Status: (: !!Active!! :)

Behind Our Backs

Do You Trust Me?

The park was somewhat eerie at night. The eerie part was that it led into the woods, and at twilight, the tree canopy didn't let in any light, so it was pitch black. There were no paths; they were tripping over their own feet along with the roots from the roots from the trees that snaked their way into knots on the ground. Every once and a while, a hoot could be heard from and owl.

That's what scared Evaline most... The owls. Owls were always in the woods making creepy noises with their wings. Swooping down like giant winged demon creatures that only existed in nightmares. In reality, they were just birds, but it still creeped her our when they twisted their heads around...

She moved closer to Greyson, making their shoulders touch.

"Where - where are we g - going?" she stuttered.

"Somewhere..." He smiled, looking at her. She could just make out his blue eyes beneath his hair. Suddenly, she heard a hoot.

"Greyson, stop," She grabbed his arm, forcing him to halt. "Where are we going? Please tell me, I - I'm scared..." She looked around, paranoid that someone or something was going to pop out from behind a near by tree.

He moved closer to her and she let go of him.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered.

She hesitated. She only knew him for a short period of time, but then again, he probably knew more of her secrets then Lila did.

Evaline sighed and nodded.

"Then I promise, nothing's going to happen to you," He said quietly. "I wouldn't let anything happen, ok?"

"Okay." She squeaked, her heart skipping a beat.

"We're going somewhere that you'll love," He smiled. "I know you will, you're safe with me."

The lump in her throat disappeared and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Now she DID feel safe, but still, the forest was scary when it was dark...

Sensing her uneasiness, Greyson tentatively offered her his hand, hoping it might calm her down.

Evaline looked at his hand then back at him. He looked at her patiently, but his cheeks started to grow red. Awwwe, how cute! He was embarrassed!

She placed her hand in his and he gave it a reassuring squeeze. They stared at each other for a few seconds... Four seconds... Five seconds...

"Well, um..." He cleared his throat and looked away. "We better get going..."

They walked for another five minutes, Greyson helping her over tree trunks. Then they started to hear loud footsteps and shouts of laughter. Evaline moved closer to him as they stopped just at the beginning of a clearing. He dropped her hand gently.

"Do you still trust me?" He asked.

She nodded.

"And do you want to know where we are now?" She could hear the smile in his words, but couldn't see it. They were close to the heart of the forest where no light Shone except the small beams of moonlight that made their way through the cracks in the trees, do to the clearing.

"Well, aren't we in the forest?" She asked, a smile also playing on her lips.

Yes," He laughed. "We are, but we're here because this is where the stage that Pierce the Veil is performing at tonight is set up!" He pulled her into the clearing.

Evaline gasped. "What?!"

"I told you that I'd make it up to you since I've always been leaving your house so quickly," He explained. "So... What do you think?"

"I think you're the best person in the world!" She flung herself at him without thinking. Greyson was always so shy when it came to contact, but she forgot as she pulled him into a hug. He was completely shocked, he didn't know what to do, but luckily for him, the hug ended quickly and she pulled away to look at him.

"How did you know I liked Pierce The Veil?" She asked.

"When you pushed me into your closet because your friend Lila - I think? - came into your room, I got a look at your back wall that's usually covered by clothes, and I saw your PTV poster!" He explained.

"Well, you didn't have to do THIS!" She said, looking around eagerly.

"I wanted to," He shrugged. "I know you love this kind of music, but you'd never be able to go with any of your friends, so I decided I should take you... Besides, I've been dying to see them and my dad wouldn't let me go alone..." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, well..." She didn't know what to say. "Thank you, I can't believe you'd take me!"

"Who else would I have to bring?" He laughed. "I'm not exactly sure whether or not Dylan Starzomski and his stupid friends, Alex and George, would agree to coming with me to watch a bunch of losers play their "loser" music..."

It looked like he was going to say something more, but she beat him to it.

"Why don't you like Dylan? He's not mean, he's really nice."

"Says the girl who dated him and is getting all buddy buddy with him again..." Greyson muttered.

"Buddy buddy? What the heck does that mean?" She asked.

