Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!


I winced in pain as a door, opened, then closed. There was a pain lingering in the back of my head. I had been laying on what I was assumed was a couch, for the past ten minutes trying to make the pain disappear, but the hope that it would leave was slowly floating away.

"Miss Daniels," A deep voice called my name. I ignored it. I was tried and I was in no mood to talk to anyone, let alone a stranger. "Miss Daniels," It called again. Not home, leave a message. I thought to myself, causing a smile to come across my face and pain to flow throughout my body. I opened my eyes and gasped.

"Good, your awake." It was Jonathan. I couldnt catch my breath. I was trying to find the air, but I couldnt. My mouth moved up and down, searching yet finding nothing.

"KATRINA! Quickly!" Jonathan yelled.

"What happened?" The woman asked. I felt a hand go under my head. The pain was horrible. He quickly pulled the hand away.

"Jonathan?" The woman named Katrina asked. "What is it?"

"The trip, it," He started.


"JUST HEAL HER!" Then, a blinding white light came charging at me. I closed my eyes, and the pain was gone.

"Jessie?" The male voice said. It was a rougher voice, deeper, than Jonathans was. I slowly opened my eyes, waiting for the pain, but it was gone. When my vision came into focus, they quickly shut again. Not out of pain or horror, but out of shock. "Jessie, are you okay?"

"William?" I asked. I heard a little laugh deep in his chest.

"Yeah," He said.

"Thank GOD. I had this horrible dream. I was kidnapped and there was this, guy, his name was Jonathan and he kidnapped me. He took me away William. I think to a place called Leftwich or something." My eyes were still closed. After a dream like that, I dont know if I wanted to open them.

"Jessie, that wasnt a dream." I opened my eyes again. With the whole room in focus, I could see that it wasnt.

"William, where am I?" I grabbed his arm. He winced as I pulled myself onto him.

"Jessie, you're in Leftwich."

"But where IS Leftwich, and who are all these people?!" I asked as I just noticed that the whole room was filled with men and women. He pulled me back away from him. I gazed into his eyes, which were now a pale blue.

"Jessica, Leftwich is your new home. You, have to stay here now." He said, his face looking just a little paler. My heart sank.


"Miss Daniels, you were the last person Prince William touched before King Samuel passed." My brain had to register all that was being feed into it.

"King? Prince? William?" I whispered.

"I am, so sorry Jessie." My eyes were tearing over.

"William, what am I here for?"

"You, Miss Daniels, shall become Queen of Leftwich and all of its people." Jonathan gained my attention.

"All because of a game of 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN!?!" I yelled.

"Jessie, I am sorry. I didnt know. If I did know, I would have told you."

"What about Alex? My Mom? My Dad? EVERYONE!?"

"Miss Daniels, you will have a new life here, with us. When you are turned, it shall be MUCH easier for you to learn your duties. As a mortal, there are some things you can and can not
do and-"

"Turn me? Into what?"

"Well, a vampire of course." William gave Jonathan a look. "Oh, well, I guess we shall leave you two alone. Come people. Lets go." He herded everyone out of the room. Which was
about as big as our cafeteria at school and the walls were a dark crimson with gold trim.

Then everyone was gone, everyone but William.

"Will, what about school? What about-" He cut me off.

"Jessica, I know how bad this is for you. I understand, but please, I need you here with me. As a friend." I studied his face. All of the worries and pains I had just felt, even that of being kidnapped, vanished.

"Does this mean we are going to have to, tie the knot?" I asked. He laughed and kissed my hand. Then his face dropped.

"I am truly sorry." He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep." With that, my eyes shut, and I drifted away.