Status: (: !!Active!! :)

Behind Our Backs

The Stranger

She rolled her eyes. Another day at BORING school... Whoo hoo. Evaline Calamity Went to Pine Wall High. She had been going there for the past 2 years, and during that time, she had made herself VERY popular. People always longed to sit beside her in the cafeteria. They always wanted to be her lab partner. They always enjoyed her company. But she wasn't one of those preps that everyone hated except the populars, she was generally a very sweet girl. Although, she did have a dark side... And whenever she got mad and just wanted people to leave her alone, she was a complete devil, but that didn't happen often.

She always helped someone if they dropped their books or fell, her teeth were always showing due to the fact that she was constantly smiling. She was everything everyone wanted to be, but she, herself, wanted to be anyone but herself. She always kept these thoughts to in her head and never spoke of them, of course, but she couldn't help but wonder if she could be someone else... If she had moved schools, could she have been the complete opposite to what she had become? Could she have been a girl that no one looked up to and picked on? Could she be a gangster, a hippy, a junkie, a Goth?

But it didn't matter, her life was already made out for her and there was no going back now. Nothing not anything or any ONE could change it... Or so she thought...

But yeah, it was a regular, boring day at school and Evaline walked through the halls to class, her friend, Lila, tagging along.

"Ooh! There's Dylan!!" Lila, squealed.

Dylan, the jock of the school football team. He played in every sport offered; Wrestling, basketball, baseball, football, rugby... EVERYTHING.

Every girl at school was completely in love with him, including Evaline. The way he flipped his wavy, blonde hair away from his eyes with just a slight jerk of his head was completely breathtaking. His bright, blue eyes were inviting and always smiling. He had straight and white teeth. Overall, he was.... Hot. Well, according to every girl on campus, and Evaline agreed.

At the moment, his sparkling eyes had shot to the sound of his name being said, and they just so happened to land on Evaline. She blushed and made her way over to him, her friend following closely behind her.

"Hi, Evaline." Dylan smiled.

"Hello, Dylan." She said breathlessly.

"Hey... I've been thinking..." He sighed, leaning against his locker. "Do you... Do you want to go to the dance with me?"

Evaline's eyes shot wide open. Dylan, the most popular, most cutest guy in school had asked HER to be his date to tonight's dance. No one ever asked her to be their date. To be honest, she didn't like dances much, or dates for that matter, but it was a great opportunity! It wasn't everyday that Dylan Starzomski asked you to a dance.

"Oh! Of course I do!!" She spluttered.

"Great," He beamed. "I'll pick you up at 7 tonight." He walked away towards his homeroom for class.
"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!" Lila hyperventilated. "I can't believe that JUST happened! You are SO lucky! What are you going to wear??"

"Calm down," Evaline rolled her eyes, trying to be all nonchalant even though she was actually bouncing off the walls inside. "Breath, it's just a dance..."

"I can't!" She exclaimed. "This is so fricken exciting!"

Evaline laughed and bumped into someone, causing their books and papers to tumble from their arms. She stopped laughing and bent down to help pick their stuff up. That's when she noticed him.
He had shoulder length, black teased hair, black studded earrings and snake bites on his bottom lip. He was wearing black skinny jeans and an orange and white shirt.

"I'm sorry... I'm really clumsy." Evaline smiled, picking up his history text book and handing it to him.

He looked up from his sheets and took it. His eyes locked with hers and he had the most beautiful bright blue eyes... Evaline was mesmerized.

"I-uh, It's ok, it-it happens all the time..." He sighed and died off. Then, without so much as a backwards glance, he got up and walked away. She watched him as he walked down the hallway, supposedly to his locker. Lila pulled her up by her arm, seeing as she was still bent over on the ground.

"I've never seen him before, who is he?" Evaline asked her.

"He's new, just forget about him, he's an emo freak. No one popular would want to hang with him, he hangs out with all the Goths," She said darkly, "But it doesn't matter, you're going to the dance with Dylan!" She ended on a happier note.

"Yeah.... I guess..." Evaline frowned. 'An emo freak'? She didn't believe in "emo", she didn't believe in labeling people either. It wasn't nice to say that about someone... Even if they DID use self inflicted pain to deal with their troubles.

Lila pulled her down the hallway, talking about her and Dylan's "date", but Evaline zoned out. She was still thinking about this mystery boy... He was very attractive and he seemed kind of nice... She didn't think he was emo, unlike Lila. Just because he was different didn't make him taboo or bad. But, still, she couldn't help but think about him.
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This entire story was inspired by Molly (thatscalledyes)!