I Was Here

Not Him

10 years ago.

Michelle's POV:

Oh goodie Barbie is on TV.
I quickly ran to the couch and put up the volume of TV. I haven't seen this episode yet. Cool. Ken is so handsome. He had muscles and everything. I was jealous of Barbie! She was so pretty!

But I'm almost 100% sure that Brian will ruin this for me. He always does.

"MICHELLE!" I heard Brian call me. Like I was saying... exactly my point. "Michelle!" he yelled again and ran to me. I crossed my hands on my chest and glared at him. He smiled innocently. "Wanna go play?" I didn't say anything I just pointed on a TV screen with my finger, still glaring at Brian."Is Barbie still on?" he asked. "Sorry." he apologized and looked down.
I sighed. No matter what he did I could never stay angry with him. "What do you want?" I asked him.

Brian looked back up at me and smiled wide. I rolled my eyes. How can a person be so happy all the time? Though he has a talent to irritate me to death. "I wanna go play! I found this place in the woods-"

I cut him off. "Woods? Brian you know that we're not supposed to go there." And a talent to always get us into trouble. Long story short. Our Brian Haner here was VERY talented... in bad things.

"Oh c'mon Mich!" he complained. "Please? I have this under control." Yeah, I doubt that. "Anyways... I found this meadow in the woods and-"

"I'm not going Brian," I said and looked back at screen. Barbie just came home and- HEY! Who turned off the TV? Brian... I turned to him, finding him holding the control remote in his hands. "Turn it back on!" I said through my teeth. He shook his head.

"You're such a girl Michelle." Brian said.

"Well DUH! Maybe because I AM a girl?" I yelled. He can be so dumb! He shrugged a little.

"C'mon let's go out. I wanna show you this place." He's not giving up is he? "Mich please? You'll love it!" Nope. Not giving up. He's stubborn I give him that.

I gave in. "Fine," I sighed. "But this is the last time got it?" He nodded. He's going to hell for this.

~*°(Beautiful) Nightmare°*~

10 years later. Now.

Michelle's POV:

I was lying on my stomach on my bed and watching TV. My pillow was under my chin and I was almost already asleep. Today was my 16th birthday. And Brian didn't show up. I can't believe him! He's my best friend! And he didn't show up! He's so dead when I see him. He promised that he'll come. I bet he has some lame excuses again. He's such a nightmare sometimes. Gah! Screw him! I had A GREAT TIME without him.

I looked over my shoulder to see what time it is. 01.00 am. I looked back at TV and took the remote control in my hands. I searched for a good movie to watch, but all I found were Adult Movies. And there's no way I'm watching that disgusting stuff. Nuh-uh! No way! I don't think so! I sighed angrily and turned off the TV. I buried my face into the pillow and closed my eyes. Maybe the ceiling will collapse on me. But I don't have that luck in life. My parents left as soon as the party was over. They went to visit my grandma and they won't be home for a few days. So I can't even go and irritate them. This sucks.

I felt as the sleep was going to take over me. Just a little more... just a little more...
Somebody put his freezing cold hands on my back. My eyes flashed open as I jumped around to see who it was. I quickly turned on the light on my nightstand and turned to the other side of my bed.

"Did I scare you?" Brian asked. No. He? Scared me? No, of course not. I just like to play Batman.

"Are you insane?" I said in harsh whisper. "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" My sudden harsh whisper made him fall of the bed. I rolled my eyes and waited for him to get back up. I smacked the back of his head and he looked at me confused.

"I came to apologize," he explained with a guilty tone of voice. He sat back on the edge of my bed. "The things was that I-" he started, but I cut him off.

"Don't bother Brian. I don't really care what were you doing or where were you, or who were you doing... whatever. I'm fine." LIE! I wasn't fine. My best friend not coming on my birthday party and then trying to explain it with some lame excuse like 'my mom didn't let me go out.' His mom was here too. Or 'my dog ate the invitation and I forgot at what time I have to be here.' He doesn't have a freaking dog! Okay, okay...Michelle calm down... he came to apologize.

He was looking at me like I was insane and then chuckled. I was already angry, but that pissed me off! I glared at him as he continued to laughing silently. "Silly Michelle. I was trying to buy you a right gift. And I wanted to give it to you in private."

"But you could still show up at the party!" I complained.

His smiling lips faded into a guilty smile. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. But I have a really got reason for why I didn't show up!" Here we go again... I sighed and gave him the I-don't-wanna-know look. "Oh, don't be bitchy!" Excuse me? "You'll love the present I got you... I hope." He reached on the floor and grabbed something. A bag. He handed it to me with a guilty smile still on his face. I took if carefully and looked at him. "Open it," he said.

