Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!


I woke up to footsteps by my bed, but I made sure I kept my eyes tight, just in case my mother decided to stop by once again.

"Jessie?" My eyes, losing their grip, shot open.

"WILL-" He "shhhd" me.

"Jessie, I am sorry you got hurt. I didnt know you couldnt wear heals." He gave a small chuckle then proceeded to look at my wounded leg which was all wrapped up and bandage.

"Here I was, beginning to, once again, believe it was all a dream." I laughed at myself.

"Jessie, you're going to have to stay here." He said looking at me with cold eyes, which were a pale green. I looked at him, studying him, to see if it was a joke.

"Are you serious?" I asked. He put his head down and nodded. "For how long?"

"I dont know." He looked back over at me then walked to the vacant bed on my right, and sat down.

"What if, I want to come with you?" I asked.

"You cant. Not right now." my eyes started to tear up.

"Please." I started to get up but a serge of pain ran through me.

"Jessie. I didnt want this for you. You already hurt yourself and you were only there for a few days. What is going to happen when you accidentally cut yourself? You are in a castle,
FILLED with vampires and creatures that would not hesitate to kill you."

"Change me, turn me, ANYTHING!" I yelled.

"I cant even touch you without lusting after you." He said to himself, ignoring my statements. He got up and started to walk towards the door. "WILLIAM NO!" I screamed.

"I will go through this alone. Screw the damn rules. I wont risk you hurting yourself, no,
KILLING yourself." He began to turn the doorknob. I grabbed the knife from my dinner tray and held it against my wrist and pulled it gently leaving behind a trail of blood. William turned and hissed at me, eyes black and teeth bared.

"You're not going to leave William." I said. His hand was shaking the door as he tried to gain control over himself.

"I must." His voice was dark and full of pain as he stood shaking. I lifted my arm up and looked at the damage, not able to feel that small of a cut due to all of the morphine in my system.

"You know you want some." I said as a drop of blood fell onto my bed. He shook his head and opened the door, and walked away without looking back. My heart dropped. He left me, here, alone? Wait, what was I thinking. I didnt love him. He was my friend, and, I guess I let him down.

"Honey, Wake up." My eyes shot open.

"WILLIAM!" The volume of my voice even scared me.

"No Jessie, its dad. You need to get up now. It is time to go home." I looked at my father who was leaning over me. His cologne filling my nostrils with his scent.

"Daddy?" I asked. He gave me a crooked smile.

"Yeah sweetie."

"Wheres mom?"

"She got, called away again." He said, moving off of the bed and walking towards a duffel bag. "Here. Do you think you can put your clothes on by yourself?" He asked looking at my leg.

"I think I can manage." I smiled slightly, and he left me alone. That is when the tears came back. "I dont want to be here anymore. I dont." I said to myself. "Just, someone, take me away, please."