"Nothing... You still like him... Don't you?" It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"Well, ummm.. Maybe, I don't know, not really, yes?" Evaline said, not making up her mind. In truth, she knew for a fact that she still liked him, she just wanted to admit it to Greyson.

"Whatever," he sighed. "Let's just go have some fun."

They fought their way to the front of the stage, Greyson enjoying her excitement.

Then, King For A Day started playing and Vic, Jaime, Tony and Mike ran onto stage.

Evaline looked around, taking in all the screaming fans around her when someone caught her eye. She was standing a few people away.

"Crap!" She exclaimed loud enough for Greyson to hear as she ducked behind him.

"What's wrong?" He yelled over the music.

"Lila's sister! I should've known she'd be here!" She scolded herself.

"Lila had a younger sister, Marion, that was in the 8th grade. She was always going to concerts by various bands. Evaline knew that Pierce the Veil was one of her favourites, she saw an album or two in her room. What if Marion saw her?! Would she tell Lila?

"Don't worry," Greyson said. "There are tons of people here. I doubt she's seen you..."

"Evaline? What are you doing here?"

Evaline slowly straightened up from behind Greyson. He shifted to stand beside her.

"Hey Marion..." She said.

"What are you doing here?" She repeated, looking surprised.

"Umm..." Quick, lie! But no lie came. "I came to see Pierce the Veil..."

"Really?" She asked, excited. "Why? Since when do you like this kind of music?"

"Since always..." Evaline muttered. "Please don't tell Lila!"

"Lila? Why would I tell her? She never listens to what I have to say anyways." She rolled her eyes and her eyes landed on Greyson.

Evaline could tell from the way she looked at him, she liked what she saw. Her stomach twitched again with a bit of discomfort.

"So who's your new friend??" Marion smiled approvingly.

"I'm Greyson," He spoke up for himself. "But you can't tell Lila about me either."

"Why not?" She frowned. Then a grin of comprehension spread across her face. "Oh... You guys are secret lovers, because no one would approve of you to being together..."

"What? No! We're just friends!" Evaline corrected, her face heating up. She looked at Greyson who had choked on his spit and was choking.

"Ok," Marion laughed and pointed at Greyson. "But according to him, you guys aren't just friends."

Greyson stopped choking immediately. "No, we're just friends, nothing more than friends." He said, his voice queasy, but the way he said it... There was something different about the way he said it that Evaline couldn't place. Longing maybe? She didn't know. She had know idea how longing sounded.

"Sure..." Marion winked, drawing out the 'u'.

"Marion!" Evaline crossed her arms, although her face was still red and she was trying to hold back a smile.

"I'm teasing, I'm teasing!" She laughed. "But I promise I'll keep your secret."

"Thank you!" Evaline grinned. "I think you're the coolest 8th grader there is!"

"Could you tell that to my sister?" She asked. "I don't think she'd believe you, but it's worth a try."

"I'll be sure to do that. Now go enjoy the concert!" Evaline smiled.

Marion waved in farewell to her and eyed Greyson a little more, winking at him as she left and making him blush. The feeling returned to her again, but was gone as quickly as it came. Then Marion disappeared into the crowd.

"She seems pretty nice and normal..." Greyson said thoughtfully.

"Are you kidding?" She laughed. "Marion's the most hyper kid I know."

"She didn't seen hyper."

"Yeah, but I think she liked you." Evaline admitted.

"Oh yeah," Greyson said sarcastically. "'Cause girls are just falling over me."

She shrugged. "Well, I think she is..."

"Whatever Evaline..." He rolled his eyes. "Do you think I'd have a chance though?"

Her heart dropped.

"I-I don't know. It's possible I guess..." She choked out. "A-are you sure she's your type though?"

"No, not really. I don't like her, I was just wondering." He said.

Her heart rose again.

"Oh, ok!" She smiled cheerfully. "Now shush, I want to enjoy the concert."

Greyson laughed.


An hour and a half later they were walking back through the woods, laughing at all the drunks who were tripping over logs and falling on their faces. Evaline and Greyson know not to drink at the concert. Neither of them even liked alcohol anyways.

This time through the woods it wasn't as scary. Greyson made sure she didn't trip over anything, seeing as it was darker than before, her doing the same.

When they made it back to the park, everyone dispersing down the streets and to their houses, Evaline and Greyson walked together.

