing like never before.

As it turned out Tyler was right, the team doctor she went to see confirmed that she was suffering from a minor concussion. She was told that the concussion wasn’t extremely serious and she would recover quickly and still be able to participate in her softball season.

Nov 9, 2012
Jamie had been coerced into going on a date with Tyler as an apology for giving her a concussion. That Friday night he picked her up at eight and went to an amazing Italian restaurant. Tyler showered Jamie with compliments and kindness and with every word he spoke, the guiltier she felt about leading him on. Jamie had heard many rumors about Seguin and had seen one too many pictures of the young hockey player’s party boy personality. He didn’t come off as the gentlemanly, complimentary, sweetheart that he was presenting himself as on their date and it was eating her alive. She had to know if he was just playing up the party boy image.

“Why are you doing that?” she asked.

“Doing what?” he replied furrowing his brows.

“I’ve seen too much evidence of party boy Tyler to believe that you actually behave like this on a regular basis. Wouldn’t you rather be out at a club with a load of drunken blondes crowded around you?” Jamie said.

“Well, do you usually tolerate dates with cocky party boys?” Tyler countered. She shook her head. Jamie didn’t usually tolerate dates with anyone for that matter.

“That’s what I figured. So I decided that if I wanted to be with a beautiful girl like you I would have to change,” he told her smiling. Jamie blushed and returned the smile but on inside she was frowning. She couldn’t stand playing him like that. Maybe the other girls could pretend to be interested in the guys for the money but she just couldn’t. She had to tell him the truth even if it meant her losing the bet.

“Tyler, I have to tell you something and I can guarantee you won’t want to see me ever again after it,” Jamie spit out before her confidence would disappear.

“What?” he asked nervously a million different bad things she could be about to tell him He did not, however, predict what she was going to say. She took a deep breath and told him everything. How the bet started, how she didn’t actually think she would get a date with him or any other hockey player for that matter, and how she only agreed to participate to regrow her friendship with her old friends. When she finished Tyler was speechless which made her feel even more terrible.

“I’m so, so sorry. You didn’t deserve to be played like that. I should go,” she said standing up. She had grabbed her clutch and pushed her chair in, turning to leave.

“Wait,” Tyler said grabbing her hand in hopes of preventing her from leaving. Jamie looked at him preparing for the worst. “I have a proposition to make.” Jamie was so very confused but when he let go of her hand she sat down again anyways. “You tell your friends that were dating and then in a few weeks or whatever tell them that I said I love you.”

“Why would you do that for me?” Jamie inquired.

“Because, like you said, I’ve got a pretty bad reputation. Management is hounding my ass about fixing it. If you go out to the public events, to some games, and on a few fake dates with me they will lay off,” he explained.

“So we will fake date for a while?” she asked trying to grasp what he was saying and to make her mind realize he was serious.

“Exactly. Then you can prove yourself to your friends and I can restore my reputation.”
Jamie considered this for a moment. Sure, it was technically cheating but just the fact that she had come up with such a plan (ok he came up with the plan) was smarter than her friends for once.

“I guess I could do that.”

“Perfect. I promise this will work. So, where do your friends live?” He asked moving on as she settled down.

“Lizzie is in Chicago, Chelsea’s in Pittsburg, and Melissa is in Raleigh,” she answered.

“Okay let me guess. Chicago is going for Pat Kane, Pittsburg for hockey god Sidney Crosby, and Raleigh for Skinner?”

“You got 2 out of 3.” She answered with a chuckle.

“Chicago for Jonny Toews?”

“Yeah,” she said laughing at how easily he got that.

“Women are so predictable,” he remarked rolling his eyes with an added smirk.

“Excuse me?”

“It took me only 4 guesses to get your friends targets. And it’s no surprise that I was chosen.”

“I wasn’t even planning on competing! It’s your fault for giving me a minor concussion! In fact, you’re lucky that it’s just a minor concussion or else I might’ve pressed charges. My education and scholarship relies on my presence this season.”

He scoffed. “How far are the other girls along in this bet thing?”

“Chelsea had gone on two dates and Crosby brought her to a game where if my memory serves me correct, he scored twice and you didn’t score at all. Melissa is currently on a date with Skinner and Lizzie met Toews but he hasn’t call her yet.”

“Did they have to get a minor concussion to guilt the guys into going on a date with them?”

“They weren’t so lucky. Chelsea met Crosby at a club, Lizzie was Toews’ waitress, and Skinner visited the school Melissa works at.”

“Oh my God those guys are such suckers! If they only knew,” Tyler said laughing.

“You have to promise not to tell them!” Jamie said in a very serious tone.

“Don’t get you panties in a knot I won’t say anything. I only sometimes talk to Skinner anyway.”

“Especially not Skinner, Melissa doesn’t like me enough as it is!”

“I thought you said that you guys were friends…” he trailed off as he tried to figure out what she was saying.

“We hadn’t really talked since my senior year. Not until last weekend at least.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a long story…” She was lost in her thoughts as she began to think back to that day.

The doorbell rang and Melissa sighed exasperatedly as she got up from her chair. She was so sick and tired of all the press and cops that kept appearing on her doorstep. She heard her brother start to go downstairs.

“No! Matt, I got it, you should stay up there!” She called sprinting to the door.

“No comment. Now get off my property,” she said as she opened the door. To her surprise there was no one from the news. Instead, it was Jamie, Lizzie and Chelsea. “Oh never mind. I thought you guys were some shitty reporters.” Melissa explained. Jamie looked like she wanted to say something but she held back.

“I just wanted to stop by and see if Morgan was home. My dad wanted me to look into Northwestern’s sports medicine/PT program. He needs to keep sports in the family somehow,” Lizzie said to explain why she was there. “And these two were at my house and I’m bringing Chelsea home after this.”

