Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

The Painting

"Touch her." A tiny voice said.

"No. What if its contagious." A new tinnier voice asked.

"What if whats contagious?" The first voice said.

"You know, just, look at her."

"If it is contagious, then why was William in here all night?"

"Maybe he has some kinds medicine to help."



"FINE, you baby, I will do it." Then, my face was poked. My eyes shot open to see two, very shocked, little girls.

"Look what you did." The taller girl said. She looked to be about seven with light brown hair, dark green eyes and a light green dress on.

"I DIDNT DO IT!" Screamed the littler girl. She had blonde curly hair, cut short, and wore a light blue dress that matched her eyes.

"YOU DID TO YOU LIAR!" The older one dashed out of the room followed by the small one. When they left, they slammed the door, causing instant pain to my head. I gently massaged my temples, but before my headache could subside, the door quickly opened again.

"WHATS WRONG!?!?" William yelled. He was then followed by what looked to be a cook, a few maids and Jonathan. William began to step in the room but stopped. Jonathan rushed towards me.

"Nothing is wrong." I said stretching.

"But the door," Jonathan said looking back at Will.

"The door, was slammed by two little girls." I said with a smirk.

"But, but," Jonathan stuttered.

"Were are sorry to wake you." William said.

"Its fine. I was, more or less, up anyway. So, what time is it?" I asked feeling a little hungry.

"It is about, four p.m. your time." Jonathan said.

"Well, what time is it here?" Jonathan sure did talk a lot.

"It is about midnight our time."

"Oh, that is a bit of a difference." I said sitting up on my elbows.

"We have to go now. Chef Carl will make you some breakfast." William said and rushed out of the room. Jonathan quickly followed. I let out a sigh and threw my legs off the bed. Chef

Carl entered the room while the rest of the crowed went back to work.

"Good evening Miss is there anything you would like?" He was short, about five feet tell. He was wearing a red apron and white uniform. He was darker than everyone else in the castle was. His skin was tanner. His eyes however were a strange purple color.

"Good MORNING!" I said stretching once again. He gave me a halfhearted smile. "Do you have any coffee?" I asked after a yawn.

"No, sorry miss." He said a little confused.

"Okay, what about pancakes?" He shook his head. "Well then, what do you have?" He began to name off items such as blood stew, dragons liver, and a bloody Mary, which, wasnt a drink. "Do you have anything NORMAL?" I finally asked.

"NORMAL!?" He shook his head and threw his arms in the air, talking in a language I didnt quite understand, and stormed out of the room. I sat on the bed and looked at the window. I hadnt noticed that it was raining. The sky was dark and every now and again a spark of lightening lit up my room.

I stood up to snoop around a little. I walked over to the couch that I was laying on when I feel asleep. I noticed a small stain where my head had been. I bent over to take a better look.

The red stain didnt really stand out on the crimson sofa, but it was there. I touched the back
of my head without thinking. There was nothing. I could feel no scab and no hair was missing.

I put my hand down and walked over to the fireplace. The inside of which could fit several full-grown men. The picture about the mantel is what caught my attention. In it were for beautiful people. There was a Father, a Mother and two small boys. I smiled. They were wearing what looked to be late Victorian clothes. The father looked to be in his early thirties, he had brown hair and green eyes. He had his hand behind, which I assumed was the mother, who was wearing a light pink dress, her blonde hair flowing behind her and her blue eyes staring at me. The younger boy was standing in front of his mother, holding her hand in fact. His light brown hair pushed to the side his face put in a frown. What scared me the most was the older boy who looked to be about seven while the other looked about five. I looked closer.

"It couldnt be." I said to myself. Then, the door opened. I turned around quickly. It was Chef Carl.

"His majesty would like to dine with you." He said and put a silver tray on a table in the corner of the room. He then stalked out mumbling something under his breath. I walked over and sat at the only chair with a plate in front of it and a wineglass filled with a red liquid. I looked over a small vase of roses to the other seat to see there was a glass filled there as well. I looked at it cautiously from the corner of my eye. Knowing very well what it might be.

The door, which was opened still from Chef Carl, was shut. Breaking the silence in the room. I looked over by the entryway. William gave me a half smile and walked over to the other chair, sitting down. He was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of jeans. This was different from this morning, or, afternoon depending on how you look at it. When I woke up, he happened to be wearing a suit, tie and all.

"So," He started.

"So," I mimicked. The silence had returned. I turned my view to the window.

"Well." William said, grabbing my attention from the pounding of the raindrops.

"Well what?" I asked.

"Are you going to eat?" He motioned toward the plate, the contents of which were hidden by a silver lid. I leaned over the table closer to him. He leaned back, away from me.

"I am afraid to." I whispered. He laughed.

"What for? We arent going to poison you!" He smiled at me.

"Well, he was listing off some things that sounded,"

"Dont worry. I stocked the kitchen myself knowing of your arrival. He just, isnt use to those
ingredients. Look." He grabbed the top of the lid and pulled it off. Then quickly placed his hand back on his lap. On the plate lad broccoli, which was fine, but sitting next to it, was the head of a pig. I covered my eyes. William, noticing my reaction, quickly covered the plate up again.

"Sorry, I guess Carl didnt get the memo that, you dont like the head." I uncovered my eyes and looked at him.

"Well, I dont like any meat actually." I said, looking at the covered plate in disgust. Then back to William who looked very curious. "I am a vegetarian." I stated. "That was just, a shock is all."

"I apologize. I guess I forgot."

"Its okay. I understand." He grabbed his glass of red liquid and I scrunched my nose as he took a sip.

"What?" He asked, acting like he did something wrong.

"I didnt know you drank, blood," I struggled to get the word out. "Out of a glass."

"BLOOD!" He said beginning to laugh again. "This isnt blood!"

"What is it?" I looked at my glass cautiously.

"Its wine, very GOOD wine. Try some." He pointed to my glass and took another sip of his. I
grabbed my cup and smelled it, finding it very sweet. I then, took a sip.

"WOW!" I said.

"Good right?" He asked.

"THE BEST!" I took another sip, then another until my glass was gone.

"Careful, it can be dangerous." He laughed. My eyes widened.

"Did you put poison in it?" I asked seriously.

"WHAT! NO! Just, to much alcohol and all that jazz." He said finishing his glass.
I licked my lips tasting what was left of the wine on my lips. Then, looked out of the window.

"William," I began, turning to look him in the eyes. "Who is in the picture above the mantel?"
He took a deep breath in and let it out.