Sequel: Leftwich

My Seven Minutes In Heaven...With a Vampire!


"JESSICA!" Alex yelled as I limped over to her, she met me halfway. I held my breath.
Knowing that impact was only seconds away, and, as if on cue, her arms wrapped around me and her screams subsided. "Where were you?" I was about to tell her everything, right then and there. Not only where I was, but where Will was too. What had happened and what

I wanted to happen, but I stopped myself. Instead, I told her what I thought was more believable.

"I got mad at my mom, and ran away. I was running to your house, but I fell when I was trying to cross Rays Creek, and that is what happened..." The lie came out smooth and I knew she
believed me. She took me into her arms again.

"You should have called!" With that, the bell rang. Her head shot up from where it was laying on my shoulder. "Here, let me help you carry your things to Spanish."

"Thanks Alex." I said handing her my bag. With that, we, slowly, made our way to Spanish.
When we walked in, everyone looked at us, but this was for several reasons besides the obvious cast.

1. We were late to class.
2. Alex now had pink and purple streaks in here hair.
3. News had spread that I was missing for a few days.

The way people looked at me was like I had risen from the dead. This, I now knew was possible, in a way. I shook off the eyes that had become glued to me, and took my seat.

"Miss Daniels, pleasure having you back in class." Ms. Stewart said, her eyes too, were now plastered on to me. I was in no mood for a bitch.

"Thanks Ms. Stewart."

"I am just shocked you even came back." She gave a little smile as she flipped through some papers she was holding.

"Fuck you." I said under my breath.

"What was that Miss Daniels?" She said. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I wasnt in any mood for a stupid teacher to be putting me down. She was about to feel all the emotions I have been holding back for days now.

"You have no FUCKING RIGHT to judge me. You and the rest of the fucking class can go to hell! Wait," I gave a little chuckle as I realized the obvious. "This is hell. Enjoy." I motioned to stunned class with my hands and had them fall to my sides. I grabbed my crutches and made my escape.

When the cool air hit me, I began to feel the tears freeze to my face.

"Stupid Indiana. Stupid weather." I said to no one. When I got halfway to the office, I was stopped. I looked down at my feet and saw a small white kitten moving around my legs.

"Hey you!" I said. "I wish I had food, but," I said. Then I looked up at the blue sky and let a sigh escape my lips. I walked over to a stone bench in the middle of Senior Square. I slowly took a seat. The cat followed suit. "So what are you doing here?" I asked, a little part of me expecting her to talk to me. All she did was look at me and purr. "Where are your mommy and daddy?" I asked her, again expecting her to talk. I had good reason to. After all I had witnessed, it would be crazy if I didnt. "Well, youre coming home with me. You look old enough, and I need company. I suspect that you could go for a good meal and warmth." A meow came from the kitten. I lifted her up. "Dont worry. I will never leave you. I promise."

I lifted myself up on the crutches once again and made my way towards the office, kitten in hand.