Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

A Choice

>>Will's POV<<

"Nathaniel?" I whispered.

"Who else?" He walked towards me in nothing but his boxers.

"But I thought you were," He stopped only a few inches from where I stood.

"Dead?" A deep laugh came from his chest. "You know, I thought the same thing, but you
wont believe what happened. I WAS SAVED!" He started walking around me. "No thanks to you dearest brother." Visons of the war flashed before my eyes. The blood; the thirst; the hunters.

"What was I to do? I was new, the blood was,"

"Intoxicating," He breathed, stopping in front of me. "I agree with you there. Although," He walked over to the bed where a sleeping Jessica lay, and gently touched her face. "I dont really know how you went so long without claiming her for yourself, officially I mean." He took her arm in his hand, showing two small marks by the wrists.

"No," My voice was barley audible.

"Oh yes little brother. And when I rule, I will have a Queen, right by my side, that is very," He smile at me and stood up. "Devout. Whats wrong is, her heart seemed a little, frail." He smirked at me and slowly bent down. "But you dont have to worry about that Will; I took care of it, all of it." With that, his lips crashed into hers sending her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"ENOUGH!" My voice rang throughout the room. Nathaniel released Jessica from his fiery hold and smiled; laughter started low in his chest and soon filled my ears with its dark rhythm.

"Is someone a little jealous?" He unhooked Jessicas arms from around him and stood up. I hissed softly, my teeth extending over my bottom lip and my eyes focused only on him.

"Oh, so someone has finally gained a back bone?" With that, I lunged, sending him flying into the fireplace.

>>Jessicas POV<<

I stood their, watching William and his brother fight.

"STOP!" I yelled "PLEASE JUST STOP THIS!" I fell to the ground, tears finding their way down my chin. "Why cant they hear me?"

"You, my dear child, have been put in purgatory." I looked up at a tall balding man in a green cloak.

"Who are you?"

"Awe, but if I told you, what would keep you here?"

"So-" I stood up, the fighting still going on in the background being blocked out of my mind. "So you can help me?" Excitement was gathering in my stomach.

"Well, yes and no."

"Yes AND no? What kind of answer is that?!"

"Take it or leave it, it is not my choice." I thought about it. What exactly was this man offering? I turned to face the brothers; they were at a stand off. Then, I looked at my body. It seemed cold and lifeless, which I knew was not true.

"Before I decide, can you tell me what IT is?"

"Awe, but before you know 'what' it is, you must know 'how' and 'why' this has happened." I looked at the man, puzzled. "Okay, first, you need to know why you were sent to purgatory."

He sighed and offered me a seat on the bed next to my body. "As you might have guessed, you arent really dead; you are half way there, but not completely. The fact that you are still around is giving your body the will, so to speak, to live. Your body has been claimed by the eldest son. What he will do with you, I can not say. What he has done to you, will change your life forever, should you choose to return." Return. What would make me say no? I was sick of this nonsense.

"Why me?" I asked, looking at Will who was hanging on the ceiling, teeth fully extended.

"Because, to gain the thrown back, he must eliminate Will, and what is the best way to destroy an opponent?" I paused, then it hit me.

"Through their heart." I whispered. "But, we are only friends,"

"You may think so, but Will has loved you since the day he first saw you."

"He, loves me?" I looked at the man who nodded softly.

"Why else would he be trying to save you? Why else was he able to see you?" I had forgotten about that.

"Why cant he see me now!?" I jumped off the bed and began to run to Will, but was stopped by a large hand pulling on my arm.

"It is to late now. His heart is broken, leaving him unable to see you, unable to hear you."

With that I turned to face him once again. This was a mistake on my part. He was thrown into the bed post, the sound of his back cracking vibrated in my ears.

"NOOO!" I screamed, falling to the ground once more.

"Jessica, you have one choice, take it, or leave it." My eyes filled with hatred and pain. "To live., Or to die."

"I take it." I whispered.