Good Girls and Bad Guys

Chapter Four

Sunday came and went by faster than I would've liked. I had spent the day unpacking everything and getting the house set up the way that I like. My room was perfect. Two walls painted black, and the other twopainted blood red. they was the light of the sun reflected from it made it look as if it was a room burning in the darkest depths of hell.

My bathroom had black tiles on the floors, and the the walls were made of stone that made it look as if I was in a dungeon. There was a larger mirror going across one wall, with lights to the side of it, that gave the room a dim light. My make up, and hair products were set up on the counter around the sink.

Downstairs in the living room was a red furniture that stuck out from the white colored walls. The TV was a flatscreen, up against the wall. And There was so many gaming systems under it I lost count. And there were about six shelves around the entertainment center. Three had video games, and the other three had movies.

Leaning my arms against the wall, I let the water run over the top of my head, over my face and down the front of my body before rolling onto the floor and down the drain. I was never in a good mood Monday mornings, and just because I have something to look forward to after work doesn't put me in a good mood this Monday morning either.

I had slowly made my way out of the shower, a deep colored red towel in my hands. I dried myself off before dropping the towel and walking out of the bathroom. My hair still dripping water down onto the floor; I can clean it up later. I made my way down the stairs, through the living room and into the kitchen. Where I grabbed a glass and filled it with Sunny D before returning back up the stairs.

My clothes that I had chosen to wear today lay still in a messy pile at the foot of my bed. I ignored them for a moment before walking over to my dresser. I grabbed blue bra and panties before putting them on. Once that was done, I then moved and pulled on the dark blue skinny jeans, and then the black shirt that read "Cool story bro...tell it again." across the front.

My bealt was black with rainbow studs taking up most of it, and a small rainbow colored chair that slightly hung down from it. I put one bracelet on my wrist that said "FREAK" on it in big white letters going across the light blue band. On my feet were very old, very beat up All Star Converse, and in my ears were my BVB plugs. Then finally in my pockets was my phone, my walley, and keys to the house.

After I put on a very thin line of eye liner on the bottom of my eyes and pulled my hair to the side and put it in a pony tail, I left the house. The doors were locked behind me; I made sure of that. Even early in the morning I saw no one around town. No cares, nothing. It was like this place was a ghost town or something.

The only thing I did see was a girl walking down the street in front of me. She had on completely white pants, grey boots, a blue shirt, and a black beanie that held her black hair down against her head. She had the perfect body from what I could tell. She was nice and slender, and when she turned to walk into the small grocery store I could see that she has nicely sized boobs.

Man, this town just keeps getting better and better. I smiled to myself as I walked into the diner and went behind the counter.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"You're bussing tables for now. Go clean up." He threw a went cloth at me.

And there goes my good mood.


It had been a good six hours bussing tables when I heard the small bell on the door ring.

"No Sam, you've done enough for me, you don't have to buy me dinner." A young girls voice said.

Looking up, I saw the girl from this morning. She was walking behind a little old man who had a very determined look in his eyes.

"Shadow, you're like a daughter to me. I let you work in my store, and I'm going to buy you dinner wiether you like it or not, now sit down and shut your mouth!" He ordered.

The way he spoke to her made me laugh to myself. That is until I noticed that I had been standing at the only table where no one was sitting. And that the man she had called "Sam" was walking right over to me. Quickly, I started moving to get the table clean, and out of sight before she was over here. But I was too late. She smiled and said excuse me before having to press up against me to squeeze through the tight space.

I quickly moved away from the table and took the dishes to the back. That's where Adam, my boss was sitting.

"You did well your first day kid." He chuckled and took the wash cloth, "You start waiting tables on Wensday. Don't be late."

With that, I grabbed my things and left. I suddenly didn't want to be anywhere near her. Not when I look so bad, and that beautiful girl's sitting in there.
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So this is pretty short, oh well. I bet you all can find out where I'm taking this if you guess
Wife, you're speachless I see; a good quality in a wife. <3