Status: This is another attempt at a fan fiction... please comment & tell me what you think

Stole My Heart

Louis' Room (Louis' POV)

* At a Railing with an Ocean View*

Alexis & I were just talking & watching the ocean when Alyson came up to us to tell Alexis he forgot her key. I told Alexis I'd go with her, & she was cool with that. When we got to their room, Alyson said, "Alexis, can you help me find something? Louis, we'll be back, promise!"Alexis & I both gave her questioning look. Uh,okay." Alexis agreed as Alyson dragged her into their room. I have a feeling this might take a while... about ten minutes later I knocked on the door & said, "Lex, if you can'" "NO! No! No! I'll be out soon, promise!" About a minute later she came out. "Hey.. So.. Uhm..." She was so damn cute. I love that about her! "So... Would you like come to my room & hang out?" I can't believe i just got the balls to ask her that. "Uh, yea! Of course! I'd love to!" YESSSS! SO glad she just agreed. OH, wait, she's still in her bikini... That she looked VERY fine in. "Uhm... I might want to change first..." Alexis stated. I have clothing in my room she could wear... I wonder how good she'd look in them... "I have something in my room if you want to change, I promise, there is." I wouldn't do that to her, not at all, I've only known her for not even a day, & I know, I just have this feeling, there's something special about her, about, well, us. "Oh, uhm, sure! just let me tell Alyson real quick!" Woa, didn't think she'd say yes about that... Alexis opened up the door & yelled in, "HEY BABE!" " WHAT BOO?" "I'M GOING TO LOUIS' ROOM, BE BACK WHENEVER!" "OKAY I MIGHT HAVE SOMEONE HERE!" They're almost exactly like Harry & I are. "OKAY, GET SOME!" "DITTO!" I wouldn't do that, unless she wanted too, anyway. "Okay, let's go!" she said with her smile & a laugh. I love her laugh so much. "You have a really cute & unique laugh. I like it." I told Alexis & smiled. She smiled nervously back at me, so damn cute. "come one, let's go to my room. Oh by the way, Harry's here with me. He might be in the room. He might not. I just hope there's no girl in there with him!" We both laughed at that. I took her hand & we started walking to my room.

*Louis' Room*

I went into my room & grabbed her my red Holister sweat & just any shirt. It wasn't until she came back out that I had given her one of my striped shirts. Damn, she looked GOOD in my clothes. "So... Uh...I feel like I l-" I stopped her & said, "You look amazing in my clothes." She really did. I'm not going to lie. "So what do you have in store? Shit. Didn't think that part through... "Honestly?' She gave me this look saying, "uh, yea, duh." "Okay! Well, honestly, I have nothing..." "Well, do you want to watch a movie?" "I'd love that! I'll call room service & get some popcorn & drinks, you want something?" "Cola please!" "Coke or Pepsi?" "Whatever! I don't mind!" "Okay! The movies are in the case on the table!" I called room service& also got chocolate covered strawberries, corny, I know.. "AHHHH! YOU HAVE MY FAVORITE!!!!" Well THAT'S a good sign! "AND THAT WOULD BE WHAT, LOVE??" I walked back into the living room area to see her all happy & giddy holding up Grease. Dear god, let me marry her. "That's mine too!" She smiled & got the movie ready. "So you've got a pretty big room here!" Alexis stated. "Well, if you can afford it, go for it! This actually isn't the biggest room, we like to be conservative & stay down to Earth!" "GOOD! I don't want to hang with someone who's all pig-headed!" We laughed, then all of a sudden this girl Harry & this girl busted through the door making out. Oh dear gosh. Save. Me. Now. "ALYSON?!?!?" They broke apart, & oh shit, it was Harry & Alyson! "Fuck! Lou! You weren't sposed to be here!" "Well where else was I going to be?!? Check your phone!" Harry did & goes, "Oh shit, you did tell me! Sorry mate!""Alyson was sposed to bring any guy that she met tonight into OUR room because she KNEW that I was here with Louis!" "Well this is awkward..." Alyson said with a slur. "ALYSON ARE YOU DRUNK?", Alexis yelled at Alyson. Oh shit, Alexis was pissed. I rubbed her back to help her calm down. "Uhhhh, weeeeelllll, kiiiiindaaaaa...." "WHAT did I tell you?!?" "It's fiiiiine!" "No! It's not!" Alexis & Alyson kept bantering back and forth like that for quite sometime until I broke it when I said, "Do you girls just want to stay here for the night?" "Yea do you? I wouldn't try anything on Alyson while she's drunk, promise Alexis." Harry also added in, I could tell he wasn't going to. "Yes, do you mind? I don't want to extend our incites at all!" "No, no, no! Not at all Lex! It's completely fine! We Don't mind at all!" Alexis sighed & just slumped into me. Well this has gone quite well, apart from the scene that happened... "I'll take Alyson into the other room & lie her down." "Thanks Harry!" "No problem Alexis!" I looked down at Alexis, who was still cuddling up on my side with my arm around her. She looked up at me & we stared at each other & I leaned in. I wasn't sure if I really should, if it was the right time yet, but I continued & then, our lips finally met. The whole world just melted away & it was just us two there. It was the best kiss I ever had. She broke the kiss, looked up at me, && smiled. Then she closed her eyes, she looked tired. I moved so she was lying in my lap & her head was on my chest, & we fell asleep just like that.
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