Status: This is another attempt at a fan fiction... please comment & tell me what you think

Stole My Heart

At the Pool (Louis' Point of Veiw)

Haz & I thought it would be a fun idea to go on a spur-of-the-moment cruise. Being in 1D can have it's perks you know. I don't really like using that excuse alot, like other famous people do, but in the case it'd be okay. Harry thought it'd be a good way to get El off my mind because we had broken up a week ago. I went along whit this because, well, it's a cruise damnit!

*on the boat*

"Lou, we should go to the pool to check out the girls!"Harry can be such a man-whore sometimes, but if he had a girlfriend he'd give her the moon & more. "Really Haz? REALLY? We haven't even been on the boat for more than an hour & we haven't even un-packed yet & all you want to do is check out girls?!?" Yes. That's exactly what I want US to do. "FINE, but only because I want to swim!" "Okay, sure, that'll change when you see the girls!" "All you ever talk about is girl Harry." I said as I rolled my eyes. "All day 'ery day!" he said with a smirk. "Shut up & get ready!" I said as I threw his swim trunks at him.

* at the pool *

When we got to the pool Harry WOULD NOT shut up about the girls. It was getting pretty annoying, pretty quick. "Haz do you want a drink?" I turned around to look at him & he was gone. God damn that guy is always walking off! I wonder how he hasn't missed the bus driving from the venues during tour. I turned to my left & I found him, kind of near the drink hut, flirting with a girl already. "HAZZA!" He turned around quickly looking pretty pissed off. Haha, that's what he gets for walking away. "WHAT?" I walk over to him, "You want a drink?" "You REALLY just asked me that? You couldn't of waited?" "No. Now what do you want?" "Nothing. Now go!" He turned around to continue tot talk to the girl. She was quite pretty. She had really nice ginger hair with dip-dyed purple ends, & her eyes were a really nice blue color. She seemed to be playing hard to get with harry, which he seemed to take that challenge. He must REALLY want to get to know this girl. I turned around & then I saw her. Dark read hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, & she was curvy, but perfectly curvy. She also had an amazing smile. I have to get to know her. I just have to. She was way to pretty to let her get away. I walked over to her, she had this look in her eyes like, "Ohmygosh, it's him!" She must know who I am. I hope she doesn't scream or freak out. I looked her right in the eyes & said, Hi. I'm Louis." Stupid me, she has to know who I am. I see it in her eyes. "Uh, uhm, hi." She said shyly & it was damn cute. "what's you name love?" "I'm.. uh.. Alexis.." "That's a pretty name Alexis." She smiled really cute & looked down at her feet, which were paint red with the 1D symbol on the big toes. "You're welcome love, cute toes by the way." I told her & winked. "ohmygosh.. this is so embarrassing.. I'm... uh... I Have to.." "don't go! It's okay! You're one of the few people who haven't freaked out or screamed in my face when when they met me!" "Oh, well that's good.." "I guess it is!A very nice change!" As I smiled at her. "ohmygosh, I'm so stupid.." she mumbled under her breath & looked down again. I put my finger under her chin, looked her in the eyes & said, "no, not at all love. You're quite cute & adorable!" "BOO! HEY BOO!" someone yelled & we both looked over to see the girl that was playing hard to get with Harry earlier. "Do you know her?" I quizzed Alexis. "yea, she's basically my sister. Sh's my best friend." "Oh, i see, would you like to see what she wants Alexis? "You can call me Lex if you'd like & if I don't she'll create a tsunami if I don't go over & talk to her.
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POV equal's Point of view by the way for future reference!
any grammar or spelling mistakes let me know!
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