Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!

The Twist

I looked at the room full of people, expressionless, and looking right through me. When I made it to my seat without falling, I let out a sigh of relief, causing the two creatures sitting next to me move back a little. When I got all of my senses back, and everyone turned their attention elsewhere, I looked for William. I looked at every face at every seat, and couldnt find him. Maybe I went in the wrong room. I lifted myself up off of the seat, but a hand forcefully sat me back down. I let out a "humph" earning a few more stares. I looked at

Katrina who glared at me. Nope, this is where I was supposed to be. With that, two giant doors at the other end of the room opened. This let in about twenty men, all dressed in the same red suit. They walked around the room, and took their positions. My stomach started to hurt. Half of these men had what looked to be horns coming out of their helmets, and they didnt look like they were decoration. Then, from the open doors came a booming voice.

"His Royal Highness, Crowned Prince William of Leftwich." I took my eyes off of the guards and look in the direction of the doors. Everyone at the table stood, everyone but me. William walked fast down a long hallway. His shoulders back and head held high. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a white button up shirt, which showed a little of his pale chest. This most definitely, was not the William I knew. He wasnt the William that sat in the back of the lunch crowd. Always had his head down and never said a word. It shocked me a little when he began to speak, let alone with a smile on his face.

"Welcome." He said motioning for everyone to take their seats. I guess I didnt understand why they all stood. He was just the new kid, the one no one really knew. Although, here, he was something else. "I am so happy all of you came this evening." He started walking my way, two men in red following him. He reached me within a few seconds.

"I would like all of you to meet my fiancee, Jessica Daniels." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me with a smile. I looked up at him; my face must have had the "shocked" looked plastered on it, because his faced turned a little worried. He quickly took his hand off my shoulder, leaving a cold spot where it had been. "Jessica," He turned to me and motioned towards the table. "This, is my family. Our family" He corrected himself. I could feel my face turning red. I had to leave. I couldnt be in this room any longer. Everyone looking at me, watching me. William, he just, wasnt the same. It wasnt a bad thing, just, different and I needed time to get use to it, to get use to him.

I started to rise, expecting Katrina to come and push me down, but there was no hand keeping me at my seat. I made eye contact with William as he made his way to his seat at the other end of the long table, but before he could say anything, I slipped. Twisting my ankle as I tried to make my way to the door. I feel to the floor in agony. I didnt want to look at my ankle, I knew I wouldnt like what I saw.

The skin wasnt broken, but I could feel my bone, mangled and torn within me. The tears were overwhelming, but the pain was worse. Before I knew it, William was by my side, not touching me, but near me, so were so many others. I screamed as someone grabbed my leg.

"Jessie, it will be okay." I looked up at William before I closed my eyes in pain and screamed again. Then, it all went dark.

I woke up to a knock at the door.

"Is she okay?" a familiar voice spoke.

"She will be fine." A males voice said quietly.

"Where did you find her?" The familiar voice said. It was kind and comforting.

"A young man said he found her by a creek."

"We have been looking for her for two days now." WHO WAS THIS! I thought, getting frustrated.

"Mrs. Daniels, your daughter should be awake soon." It was my MOTHER! How did she get here?!

"Thank you Doctor Oliver."

"I will be down the hall if you need anything."

"Thank you." She said. I heard the door close and footsteps walk to where I was laying. I
slowly opened my eyes.

"Mommy?" I asked my voice horse.

"JESSICA!" She yelled and forced me into a hug.

"Mom, how did you get in Leftwich?"

"Leftwich? Honey, you're in a hospital."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"You're at Kaiser." She smiled at me, moving a stray hair back into place.

"No, what about Leftwich? What about Katrina? What about," I gasped, "What about
William?" I whispered.

"Is William the boy who helped you honey?" She took out a piece of paper and a pen.

"William, he was there, and his family. I need to get back."

"Jessie, I think you were dreaming." My mother said, putting back the pen and paper.

"NO! It was real, that is how I got hurt, I was wearing REALLY big heals and tripped when I
was trying to,"

"The Doctor said the boy who found you, found you by a stream. You probably just twisted
your ankle on a rock." She said. I looked into her worried eyes.

"You think," I paused. "You think I am crazy."

"No, I think you are full of a lot of medicine." She smiled at me.

"But," I started.

"What I want to know is, why did you run away? We werent fighting, you were doing good in school." Her voice sounded hurt.

"I didnt run away, Jonathan,"

"Who?" She took the paper back out.

"Never mind." I crossed my arms. Once again she put back the paper and pen. Then, her cell rang.

"Baby, there is someone wanting to look at an apartment. I will be back tomorrow. It is
getting late and your father is coming home soon." I rolled my eyes.

"Why dont you stay here with me?" I asked.

"Well, visiting hours are almost over and, maybe some, alone time, might be good for you."
She smiled and kissed my forehead. "They are going to release you tomorrow. I will be here to pick you up. Sleep well." She walked out of the room, dialing a number on her cell phone.

"Nice to know you care MOM." I yelled as she went out of sight.

A few hours past, I was served dinner, but all I ate was the Jell-O and a packet of crackers. I watched a few episodes of "Scrubs" but after remembering where I was, I began to think that was a foolish thing to do, so I returned the room to silence. I turned my light off at around 9, and went to sleep at about 11.