Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

William Waters

I stared blankly at the clock.
I had ten minutes left.
As long as my name wasnt drawn from the hat Alex was holding, I would be fine.
I held my breath as she quickly drew two pieces of paper.
As her best friend, I was obligated to come to her eighteenth birthday party.
Although, I usually wasnt into the whole, "party," scene.

I in fact, was your normal, run of the mill, teen.
Shoulder length brown hair, piecing hazel eyes, about 55", and as boring as can be, activity wise.

Alex looked at the cards and smiled.

"Miss Daniels and Mr. Waters." She said her smile growing wider.

I winced as she said my name. Let alone with William Waters. He was a fate worse then death. He wasnt bad looking, mean or even selfish. It was the fact that he was courteous, kind and above everything, gorgeous. I had no problem going into the closet with Tim or James, but to go in with William, in a small space, would make me feel, well, less then adequate. I sighed and moved toward the closet. He was already there, holding open the door.

"Thank you." I said giving a small smile as I felt my cheeks begin to blush.

"No problem." He said. As we stepped in and closed the door, we were able to hear the jokes made by the boys and girls we called friends sitting on the other side. William was new to our school.

He had come from a school in Europe, which would explain the slight accent he had. His hair was a dark brown and was tossed here and there, as though he just woke up. His eyes, which were a dark blue, shown bright against the dark confines of the closet, save for the small lamp hanging from the ceiling. His skin, pale, more so against the black jacket he was wearing, had an eerie glow in this atmosphere.

We stood there for a moment, I was thinking about how ridicules I must look. I was wearing my normal jeans and hoodie while he was wearing a nice black jacket and pants. I couldnt help but notice he was eyeing my like apiece of meat. I had to stop this, all of this. He just stood there with his hands in his pockets, watching.

"I think that we have been in here long enoug-" His lips against mine cut me off. They were cold yet had a warmth to them as they massaged my own. His hands began to find their way to the small of my back. Touching me softly while his kiss became more forceful. He pulled me closer to him. I let him. Then there was a knock on the door. William pulled back, as if alarmed. He looked at me, then pushed me away, opening the door, and walking past

Alex who looked puzzled. I on the other hand, was still more or less in a daze.

"What was THAT all about Jessica?!?"

"I have no idea." My voice cracked.

"DAMN GIRL!" Tim said from the couch. "You must have so KICKIN BREATH!" I snapped out of it and threw a hanger at him.

Did I just KISS William Waters?!?

The bell rang as I rushed to first period. I slowed as I neared the door of room 928. Re-situated my backpack and opened the door.

"Late again Miss Daniels." Ms. Stuart said looking at her clipboard.

"I am sorry, but the train-" I began to argue.

"That is your seventh tardy." She looked up. "I am sorry, but I will have a DP waiting for you after class."

"Great." I sighed then headed to my seat next to Alex.

"Hey." She whispered.

"Hey." I whispered back.

"What happened?"

"My alarm clock went off a little late. I even forgot to put on my make-up."

"Well, you cant tell." She said reassuringly.

"Thanks." I gave a weak smile.

"Anytime." With that, we turned our attention to the board. As the time slowly passed, my mind began to wonder. Mostly about what I would be doing the upcoming weekend, which, today being Monday, was a few days off. But I noticed a slight change in the subject of my daydreaming. It turned to the kiss Will had given me. How it felt to have him right up against me, and his lips crushing mine. Then, the bell rang.

"Your homework ladies and gentlemen, is to write a two page essay on a mythical creature on your choice."

Ms. Stuart began, but before she was finished, everyone exited the classroom.

"You know, little missy, you better get a better attendance record or else youll NEVER get into a good college."

"I know." I said kicking a can that someone had thrown on the ground.

"This is your last year, your dont want to screw it up do you?

"I guess not."

"That is right. Now, I have to go to photography, I will meet you at lunch okay?" She said slowly.

"Right. It is only our normal everyday routine. I am not dumb."

"I know. It just seems like, your not really here today."

"Yeah, I know. Well see you later." She gave me a hug and we went to our respectable classes. By third period, I had woken up from my dream like state and slowly became aware of my surroundings.

Although, this was a little too late, I had tripped once and my phone was taken away twice do to my carelessness. But lunch was next and I could unload all of my troubles on Alex.

"Hey guys ready to go get some-" I stopped. Standing beside Alex, were the normal, Tim, Steven and James as well as Ingrid and Natasha, but someone was missing. "Hey, were did Will go?"

Alex stepped forward. "Jessica, he had to move back to Europe." My day keeps getting better and better.

"But he was just here Saturday, at your party."

"Yeah, but his grandpa died and he had to go back." Alex said.

"FOREVER!?!?" I was a little panicked. I was just starting to get use to him being there. As quiet as he was.

"Awe, is your boyfriend gone?!?" The boys began to tease.

"SHUT UP OKAY?!?" Alex said. She put her arm around my shoulder. "Come on, let's go get some lunch."