Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!


I walked slowly to the window. My hand was trembling as I lifted up the window, the paint chipping on the sides. I looked down, and saw Alex, in her hand, was a small pebble ready to be tossed.

"ALEX!" I yelled load enough for it to reach her ears, but not by much.

"WHY DID YOU HANG UP ON ME?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"I didnt! My phone died."


"Was there something you needed to talk about?!?"

"No, I just wanted to come harass you." She smiled.

"Thanks. Now GO HOME!" She stuck out her tongue and skipped in the direction of her house, four blocks away. I closed the window with a slight thud and went back to my desk.

The book I read was...

Then, the tapping was back. I tossed my head back and groaned. Standing up fast enough that my chair flew across the hard wood floor only to be stopped by my bed, which was a few feet away. I stomped over to the window and flew it open.

"ALEX!" I yelled down. Half expecting her to throw a pebble at my face, but when I looked, there was no one. I leaned out more, "Alex?" I asked looking around on the ground. "Alexis this is stupid. I really think you should stop. You know about the English essay. GO HOME!" I said and pulled myself back inside. "That girl is going to kill me." I said under my breath, closing the window. I turned around.

"Jessica Daniels?" A tall man in a black suit asked. His eyes were pitch black and his hair was a snowy white color. It most certainly matched the color of his skin.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" I screamed.

"My name is Jonathan." He said politely. His arms were folded. Guarding his chest.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?!?" He gave me a small smile.
"I have come here, to get you." I paused. Did he just say, "Get me?" FOR WHAT!?!? Then, it hit me.

"KIDNAPPER!" I yelled and ran to my door, but was stopped by a giant arm around my waist. "LET ME GO!" I hit his arm. "MOM! DAD!"

"They are asleep Miss Daniels." He said throwing me over his shoulder.}

"YOU KILLED THEM!" I accused.

"No, they are asleep. I dont kill. That isnt what I do."


"I am sorry Miss Daniels, but I am only the delivery boy." I stopped fighting.

"A delivery boy? For who?" I asked, calming down a bit.

"I work only for the royal family." Royal family?


"You didnt piss anyone off Miss. It is more of a, repercussion."

"For what!?!" He sat me down and looked me in the eyes.

"Miss, I dont know everything. I suggest you hold all of your questions for when we arrive in Leftwich."

"Where the heck is Leftwich?" With that, he threw me back over his shoulder and ran
towards the window, lifting it with one hand, when it usually took all of my strength. Then he jumped, but somehow, we never hit the ground. I became disoriented the last thing I remember seeing, was a long tunnel with no end in site.