Status: This is another attempt at a fan fiction... please comment & tell me what you think

Stole My Heart

drink hut, again? Alexis' POV

We were in this totally amazing moment but of course, as always, I was just fumbling over everything I said & did. What was worst of all it was Louis-Freaking-Tomlinson. Then I heard Alyson scream. "BOO! HET BOO!" And we lost the moment. I was both relived & disapointed at the same time. "Do you know here?" Louis quized me. "Yea, she's basically my sister. She's my best friend." Damn Alyson for ruining this. But also thank her. "Oh, I see, would you like to go see what she wants Alexis?" Louis quized me. "You can call me Lex if you'd like, & if I don't she'l create a tsunami if I don't talk to her." He smiled & laughed at that one. Oh I guess I'm funny... He took me hand & we walked over together. Ohmy... I really hope my hands aren't sweaty... Alyson had this look on her face like she was, well, about to cause some trouble. Oh dear gosh, now she's wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Yeeees Alyson?" "I was wondering what happened to you! Where's my drink?" "THAT'S WHAT YOU NEEDED ME FOR?" "Well, uh, yea, duh!" "They're over there!" I told her as I pointed to the drink hut. "WELLLL, come on then!" She exlaimed as she took the other hand that Louis wasn't still holding... Which I just noticed he WAS still holding, until Alyson yanked me away. "ALYSON! WH-" "Oh, shut up! I knew who that was & I WAS NOT going to let you let him get away!" "SO YOU YANKED ME AWAY FROM HIM?" "I'm making him have to work to get you! You gotta play hard to get with him!" "NO. That's not what I want to do! That's final!" "Okay, but one, you have to tell me what's happening all the time, and two, you need to let me help you with this!" "FINE. But right now, isn't the best time, okay?" "When we get back to our room you're teling me EVERY. SINGLE. THING." "Fine! Let's just tan!" "Are you EVER going to take that towel off?" "Maybe... I don't know not that I know Louis Tomlinson is on this boat, & I don't want him to see m-" "DON'T YOU EVEN SAY "MY FAT" BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT." "WELL THEN." Then she grabbed my towel & ran away. "ALY-SOOOOOON!" "COME & GET IT BOO!" "AHHHHHH!" I yelledas I tried to run after her. But a hand grabbed mine & spun me around & I was looking into those gorgeous blue eyes again. "Oh, uh..." "She's right you know, you're not fat. Not at all." He told me sweetly & softly right into my eyes. I blushed at that compliment. Oh dear gosh do I blush alot around him. "Oh, well I don't know..." "I don't lie, I promise." "I really have to go..." Please don't go. Please?" Ohmygosh. Those eyes. How can I say no? "Uhm, well, uh, would you like to uh..." "Help you go find Alyson? Yes, I would." We both smiled & look down at my feet again. Gosh he's so damn cute. "Thanks, she could be anywhere tho..." "Well then let's just walk & talk & hope we come across her!" He told me & winked. He took my hand & we walked for a bit then we stoped at the railing & we stood & talked for what seemed to be forever. Then Alyson came out of the blue. "ALEXISSSSS!" "AHHH! WHAT?!? I'm legit RIGHT. HERE." "I want to go back to our room!" "WELLLLL, the go!" "I kind of, sort of, forgot my key..." "You didn't." "I did." "You're kidding me." "Nope!" She said while poping the "p" "Alexis it's fine, I'll go with you if you want." Alyson looked at me & winked. Oh gosh, I'm not going there. "Yea, sure, I guess."
* at the door of our room*
"Alexis can you help me find something really quick? Louis, I promise we'll be back, promise!" "Uh, okay?" Louis said. Alyson dragged me into our room. "WAIT. YOU HAD YOUR KEEY?" "Yes I did, but that's not the point. You're going to invite him in." "HAHA how about no?" That WAS NOT happening. AT ALL. "Get some Boo! You never do anything like that!" "Well maybe because, well I don't know, I want to wait?" "Well, fine, but still invite him in! I won't be in here in case you change yout mind he IS THE Louis Tomlinson for goodness sakes!" "Well they're be nothing more than m-" We here a knock on our door. "Lex, if you can't-" "NO! No! No! I'll be outside soon, promise!" "Go invite him in!" Alyson shoved me to the door. I go out in the hallway to talk to Louis. "Hey, so, uhmm..." I can't even ask him to come in my room to hang out in private. Gosh, what is wrong with me? "So... Would you like to uh, come to my room & hang out?" YES! He just saved my sorry ass without even knowing it. "Uh, yea! Of course! I'd love too!" Woa, wait, I'm still in this skimpy-ass bikini that Alyson got me... "Uhm... I might want to change..." "i have somthing in my room if you want to change there, I promise there is." "Oh, uhm, sure! Just let me tell Alyson real quick!" I open our door & yell in, "HEY BABE!" "WHAT BOO?" "I'M GOING TO LOUIS' ROOM, I'L BE BACK WHENEVER!" "OKAY I MIGHT HAVE SOMEONE HERE THEN!" I laughed at that one. "OKAY, GET SOME!" "DITTO!" I closed the door & turned to Louis. "Okay! Let's go!" I smile & laugh. "You have such a really cute & unique laugh. I like it." he smiled at me. "Come on, let's go to my room. Oh, by the way, Harry's here with me. He might be in the room too. He might not. Who the hell knows. I just jope there isn't a girl when we get there with him!" we laughed at that & started walking to his room.
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Muh twittah is @AlexisAllStar2