I slowly looked down at the white paper bad and opened it. There was a black box in it. I took the box out of the bag and threw the bag on the floor. I opened the box... oh my god... there was a beautiful silver bracelet in it. With mine and Brian's name written on it. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks as I took the bracelet in my hands. I saw Brian's fingers reached to mines and he took the bracelet out of my hand and put it around my wrist. I smiled lightly through tears.

"You like it?" he asked. I just nodded. I leaned over the bed and hugged him tightly.

"I love it. Thank you!" I said into his shoulder. I felt him wrapped his arms around me and pulling me closer. Suddenly I wished that he would never let me go. I could stay lost in this moment forever. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

He noticed my tears. "Why are you crying?" he asked me as he wiped a tear away from my cheek with his thumb. I smiled through tears.

"No reason," I said. "I love it Brian. Thank you so much!"

He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Happy 16th birthday Mich, he said. He looked into my eyes and started to lean in. I don't know what the hell was I doing, but I leaned in too. His lips softly touched mine. Since when do you kiss your best friend like THIS? That's beyond me...
He pulled away and I stared at him like an idiot.

"I'm so so so sorry Michelle! I didn't mean to do that! It's just that it was one of those weird moments. I'm so sorry! I won't do it again! What the hell was I thinking?"

I was literally speechless. He kissed me? Seriously?

I grabbed the front of his T-shirt and pulled him to me. Our lips crashed together again. His hand touched my cheek as he returned the kiss. I felt my back hit against the pillows a second later. I wanted to give in to the woman in me.

~*°(Beautiful) Nightmare°*~

I never thought that my first will be with Brian. Who is my best friend if I forgot to mention it.
I just lied on my bed staring at the ceiling. Brian's arm was resting on my stomach. His lips were still pressed on my shoulder ass he fell asleep. I couldn't get myself to do that though. I can't believe I just did that. Okay I admit... I might have thought about this before. I might have a tiny winy crush on my best friend... He's good looking, he makes me in good mood (usually), he's honest, he... um... he... He... has... a good... ass? ISN'T THAT ENOUGH?

I slowly and carefully slipped out of the bed, trying not to wake Brian up. On my tiptoes I ran into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and dressed my bath robe. I looked myself in the mirror and a huge smile spread across my face. I poured water in the sink and splashed it on my face. I took a few deep breaths before walking back to my room and slipping under covers again. Brian wrapped his arms around me right away.

"Where were you?" he mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"I-I went to the bathroom," I replied as he snuggled closer to me. I still felt weird though. He close to me... like this... it made me feel funny. But I liked it. A lot. I could definitely get used of this. I relaxed and closed my eyes. I finally fell asleep.

~*°(Beautiful) Nightmare°*~

The morning sun woke me up. I put my hands over my eyes to keep them in dark. Then I remembered last night. My eyes flashed open only to see Brian smiling at me.

"Good morning sleepyhead," he said. O...Kay? No wonder he's happy. The boy just got laid for the first time.

"Morning," I breathed. His green eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. And I liked it. I liked watching his smiling face when I woke up. I pulled the pillow from under my head and put it over my face. I groaned. I wanted to sleep. I didn't sleep much. He wanted to pull it off my face, but I kicked him before he could.

"Hey!" he squeaked. "What was that for?" I pulled the pillow of my face and smiled innocently to him. "Oh, you're gonna get it!" he said and started tickling me. I started laughing.

B-Brian! S-stop!" I said while laughing. He just shook his head. Brian continued tickling me. "S-STOP! P-please! S-STOP!" I tried again. He shook his head again. I tried to get away from him. I kicked the headboard and fell off the bed pulling the covers with me. I was standing on my head. I crawled myself on my knees and looked on the bed - which was a mistake. I fell back on my back "Oh for the love of all that's holy! Cover yourself up Brian!"

He blushed deep red and pulled on his pants and T-shirt. I looked at him as he walked to me and pulled me up on my feet. Brian hugged me around my waist and pulled me to him. He kissed me passionately and I didn't fight it. He pulled a centimeter away and leaned his forehead against mine. "Good morning," he said again.

"Good morning," I replied, this time fully awake. He was about to kiss me again, but I cut him off. "I'm hungry," I said when his lips were a millimeter away from mine. He laughed and released me. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I took some eggs out and boiled them. "You want some?" I asked Brian as he came into the kitchen too.

"Yeah, sure," he said. When the breakfast was prepared I put it on the table. I sat on the chair and started eating without saying anything. Brian copied my moves. We ate in silence. When I was full I leaned against the chair and sighed loudly. "You okay?" Brian asked me as he looked at me in wonder.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm full," I said.

