Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

A Bunch Of Gossips

I ran down the dark corridor. The torches only illuminating the cob webs that hung gracefully off of them. My hands moved roughly across the stone walls looking for any sort of exit, but finding none. I stopped and fell to the ground from both pain and frustration. My hands ran through my hair and across my scratchy cheeks.

“Jessica…where are you?” I said to myself, half surprised when I got an answer.

“Prince William?” I looked around for the owner of the voice, but tried to convince myself that it was my mind.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” I stood quickly, my fangs slightly extended for both protection and from hunger.

“Of course we are here, we have always been here.” It said. I backed against the wall.

“Are you friend or foe?” I asked.

“Well…” Said that was dark then the one before. “Depends on what you are looking for.”

I stood up straight as I noticed fog slowly start to drift into the corridor. Then…the smell came. It was the stench of death, and it was becoming stronger as the moments passed by.

“Prince William, what are you doing down here?” The first voice asked.

“Probably coming to ask for his mummy back” The second one said. They laughed at the small joke.

“Sirs! I need to find a way out please, I just…I need to help someone.”

“Before yourself? Now,” Before my eyes, two men, wearing broken up green uniforms, torn here and there and their faces a bloody mess, came through the stone wall on the other side, giving everything around them a green tint. “There is a shock.” They laughed at themselves.

“Who are you?” I asked, holding my ground, my teeth extending even further.

“We, young lad…are the keepers.” The first one said.

“Keepers of what?” I asked.

“Why, we are the keepers of all the lost souls.” He answered.

“What are you doing here?”

“What is with all of the questions?” The man with the dark voice boomed. Then it hit me.
“You let Nathaniel go…” I whispered. Immediately they became restless, moving and mumbling until finally, the first spoke softly.

“You don’t understand, WHAT he was doing to us…” Anger raged inside me.

“YOU don’t understand WHAT he is doing to everyone! TO JESSICA!”

“Who is Jessica?” The first asked.

“I believe that is Daniels daughter…” The second concluded.

“How do YOU know who she is?”

“My boy, you and your many questions will get you in a lot of trouble someday.” He answered back. “Besides, she has been the talk of the souls since she got here. Do you KNOW how annoying they can be?”

“A bunch of gossips.” The first one added. I controlled myself, searching for something to help me out of this predicament.

“Please…” I whispered. “I need your help. Jessica needs YOUR help. We must stop Nathaniel!” My voice rose. They looked at each other.

“Scott…” The second said to the first, “I think we should be going…”

“NO! Scott! Don’t listen to him!” Scott looked out of place.

“But George, look at the poor boy…he needs our help.” George rolled his eyes.

“I can’t believe you’re being persuaded by this ingrate. You know Prince William, we know all about you not wanting to be King. We thought you would like Nathaniel being back.” All of my defenses went up as George spoke.

“Sirs, I thank you for thinking you have done well; but my people need me, the people I love, need me.”

“Your not doing a very good job standing about here are you?” Scott said. After a short pause, there was an answer.

“Fine, we will help you, but on one condition…” George walked to my side.

Jessica’s POV

“Now, that isn’t the face for a bride on her wedding day!” Nathaniel said. I looked at him, teary eyed.

“You don’t care do you?” He ran his hand gently through my hair.

“Of course I care. I need you.” I scoffed at his statement, throwing his hand away.

“Don’t you DARE touch me!” I screamed. With in seconds his hand was around my neck and my back against the wall.

“I tried to be nice to you Jessica, I really did. If it wasn’t for that child inside you, your soul would be with the DAMNED.” He yelled.

“You don’t frighten me.” I said calmly. He smiled slightly.

“Your heart, says otherwise.” He let go, leaving me to fall to the ground. “Now, get dressed. You have thirty minutes.” With that, he disappeared.

Thirty minutes.
I had thirty minutes to think of someway to escape, and with in moments, I thought of two.
The first and most obvious, killing myself and the spawn within me; the second, jumping out of the window and hoping to grab the branch of a near by tree.

I had to decided, and I only had twenty seven minutes to do so.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so it has been awhile since I have written this story. I know I just put it on Mibba, but it has been on Quizilla for awhile, and the last time I updated it was before christmas xD
So, I am in a diffrent place now, and so are my characters, growing slightly from who they were.
I will update this story more often now that I am back in a...groove.
If you have and quiestions, go ahead and ask!