"Have fun?" He asked.

"Yes! Thank you so much!" She stopped to hug him. After a few seconds, they broke apart awkwardly.

"Glad you had fun." He cleared his throat.

"Yeah, where'd you get the tickets?" She asked.

"I bought them." He shrugged.

"I could've bought my own, I don't want you to pay for my ticket. I promise I'll give you the money."

"No, Evaline it was a surprise, I wanted to buy them for us. You don't owe me anything." He explained.

She opened her mouth to argue.

"If you say one more thing I'll never bring you to a concert again, whether you pay for your own ticket or not." He smiled.


Greyson laughed.

They reached her house and stopped just outside the front door.

"Hey, when are you going to show me BVB?" She asked.

He thought about it.

"How about... Tomorrow?" He decided.

"Ok," She hugged him again. "You're a really good friend."

"Yeah... Friend..." He sighed.

"What's wrong?" She pulled away, looking concerned.

"Nothing, nothing... I'll talk to you later." He started to walk away. She watched him reach the end of the driveway. His head was down and his converse scraped the ground. He was... Disappointed... Why was he disappointed?

Evaline didn't quite want him to go yet. She never really wanted him to go. She kind of wanted him to come in and stay a while.

Her mom seemed to like him, but her dad hadn't seen Greyson yet. What would he do? Evaline's dad was always suspicious of her and her guy friends. But Greyson was different, she never had a friend that was like Greyson before, so maybe her dad wouldn't mind him? Or would he be even more uptight?

"Hey, Greyson, Wait!" Evaline called.

He turned around.

"Did... Did you wanna hang out for a bit at my house?" She asked.

"He flipped his hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah, sure, I guess I can stay for a bit without my dad thinking I'm unconscious in an ally somewhere." He walked back towards her and together, they opened the door and walked inside.

Evaline's dad was sitting in the open living room, watching t.v., while her mother was reading a magazine at the table.

"He ma!" She said. "I brought home a friend!"

Her mother's head came into view as she peaked around the corner. She greeted Greyson with a smile. "Hello, Greyson, right?"

He nodded.

"Dan!" Her mom called to the living room. "Come meet Evaline's new friend!"

'Oh no...' She groaned inwardly. 'He's going to be all protective and fatherly and - '

"Hi, I'm Evaline's dad." A deep voice said.

'And here we go...' She shook her head.

"H-hi, I'm G-Greyson." Greyson stuttered, as he offered a shaking hand.

Her dad took it, but let it go quickly, eyeing it as if it were unsanitary.

Greyson noticed and grew increasingly more nervous. He brushed the hair out of his eyes every few seconds, only to have it fall back into place.

Evaline, who was standing shoulder to shoulder with him, could hear the soft clinking of the metal from his snake bites against his teeth.

She kind of felt bad for him, she knew he was getting uneasy, seeing as he was chewing his bottom lip.

"How did you meet my daughter?"

"A-at school," The quickly added: "Sir."

Evaline almost giggled at his attempt to show that he respected her father. She could tell he was scared of him.

"You go to school?" Her dad asked surprised. "You don't look like a kid that would go to school," He took in Greyson's clothes and lip piercings. "You look more like the kind that would skip, get detention and then not show up there either."

Evaline's jaw dropped. Did he really just say that to him?? How the Hell could he be THAT rude?!

"Sorry, Mr.C, but I don't understand..." Greyson's voice shook with every syllable.

"I mean, look at you - "

"That is enough David." Evaline's mother said sharply. "I will speak to you in the kitchen.

"Evaline, Greyson, why don't you go upstairs?" She suggested in a sweeter tone.

He followed Evaline up the stairs and into her room.

"Oh my god, Greyson, I'm so sorry!" She apologized as soon as the door was shut.

"He hates me, doesn't he?!" He exclaimed. He started pacing and running a hand through his teased hair.

"No! No he doesn't!" She tried to reassure him. "He's just picky with me and boys even if they're my friends! It's nothing personal, I promise!"

"I bet he likes Dylan..." He muttered.

Evaline thought about it for a second. Her dad did seem to like Dylan...

"Ok, maybe he does like Dylan - " She tried to voice her thoughts.

