Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

*** She Wrote

"William. What do you think youre doing?" Jonathan asked as I rushed down the halls.

"I am not quite sure, but doesnt something seem," I stopped to thinkof the right words to say. Nothing but one came to mind. "Well, doesnt something seem off?"

"OFF!?" Jonathan yelled. "You are soon to be king, your family is pissed and you let your bride-to-be get away. I would say yes, something IS off." Although he did have a point, that wasnt what I was sensing.

"You DID have your meal today didnt you? If not, we could schedule a hunt. I dont think there are any fresh," I put my finger up against my mouth.

"Shhh," I started walking slowly and quietly down the hall. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what? All I hear is a little boy chasing imaginary soun-," He was cut off by a scream.

"THAT!" I yelled and ran as fast as I could down the hall. Within mere seconds I was in my fathers old study. I quickly turned away as I saw a pile of ashes on the floor.

"Why on earth did you bring us here?" Jonathan had yet to see the pile. I looked at him, and then again at the floor. He slowly turned his head. His eyes widened as they saw the remains of a fellow vampire. I walked into the room, looking for any type of clue. There it was. The sent was right in front of me.

"It couldnt have been." I said softly.

"Well, I guess we should get someone to come clean this up." Jonathan put a handkerchief over his nose.

"Yeah, okay. I just need to, go get something to eat." I shook my head to try and rid me nostrils of the smell.

"Good idea." Jonathan said taking on last look at the pile as we walked out of the room.
When we got out into the hallway, there was already a crowed gathering.

"Katrina," I yelled out into the crowed, knowing she would surly be somewhere nearby.

"Your Majesty, what is that smell?" Katrina asked as she pushed her way through the maids and royalty alike.

"Katrina, I need you to make sure everyone is accounted for and make sure that no one enters the study. Got that?" She nodded and I made my way through the mass. Something wasnt right, that smell was familiar, but I couldnt tell exactly what it was.

"Your majesty," Katrina entered the dining room solemnly. "I bring grave news." Her stare was on the floor. I stood from the chair I was sitting at. "Your majesty, your cousin Michelle, is missing." I slumped back down in the chair.

"This isnt good." I whispered to myself. "This isnt good at all."

"William." Jonathan entered the room. My gaze slowly rose to meet his.

"Yes Jonathan." I said softly.

"We have gotten word that there was a murder in the human realm."

"Murders happen all the time. What makes this one so special?" I asked, hardly thinking of
what may have happened.

"Sir, the victim was found with puncture wounds on the neck and thigh."

"But we dont hunt in their realm" My mind was slowly starting to wrap around the fact of one of our kind in the midst of mortals. Their blood driving young ones crazy and making the older ones lose all sense of right and wrong. The only reason I was able to live their as long as I did, was because I was royal. I did like some of the perks I must admit.

"Your majesty, there is something else you must know." He looked at Katrina and then back to me. "It was Miss Daniels mother that was murdered sir." I stood up and walked quickly to where Jonathan and Katrina were standing.

"This is insane, first Michelle and now Jessica?" I walked to the great doorway. "Someone is going to pay for this." I had a feeling that the murders were related. They were trying to get to me by cutting off both families, but I wasnt going to take this calmly. I had to get to Jessica, I had to warn her.