Status: Updates only when with ideas

Finding Love

I Love Her

(Patrick’s POV)

I left Leah’s house and stopped by my brother Dustin’s house but he wasn’t there but his fiancée Angel was there so I decided to ask her for help. “Angel can you help me with this problem?” “Sure Patrick, what is on your mind?” “It’s this girl I like and she likes me so I asked her to be my girlfriend but she didn’t say yes nor did she say no. I’m so confused about the whole situation.” “Well it seems like she likes you a lot. Maybe you should just wait for her to answer. Tell me why you’re so confused about this situation?” “Well when I asked her to be my girl friend she was talking about how Maya and I broke up and everything she said why would I rush into another relationship when I just got out of the other.

“Patrick I’ll give you some advice you can’t always rush into one relationship of one after you got out of the other.” Then Dustin came inside he kissed Angel. “What you doing here Pat?” “Girl problems. I came to ask you for advice but you weren’t so I got help from Angel and she gave me some great advice.” Wait my Angel gave you advice?” “Yeah, she said not to rush things.”

“Well I got to go before I get cursed out by mama.” “Bye Dustin, bye Angel.” Before I was out the door I heard moans and giggles. Ewe I really didn’t need to hear that.

(Leah’s POV)

After Patrick left I went inside. “How was your date with Patrick?” “It was great but we have a little problem.” “How do ya’ll have a little problem when ya’ll ain’t even going out yet?” “Well Patrick asked me to be his girl friend and I was like I don’t know we just went on one date plus you just broke up with Maya. I asked him why would you want to rush into another relationship.” “Wow, ya’ll got some problems already.” “I’ll be back.” I went upstairs and changed into something to take a run in. I was about to leave to take a run when holly stopped me. “Where are you thinking about going young lady?” “A run so I can clear my mind and think.” You can’t leave out after you just got in the house plus its dark out there wait till tomorrow.” Yes mother “I said laughing at Holly.

I went for a quick run to the park once I got there I heard someone crying I looked and saw someone on the swings. “Are you okay?” I asked, “No I’m lost and I can’t find my big brother.” Said the little girl “okay I’ll help you find him. What’s your name sweetie?” “My name is Mackenzie what is your name?” “My name is Leah what’s your brother’s name?” “My brother’s name is Patrick.” “Where do you live?” “I live at 4873 Rockwell Avenue.” “Okay we better get moving because it very late.” We started walking back toward her house when we arrived there we saw a bunch of cop cars. “Do you live here
Mackenzie?” “Yes” We went up to the door and knocked on the door when it opened we saw this lady

“You, you, you tried to kidnapped my daughter from me and her brothers!” “No, I didn’t ma’am I just found her at the park because I was taking a run and I heard her crying, so I asked her where did she live at and we started to walk here.” Then I looked behind her and saw Patrick coming down the steps when he looked up he was just staring at me then he said, “Ma, Leah wouldn’t hurt a fly.” “How know her?” the lady asked Patrick “We go to school together and I took her on a date earlier today.” “And how do you know if sister for some mental problem she has?” that’s when I butted in “I don’t have a mental problem. I just found her on the swings crying and she said she couldn’t find her big brother named Patrick and she told me where she lives at so I can take her to her family.” I was fed up by now. I was about to leave when Patrick said something that surprised me he said “Ma, I, I, I love her.” That caught me off guard