“Morgan isn’t coming home until Thanksgiving Day and why wasn’t I invited over last night?” Melissa asked defensively.

“My mom thought it would be best if you didn’t come,” Lizzie said quietly.

“It’s hard enough to even look at this house,” Jamie remarked.

“What was that Jamie?” Melissa snapped. Usually Jamie would back down after a comment like that but this time she couldn’t keep her anger in.

“You know what I said and what I was suggesting just like you know exactly why Mrs. King didn’t want you into her house,” Jamie retorted.

“Jamie,” Chelsea warned.

“No Chelsea, I’m going to say what I want.” She wanted to speak her mind for once.

“What is it you came to tell me Jamie? I know you didn’t come to see my sister and you could have just walked home.” Melissa snapped at her.

“I came to see my friend; to make sure she was alright because unlike all the people who have ever met me you have managed to avoid talking to me. Why is that?”

“Because I knew this would happen!”

“What would happen? That I would be upset, are you kidding me?” Jamie was beginning to get frustrated.

“What the hell am I supposed to do? I didn’t do anything!”

“You’re supposed to apologize! Not stand there and defend him!”

“He wasn’t the only who screwed up that night!”

“Melissa, look at what you are saying. You can’t honestly believe that. Your brother ruined so many lives,” Chelsea cut in.

“You aren’t Miss Innocent over here either hun. Did your dad tell you what he called my brother to tell him this morning?” Melissa asked her.

“Your brother deserves everything he got. No one should want him on their team!” Lizzie spat.

“What’s going on out here?” Melissa’s brother Matt asked as he walked down the stairs at the most ironic moment of the conversation.

“I thought you were on trial what the hell are you doing out of a jail cell?” Lizzie asked angrily.

“I was bailed out until the trial actually starts,” he explained nonchalantly.

“Matt you should go back upstairs,” Melissa suggested.

“How dare you!” Jamie exclaimed. “How dare you parade around this house pretending like nothing is wrong!”

“I’ve chosen to not think about the past,” Matt said shrugging.

“Well aren’t you damn lucky. I, on the other hand, can’t seem to think about anything but that night. You owe me an explanation!”

“I thought you talked to Joe about that already.” He told her matter of factly.

“He never drank! He never did drugs! He was designated driver! Tell me how he ended up in the fucking passenger seat drunk and stoned while you drove!”

“We were all stupid. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who screwed up.”

“Maybe if he hadn’t been pressured by you he would still be here right now!”

All Matt did was chuckle and walk towards Jamie. Lizzie tried to pull Jamie back but Jamie shrugged her off. Jamie could see every detail on his face when he stopped inches away from her.

“So this is your feisty side. Now I know why he didn’t want to share you.”

“How dare you say that! He was your best friend and you killed him! I would never want you. He is 100 times the man you will ever be! You should be the one gone right now, not him! I hope you rot in hell!” Jamie said as tears began to fall. She quickly slapped him and turned away into Lizzies arms where she couldn’t keep the sobs inside. She wrapped her arms around Lizzie.

“Get the hell out of my house you bitch,” Melissa told Jamie who was clinging on to Lizzie for dear life.

“How dare you say that to her! What kind of friend are you?” Lizzie responded.

“How dare she tell my brother those things!” Melissa retorted.

“His actions ruined more lives than his, including ours. Maybe you should think about that before yelling at us, especially Jamie.” Lizzie said after rolling her eyes as she gently rubbed Jamie’s back. Melissa was speechless. “Come on sweetie we’re going. I’m sorry I made you come.” Lizzie finished as she pulled Jamie out the door slamming it behind her. Chelsea stood there not wanting to pick sides.

“I’m sorry Lissa but you’re both being ridiculous. I would stay and talk but she’s my ride home,” Chelsea explained not wanting to leave on the negative note that the other girls had.

“Oh so you don’t blame me?”

“I don’t know who to blame. All I know is that you should both knock it off and have a civilized conversation about it instead of this fighting bullshit. I just want things back to the way it was before.”

“You’re telling me.”

“I’ll call you.” Chelsea said smiling sympathetically. Melissa nodded before jogging out to Lizzie’s car


“Oh this sounds interesting and we have time,” Tyler said shaking her out of her thoughts and trying to pry the information from her.

“I don’t really like talking about it. For the most part, time has fixed things just not with Melissa. Things were said that I don’t think either of us can forget.”

“What did she do? Steal your boyfriend?” Tyler asked in a joking matter not really catching on to her serious tone.

“It’s a lot more complicated than that.” She said in a somber tone.

“Please tell me? This sounds like a great story.” He said with an almost mocking tone.

“I would really rather not talk about it.”

“Okay sorry I asked, but don’t worry, my lips are sealed. Skinner won’t know a thing.”

“Thanks.” She mumbled as she looked down at her hands.

Tyler got back to dinner and tried to finish dinner in a civil manner before he dropped her off at her dorm. She got out of the car and rushed up the stairs, her head disproving of the movement of the stairs. She quickly explained where she was to her friend and teammate Becka who was shocked that she was out past 7 before writing her email to the girls.

“Hi Friends,
I had just got back from my date with Tyler Seguin. It went very well and I enjoyed myself. I have a great feeling that this is going to go somewhere!
Hope it’s going well for all of you as well!
-Jamie :)”
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Hey guys! Thanks for all the positive feedback I got from the last chapter! I'm sooo glad that you are all enjoying this so much!
I hope you like this update! As always, I love feedback! I gave some background in this one, so hopefully you enjoy it! I will try to update as soon as i can. :)