Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

Coffee and Blood Anyone?

>>A Week Later<<

"Hey kiddo." My dad slowly entered my room. "How you doin?" He walked over to me and sat down on the bed, putting his arms around my shoulders.

"Fine, considering." I looked into his red eyes. "How are you?"

"Fine," He stopped and gave a little smirk. "considering." We sat on my bed for what seemed like hours but were only a few minutes.

"Dad, would you mind if I took a walk?" I asked. His arm retracted from around me and gave me a little nudge.

"No problem. Just dont stay out to late okay?" I nodded, grabbed my crutches and made my way out of the room and slowly down the stairs.

As I limped out of the front house, I turned to look at the clock. 8:30, I had plenty of time to walk to Starbucks and back. I moved the crutch on my right side over to my left and leaned gently on them. I shoved my hand down into my pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill.

"Perfect." I moved my crutches back and was on my way.

The night was cool and crisp. This felt well compared to the sauna my father had made of the house. As I walked, I began to felt guilt. I should be with my dad. I should be feeling worse about my mothers passing. The initial shock was hard, but for me, the house hasnt changed. I never really saw her in the first place and when I did see her, there was arguing and bickering. Although, my father took it hard, before this, I had never seen him cry, making me feel worse.

"JESSICA!" I stopped dead in my tracks.

"It couldnt be" I whispered.

"Jessica." I turned around slowly.

"William?" I looked at his skin glowing underneath the moons light.

"I have been looking everywhere for you. I went to you house, I even went to Alexs." He rushed towards me, taking me into his arms. "I am sorry I left you. You have no idea." I slightly pushed him off.

"Will, it wasn't you, it was me. I didn't fit in and-" I felt a tear fall and my throat start to close up. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I reached down and switched it off. Whoever it was wasnt as important as Will, at least, not right now.

"No, it WAS me. I made you come back here because I didnt want you to get hurt anymore, although, I see now that, you would in fact be safer in Leftwich, not here." This brought back the all to recent memory of my mother's passing.He took me back in his arms. "Speaking of which, I know a way to fix your leg." I looked into his eyes, cold as stone.

"I thought you said that there wasnt a way." I whispered.

"I didnt know there was, at least until Katrina told me. Here, let me see your arm." I hesitantly lifted my arm into his cool hands.

"What are you going to do?" I croaked out.

"Dont you trust me?" He gave a smile and leaned his head down towards my arm. I went to pull it back, but his grip was too strong.

"No Will, please dont, please!" he bit into my skin. "NO!" I dropped the crutch I had and started hitting his back. I soon stopped. Not because I wanted to, but because I had too. The ache that had been plaguing my leg had ceased, Will faced me, his eyes pitch black.

"I wouldnt lie to you." He stated, his hands moving up my arm. "I think, however, that we should take the cast off." Slowly he moved his hands found their way to my waist.

"How are you going to do that?" My eyes were locked on to his.

"I have my ways." He bent down, his lip crushing into mine. Rough at first but getting smoother, and softer. His tongue begging for entry, I granted it. His hands lifting up my shirt, exposing the small of my back to the cool night air.

"Wait." I said. He moved to my neck, kissing softly.

"What is it?" He asked, moving slightly away.

"What are we doing?" I looked around. "We are in the middle of a street."


"Well, I think it is a bit, strange is all." William looked deep into my eyes, making me feel cold and exposed.

"Should we take this elsewhere?" He asked his right hand moving farther down, putting a slight pressure on my butt. I nodded slightly, not sure if he saw. His lips once again crushed into mine, after that, everything went black.
Williams POV

"Are you sure you will be alright sir?" Jonathan asked.

"I will be fine." I reassured him.

"So, what was the plan?" Katrina asked walking into the room.

"He doesnt have to say it AGAIN does he?" Jonathan whined.

"I just want to make sure that Luther wont have to become King is all." She said walking
over with a necklace in hand, draping it around my neck. "This is so you know when danger is about. The stone will glow purple if there is something wrong. Got it?" She took a step back. "Now, one more time." I let out a sigh.

"Go straight to Jessica and bring her, and her father, back here."

"Theres a good lad. Smart one too." I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks mother." I said and walked would of the room. Jonathans laugh could be heard down the halls. I walked towards the large mirror at the end of the corridor and took a deep breath.

"Well, here we go." Then, I stepped in, the glass falling away as I made my way towards the mortal realm.

I knocked on the front door urgently. Finally, it opened and there stood a grieving Mr. Daniels.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"Hello, is Jessica here? I really need to speak with her." I said.

"Why no, she went for a walk. Probably headed towards starbucks, if you want, I can call her call and have her come home."

"Yes thank you." I said.

"Here, come inside. Its a little cold." He held the door open.

"Thanks." I made my way into the living room as her father dialed her phone.

"hmm, she isnt answering, its probably on vibrate, you can stay if youd like. She shouldn't be
gone to much longer."

"Thanks, but, I really need to speak with her. I will catch her at Starbucks. Thanks you so much for your hospitality, and please except my condolences for your late wife." He nodded and I rushed out the door. Something was wrong here, something was very wrong.