Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!


“I would say, we have about twenty minutes now.” Scott said as I sat on the cold wet floor. He crossed his arms in frustration. “You don’t think SITTING there is going to help her do you?” He said after a moment. I looked up at him.

“Do you really think I can do something? It’s over. Twenty minutes isn’t enough time to get up those stairs, let alone to save anyone.”

George walked over and sat next to me. “So, you think sitting here, moping, is going to do anything?” He looked at me as I dropped my head into my lap. “Look at it this way…if you try, you know you did all you could; but if you sit here and wallow in self pity, you will look back on this day and know, that you were the one that did wrong; not your brother. So, what are you going to do young prince?”

Jessica’s POV

I sat on the bed pensively; the cool night air blowing the window’s curtain slightly.
My mind was empty and my eyes, unfocused.
A dagger I found hung limply in my right hand.

Fifteen minutes.

If I was ever going to do this, now would be the time.

I ran the steel across my fingers, blood finding its way through my skin.

“MISS JESSICA.” I turned quickly. KATRINA! I hoped up and ran to her, the dagger falling to the ground. As my arms wrapped around her she let out a small gasp. “Miss JESSICA! You aren’t in your dress yet!” I let go and looked into her eyes.

“What did you just say?”

“Your dress, it isn’t on yet. Did you need help?” I shook my head in disbelief and backed away slowly.

“You’re kidding. Katrina…what did he do to you?” She smiled simply.

“Miss, you must have had a wee to much to drink; now, for that dress.” She began to walk towards dress that lay idly on the bed.

“STOP!” I yelled. “Don’t you DARE take another step or I’ll—I’ll….” I looked for my dagger but remembered that it had fallen to the floor. I turned and looked behind me. I was close to the window and I knew how long the drop was. “I will jump.” I straightened up and backed up against the frame.

Katrina’s face went dark.

“Now Miss…you wouldn’t want to do that on your wedding day.” He voice was deep and sent chills up my spine.

“Why-Why not?” My voice shook in fear.

“Because…” Before my eyes, Nathanial appeared where Katrina once was. I let out a small whimper. “If I don’t get my way…you won’t be the only one to die…”

“What?” I asked, my voice lacking air.

“When you and that baby die…everyone in this world, and the other, will die. As the chosen one, you hold within you life itself. Both good and evil…” I couldn’t help it, I fell to the floor, tears creating rivers. He smiled and walked over to me and pulled me back up. “Now, if you’re a good little girl, I will let you live after the child is born. If you’re bad, you will have a little…accident. Now, as I said before, get dressed. We have a whole room full of people, here to see you…” He went to kiss me but I moved away. He laughed and threw me down and disappeared.
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wow, this one was kinda lame.
I apoligize lol