"You didn't eat much," he informed me.

"I know... mom!" I laughed. He chuckled and started eating again. He was in this good mood for a long time. I smiled to myself and stood up. I carried my plate to the sink and filled it with water. Brian brought his plate a minute later.
He smiled at me and walked away. This is going to be an interesting day...

~*°(Beautiful) Nightmare°*~

Leana (my neighbour) ran into my house slamming the door behind her. I jumped off the couch. She had this bad habit to freak me out every time she came into the house. She always did a whole show with it. "MICHELLE!" she screamed. Okay I'm not deaf, but I will be soon if she keeps screaming like that.

"Hi Leana," I greeted and walked to her. "What's up?"

"Great party yesterday, girl," she said smiling. "Too bad that asshole didn't show up. Oh, not really. Where is he anyways?" she asked. Next thing I know is hearing a foot steps on the hallway. "Mich! Oh my god, there's a burglar in your house! You call the police, I'll distract him." she said. "WHO IS THERE?" she yelled toward the hallway.

"The 'asshole'," Brian said when he came to us. "Leana, you should totally sign for the CSI audition," he teased her. It was no secret that Brian and Leana didn't liked each other. And that Leana was obsessed with CSI TV show.

"What are you doing here asshole?" she asked him.

He looked at me in fear of saying something he shouldn't. I looked back with the same fear in my eyes. Crap, I didn't think of this. Okay... Calm down Mich. Just say something you usually say when Brian's here. He sometimes comes to check his homework. LIE! He never does. Um... he came to watch a movie? Yeah, that's it!

"He came over to watch a movie," I said unconvincingly. She gave me the yeah-right look. "Really!" I tried again. "He came over to watch a movie."

She sighed. "Okay, you got me. Anyways, I'll take off. I just came to say that I had fun yesterday. You know Brian you should really show up," she said and walked to the door. She waved a little and left.

Then I got a little scared. Brian and me didn't really talked about what happened and everything. I looked at him and he said the words I was hoping he won't say for... I don't know... at least 50 years? "We have to talk," he said. I took a deep breath and followed him into the living room. We both sat on the couch far apart. "We need to talk about what happened last night."

"I know," I breathed. "But I really don't want to. Bye!" I said and stood up. As I wanted to walk away he pulled me back by my hand. My whole body tense up at his touch. "Fine," I gave in and sat back down.

"Mich to be honest I had a really good time, but I don't want to things be weird between us because of that. I mean you're my best friend and I don't wanna lose you because of that..." he continued to talk. Too fast. I could barely understand him a word.

I shook my head and interrupted his speech. "Slow down cowboy," I said. He shutted his mouth and looked at me confused. "Slow down with the talking. I can't understand anything that you're saying." He opened his mouth to talk again, but I interrupted him again. "Listen to me," I said. He closed his mouth again. "I don't want that things would be weird between us either, but I don't think that this is something that we can just ignore. I... I have a confession to make," I said. I'll regret this later. I looked at him and he hinted for me to start. "I kinda have a crush on you and this only made it go all worse." I waited a couple of second so he could get it into his head.

His smile grew. "Really?" he laughed.

"It's not funny Brian!" I told you that I'll regret it.

"I'm sorry it's just... that was a nice surprise that's all. I never thought that you'd feel the same for me as I feel for you." Rewind and freeze! He has a crush on me too?

"I'm sorry what?" I asked confused.

"I have a huge crush on you for months Bella," he admitted blushing a little. Aww isn't he cute? I could help but let a huge smile spread across my face. He sat closer to me and stroked my hair. I stopped smiling and looked him in the eyes. He kissed me sweetly and I kissed him back.
He slowly pulled away and whispered: "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered back. I kissed him again.

When we finally pulled apart he stood up. "I have to go," he said.

"Where?" I asked him.

"Home. My mom doesn't even know I left. She's probably freaking out," he explained. I nodded in understanding.

"I'll walk you to the door," I said and walked with him. He opened the door and pecked my lips once more. I smiled and waved a little as he walked outside. The road was wet. Did it rain? I didn't hear a thing. I looked left and right on the road and saw a driver barely handling his car. He was over speed limit and his car was dancing on the road going straight to Brian. He just walked on the road, apparently he didn't see the car.

The car was going closer and closer to Brian. And then...

"NOOOOOO! BRIAN!" was all I could scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so I wrote this a while ago. Sorry for the grammar mistakes.

Hope you like it :) or at least enjoy it :D

Please comment, I'd really appreciate it :)

See ya :D
