Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

Thick Blood

I walked towards room 501 slowly. Knowing what lied before me. Two hours of detention. Although, I had to admit, it was better than a Saturday night school.
I grabbed the cool handle and stepped inside. The room was covered with posters of World War One, and almost all of the desks were taken. All but the two in the front. I quickly took my seat and grabbed a book I had been reading, or, trying to read, for the past few weeks. The cover was new, due to the fact that I had no time for the library to get it in stock, and it had rarely been opened. The title was " Thick Blood" by Kimberly Evermore. The back said it was a romance between a Vampire Prince and a human. I was in dire need of a good book at the time, and this one caught my eye. I slowly opened the cover and read the first page over again.

LA, City of Angles. Or so I thought. I had once dreamed of being taken away, but not like this. I was presently in the hands of Frederick Wallace. We had met not to long ago at a school event. I think it was homecoming game. He was smart, funny and more than attractive, he was gorgeous. He made me laugh, which, ever since my mother passed away, I did very little of. Now, he was taking me away. Not that I had many friends left.
Frederick was taller, about 6'1". His eyes were a brown/green hazel and his skin was, luminescent. He was always colder then I was, but rarely wanted a jacket. His brown hair was cut so that it lay perfectly when he shook it.

I stopped. These descriptions were all to familiar. When picturing Frederick, I instantly thought of Will. That isnt anything strange is it? I mean, people put faces to characters all the time. They rarely-. My thought was cut off.

"You may leave." Mr. Cook said. "Dont let me catch you in here again!" He shouted as students filed out of the room. I wasnt reading that long was I? No, I barely got past the first page.

"Miss Daniels? You okay." A voice said from far away. "Miss Daniels?" It said again, but all I could think about was William and the similarities between him and this fictional character. "JESSICA!" The voice boomed. I turned my gaze away from the blank white board and over to Mr. Cooks face. "You may go now." He said a little annoyed. Then, calmer, he asked "Are you okay? You look a little pale."

"Yeah, no, I am fine." I struggled for the words. I shoved the book into my backpack and ran out of the room. I quickly grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket as I rushed down the empty hall. I dialed Alex. Then, before pressing send, I stopped. Who was going to believe me? Alex would think I am on some kind of drug, and the guys never listened to me, Ingrid and Natasha wouldnt believe me either. They were to worried about who was going to ask them out next. I sighed and shoved my cell back into my pocket. "This, is all just a figment of your imagination Jessica." I said to myself. "Just, stay calm." I took a deep breath in and let it out. I gave myself a smile and walked back to my car. Pushing any kind thought brought on by the book, behind me.

"HEY JESSIE!" Alex said on the phone. "What is going on? How was detention? Were there any cute boys?" I rolled my eyes.

"Whats going on is, I am doing my homework. Detention was, fine, and no, Alex, there were no cute guys in the room."

"Damn." She said. I could hear the smile grow across her face. "Well, I guess the search is back on."

"I never knew it was off." I smiled to myself. "Well hey, I got to-" The line went dead. I looked at the phone which was completely turned off. "Hmm, must of had a low battery." I threw the phone onto my bed, then went back to work for English.

The book I read was....

I stopped. There was a tapping on my window. I slowly moved away from my computer and closer to my door.

"Come on Jessica, it is probably just a tree or something." Half of me was trying to agree with myself. I was on the second floor, and there was a tree near my window, but the other half was making that side of me, struggle. My other half told me that there was no wind and that the tree was to far from the window. I took a deep breath and walked over to where the tapping was coming from.
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YAY! *this story was also on MY quizilla*