Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

The Cabinet

"William!" I called after him walking into the bedroom. He turned around and looked at me. "Do I," I had to think of a better way to put this, but time wasnt on my side. Just when I was about to ask the question, Jonathan barged through the rooms door.
"WILLIAM!" He quickly stated. I squealed and rapped my towel tighter around me. "Sorry Miss Daniels." He covered his eyes. "William, they are waiting. Hurry up and get her dressed." He walked out of the room quickly and silently. Wills attention was immediately back on me.
"You were saying?" I stared blankly at the door then turned my focus back to Will, awaiting my question.
"Will," I re-organized my thoughts. "Will, do you, hate me?" I asked him. My eyes started to swell again.
William was silent for a moment, as if in concentration. Then, he rushed towards me and grabbed me around the waist and forced me against his cold, hard body. I looked up at him, and before I knew it his lips were on mine. His hands moving up and down my sides. All of the sudden, he stopped.
"Why would you think I hate you?" He pulled away and took a step back. Leaving me standing alone.
"Well, I-I-" I tried to get the words out. "I just."
"WILLIAM!" I voice called from the hall. Will looked at me and smiled.
"We will finish this conversation later. Right now, you need to get ready and I, must go greet our guests." He rushed out of the room. Moving with inhuman speed.
"I just wanted to know why you are always so far away from me." I whispered. I shrugged and walked back into the bathroom. The bathtub was now empty and standing in the corner was the older woman.
"Get dressed." She ordered. I stormed over to her.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" She smiled.
"I am Katrina Storm. I am your guide." Guide? I thought to myself.
"Guide for what?"
"You are to be Queen and I am to teach you." She walked over to a large cabinet and opened it. In it, were several hundred dresses. My mouth dropped.
"But that is just a cabinet." I whispered.
"Darling, in Leftwich, things are not always as they appear." She smiled and walked into the long room filled with the finest silks and jewels. I followed, amazed by what I saw around me.
"So what is this for?" I asked.
"It is customary to have all the nobles and all of the royal family, meet with William before he is crowned. Give him advice and such. As his future wife, you must attend. Hopefully some of the women will teach you to be more," She paused and looked me over. "Lady like." With that she walked farther down the aisle. Pulling dresses here and there but put them right back. I picked a few, but she instantly denied them. It had been ten minutes, and I had given up. I sat down of the marble floor and watched. Finally, after another five minutes, she was back.
"Put it on." She threw a plastic bag covered gown at me. I stood up, peeved that she was ordering me around like she was my mother. She crossed her arms and looked at me. "WELL!" She yelled.
"Well what?" She didnt REALLY need to raise her voice.
"RIGHT HERE!?!?" My eyes were wide.
"NO! Go into the bathroom and put the stupid thing on! I have clean undies and a bra for you in there. NOW GO!" I rolled my eyes and stormed out of the long hall. While I was walking I heard her mumble something that sounded like "Stupid humans. Never any respect." I ignored the comment.
When we got back into the bathroom, I eyed Katrina curiously. She glared maniacally at me, as she stalked out of the room.
"Stupid, whatever you are." I said to myself as she closed the door. I then proceeded to stick my tongue out. After I was done with my inner child, I remembered my older one telling me William was waiting on me. I hurried and grabbed my dress, unzipping the bag and feeling the cool fabric against my hands. My eyes were about to fall out as I looked in the mirror.
The black off the shoulder dress fit every curve of my body. The pink ribbons at the waist and running along the bottom were subtle yet grabbed ones attention. I didnt always like the color pink, but I certainly loved this dress. The door flew open, starting me out of my trance.
"Shoes. On. Now." Katrina threw a pair of black heals at me. My mouth fell open once again.
"I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO WEAR THESE-THESE, SHOES!" If that is what you wanted to call them, I thought to myself. Somehow, I didnt think daggers with a piece of plastic, with a little padding of course, would sound right.
"Learn." Was all she said before she turned and walked back out of the room. I sat down and slipped them on. I already felt the pain in my back as I stood up. I rose several inches. Taking a deep breath, I took a step forward. So far, so good. I took another step, and another.
"Doing pretty good for someone who only wore heals once!" I told myself excitedly.
"Come on now. They are waiting." Katrina yelled. I made my way to the door, down the stairs and into the large dinning room without tripping. I smiled as I entered the room, but it faltered as I looked around.
There were people watching at me from all 140 seats. I gulped, feeling a large lump in my throat. I turned around to see if Katrina was there, but with no luck.