"See?! I never make a good impression! It's all because of how I look and the music I listen to!" He sat down on her bed, his head in his hands.

"He doesn't hate you." Evaline said calmly, sitting beside him. "He's just being stereotypical because he's never talked to a person like you."

"A person like me?" He raised his head.

"Yes. He only has a bad impression because he hasn't gotton to the amazing part of you yet. She reasoned. "I'm sorry I didn't warn you about him. I thought he was going to be at work... Why do you want to impress him?"

"I don't know," He blushed. "Like I said before, you're one of my first friends, I want your parents to like me..."

"Oh... Yeah, I guess that makes sense... When am I going to meet your dad?" She asked. "I haven't been over to your house yet."

Greyson froze. "You want to meet my dad?"

"Yeah, can I?"

"Um... Sure, I guess..." He said.

"What, are you uncomfortable with me meeting him?" She asked, confused.

"No! No, it's fine. You can if you want to." He said.

"Yay! Then we can listen to BVB at your house!"

Then she got an idea.

"Hey... Do you think your dad would let you stay over at a friends house?"

"What do you mean 'stay over'?" Greyson asked suspiciously.

"I mean would your dad let you stay over at my house?"

"O-o-over night?" His eyes widened.

"Yeah! Sure! You can bring all your albums!" She said.

"I-I don't know... Sleeping over? W-with you?"

Evaline nodded.

"Well, where would I sleep?" He questioned.

"Umm..." She looked around the room. "I guess you can sleep on the floor in here. I have a few extra blankets and pillows."

"But... Your dad would be home he would never let 'the kind that would skip, get detention and not show up there either' be in the same room with you..." The added with a quick blush: "Let alone sleep in the same room with you."

"My dad will be at work on a night shift and my mom'll probably be fine with you staying over." Evaline said.

"Are-are you sure?"

"I'm positive," she smiled. "I want you to stay here, it would be fun!"

Greyson's stomach dropped. "You want me here?"

"You're kidding right?" She laughed. "Of course I want you here. You're so much fun and I'd probably get to know you better."

"Probably... I'll talk to my dad about it." He said.

"You will?" Evaline grinned.

"Yeah, I will, maybe he'll let me. Just... Please don't paint my toenails and give me a makeover or something?" He pleaded.

She laughed. "I won't, I promise."

"Good," He smiled. "Well... I should go.."

"Yeah," They got up off the bed, went downstairs and made their way to the door. "When did you want to stay over?"

"Um... I don't know. Whenever you wanted." He said awkwardly. "It's your place, your parents your - "

"Ok, how about Friday night?" She giggled.

"Sounds good." He agreed.

He opened the door.

"Greyson?" Came Evaline's dad's voice.

He turned around and coward slightly.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted.. I don't know what came over me." Her father said in a bored tone.

"Oh.. That's alright sir..." Greyson squeaked. "But I really have to go, it was very nice meeting you Mr. Calamity."

"Nice meeting you too Greyson."

Greyson followed Evaline outside.

"Well.. Bye then I guess..." Greyson said.

"Um, yeah, I'll talk to you later."

He nodded and started to walk away again. He got halfway down the driveway when Evaline heard a rustling in the bushes near by. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched.

She shook it off, it was probably just the wind... But, there was no wind blowing.

"Greyson?" She said in a harsh whisper.

He looked back, his eyebrows raised.

"I think there' something in the bushes!" She hurried towards him, hearing a rustle again.

"Evaline," He laughed. "It's probably just a cat or something."

"It sounded bigger than a cat!" She argued.

"Well what do you want me to do about it?" He chuckled as she hid behind her.

"I don't know, but it's freaking me out!"

"Ok, ok.. Sheesh.." He edged closer towards the cedar bush that lined Evaline's house, the rustling getting louder.

Greyson stuck his hand tentatively, about to pull back the leaves of the cedar when:

"EWW! EWW! BUG!" A figure came bursting out and Greyson and Evaline jumped back.

The figure shook her hair, trying to get rid of the unseen insect.

Once she realized there was nothing there, she straightened up so they could see her face.

"Lila?" Evaline asked. "What are you doing here??"
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you to Molly and... that's pretty much it because everyone hates this story and doesn't comment haha