Status: Done.

A Little Too Late...

Stuff I left out/forgot to put in:
I didn't say it at first because if I said it (that I loved him) it would feel like I was saying it because I wouldn't have another chance. I truly believed that he would get better. Grandpa's been here my whole life, why would he be gone?

A few weeks(?) before he was sent to the hospital, my cousin told me that he was crying in the garden because he wouldn't be able to eat the vegetables and stuff with us.

My grandpa's a stubborn guy. (was?) If he's hurt, he won't say anything unless it becomes unbearable. He hates hospitals. (hated?)

My cousin had a dream that she saw his spirit and could touch him. I asked her why didn't she take advantage of it. I missed him so much and want to hug him one more time. She told me she did. She clung to his leg in her dream like a little kid and wouldn't let go.

I know the grammar and stuff is TERRIBLE in the actually story, but that's because my thoughts came rushing out so fast. Sorry. I don't want to read over it right now... maybe in a week or so.