Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

Out Of Body Experience

Jessica's POV

"Hey," William said, I stretched, my fingers touching a wooden headboard. He laughed as I yawned.

"What?" I asked looking at him. He walked over to the bed I was laying on and sat down.

"Nothing. Well, nothing of importance anyway." He brushed a stray hair away from my face. "Do you know how beautiful you look right now?" He asked my face was surly turning a light shade of red. William certainly has grown bolder. "So pretty girl, are you hungry?"

"Not really." I said blushing even more.

"Really? I am starving." He said leaning in, grabbing my waist.

"Do you need to go hunting?" I asked. I knew what was going on; I just didnt want to believe it.

"No, I have something a little sweeter in mind." He started to kiss my neck.

"What exactly would that be?" My heart was racing and butterflies were creeping into my stomach.

"You know precisely what it is." His lips made contact with mine, his tongue forcing its way in, much different from earlier. I heard myself moan, but I didnt want to. I didnt want any of this, at least, not yet. I had made a promise that I wouldnt lose my virginity until after marriage, and now, it was like I was on the outside looking in. I couldnt do anything to stop it. Wait, why couldnt I move anything? William gave a smirk into the kiss. "So, I have finally won you over have I?"

"NO!" I yelled in my head. "STOP PLEASE!!!" Then, I was lifted, not physically, but spiritually. I looked at my hands, transparent. I gasped.

"Shit! I died!" I ran to a mirror. "SHIT!" I turned around when I heard a deep moan. Not from William, but from me, or what WAS me. I went over to the bed. "Stop it! Dont do anything he wants you to!" William lifted up her shirt, revealing a black bra.

"NO!" I yelled, but to no avail.

>>Williams POV<<

I waited. She wasnt coming. I tried to sense her, but it was like she disappeared off of the face of the earth. "Damn it." I said under my breath and walked back to Jessicas house.

I knocked once again on the door. This time there was no answer. "Where the-" I stopped.

The smell of blood hung stagnant in the air. I quickly pushed the door open. I followed it
throughout the house, finally leading me into what seemed to be her fathers room. There, on the bed, lay Mr. Daniels. I walked over to him, the smell intoxicating. There, at the base of his neck were two marks, the blood showing dark red on his now pale skin. I ran my hands threw my hair. "Where the fuck is she?!?"

>>Back in Leftwich<<

I rushed down the corridor, trying to find Jonathan or Katrina, ANYONE, but they were no where to be found. The silence of the building was overwhelming.

"Where IS everyone?!?"

"HELP! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!?!" The voice echoing through the halls.

"JESSICA!?!" I rushed to where it was coming from.

"William!?" I saw her, at the end of the main corridor, I ran towards her, needing to know she was safe.

"Jessica?" I asked when I reached her. I was shocked. She stood before me, transparent and sobbing.

"William!" She exclaimed as tears were ran down her face. "Is that you? Is it really you?" She seemed frightened and scared.

"Of course its me, who else would it be?" There was a moan from down the second hall, loud enough to be heard by both Jessica and myself. Jessicas tears grew into rivers. She walked over and laid her head on my shoulder as best she could. Then, her head shot straight up.

"Come, quickly, I need your help." She ran down the main hall and into the second one stopping at the third set of doors on the right, my brothers room.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, her eyes glittering the dim light of the hallway.

"Open the door." Jessica demanded. I did as she asked. There, in the bed was Jessica, now fast asleep. I took a step in, and the smell that had haunted me, filled my nostrils.

"Oh, hello brother." I looked and saw my older brother, Nathaniel, standing by the fireplace. "Good to see you again."