Status: This is another attempt at a fan fiction... please comment & tell me what you think

Stole My Heart

Cruise Day

Chapter 1
Alyson & I were planning this cruise for about a year now. & we were going to miss it because she was take way to long.
“WHAT IS IT BOO?” she yelled back at me. I swear without me Alyson wouldn’t know where the downtown starbucks is.
“WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE! GET DOWN HERE! I REALLY WANTED A FRAPACHINO NOW I CAN’T HAVE ONE!” I yelled back at her. She comes running down the stairs with her suitcase & purse.
“I’m ready! Lets go!” I roll my eyes & ask, “do you have your pasport, there’s no way in hell we’re getting on that boat without our passports.” “OH! NO! CRAP! Hold up, It’s on my nightstand!” Knew it.
*an hour later*
“WAIIIIIIIIIT!” We yell to the guy letting people on. We made it just in time. Thank the high heavens that he noticed us. We get on & find our room & WOA, it was way better than we thought it was going to be. Two queen beds, flat screen, full fridge stocked with food & drinks. “We ARE NOT drinking. We’re only 18.” I said when I found the fridge. “But this is English property, & in England if you’re 18 you can drink.” she said & winked. “I know that! I don’t care what the laws are, we’re not going to!” I really don’t want to drink yet, most people when their 18 are excited to turn 21 & be able to drink, me on the other hand, I am not.
“Oh, I’ll get you to drink something sooner or later!” Alyson said. She does this all the time, & most of the time she will, but not this time. “Yea, okay, sure Alyson. Good luck with that.” “Hey! I saw some really hot guys on deck when we came on! Wanna go check them out? You know you want to!” I am horrible with guys. In fact, I’ve never been kissed & I’ve never had a boyfriend. Right now, that’s not at the top of my list, Enjoying myself & having the best time of my life with my best friend is. “Oh I don’t know….” “ALEXIS! You have to! This is your golden chance to get with a guy!” “ALYSON! YOU KNOW I’M NOT LIKE THAT!” “Hey, you can take what you get! BUT, if a guy comes up to you & starts talking to him & you think he’s cute & you don’t do anything, I will & you know how well that’ll turn out.” Oh yes, I do know, very well. It had nothing to do with asking someone out, but let’s just say we spent A LOT of money on a whole new wardrobe. For me. “FINE. I’ll go with you but only because you want to!” “Yay! But seriously if a guy comes around & you don’t do anything, I’ll make sure something does.” “Yea, yea, yea. I know, I know. I reallly want to go to the pool tho!” “AH HA! I KNEW YOU’D COME AROUND! How about you get into that new bathing suit I bought you!” “that skimpy-ass bikini you bought me? HAHAHA haow about no.” “Yes! You will!” Alyson always tried to make me wear things like that. Whether it was to the dances at school, to the beach or to the club. I know she does it for my own good & she cares about me, but I’m not very confident… At all. “I will, only if I get to wear a cover up over it.” “Make it a towel & it’s a deal.” I knew I wasn’t going to win with her on this one, so I agreed any way.
*later at the pool*
“THIS IS AMAZING!” Alyson screamed. At times I love her to death, but right now this is one o the times I questioned why. “Alyson! Shut it! We don’t need the whole entire Atlantic Ocean knowing we’re at the pool!” “:yes we do! All the guys need to know the two sexiest girls on this boat are here!” We busted into laughter about that one. “I’m going to get a Shirley Temple, you want me to get you something too?” “yea! I knew you‘d come around! Get me a strawberry daiquiri!” “THEY’LL BE A VRIGIN ONES!” I yelled as I walked away. “ONLY FOR THIS TIME!” “HA! I WIN!” “THANK YOU BOO!” “YOU’RE WELCOME BABE!” I have no clue why we call each other that, we just do. As I was waiting for our drinks, I turned around & I saw this amazing guy. Slightly tanned skin, brown hair, that looked alot like Louis Tomlinson’s Only in my dreams would he be on the same cruise as we were. Then the guy turned around, looked me in the yes & it turns out, it was. It was THE Louis Tomlinson of One Direction. I just stood there in awe. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Then he started walking towards me. Am I dreaming? Where’s Alyson? Ah! Oh my gosh! He’s right in front of me! I had my towel wrapped around me tighter than ever, I don’t want it to fall off. Then he said, “Hi, I’m Louis.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Right now, Louis & Harry are the only two in the story from 1D. Zayn, Liam & Niall will join later in the story. Comment & subscribe! All comments are cool!