Imagination Is for Turbo-Nerds

A Day in the Land of Ooo

"Jake... what are you eating?"

I watched as my canine friend turned to face me, holding whatever he had been stuffing his face with behind his back, "Nothin', man."

"Jake," I said warningly, "What are you holding behind your back?"

"I'm tellin' yah', man, I don't have anything!" Jake said defensivly.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at his face, letting my gaze borrow into his very soul and existance. He would crack and tell me what he was eating, even if I had to stare it out of him.

"Ehh... Finn, stop looking at me like that," Jake whined.

I didn't reply, I just continued staring at him. Jake averted his eyes from me and looked in every direction but at me.

"You're gonna tell me Jake, don't fight it," I said.

"Ehh... Fiii-iiinnnn," Jake whimpered, "Fine."

Jake revealed from behind his back my a wad of Princess Bubblegum's hair.

"Jake!" I shrieked and lunged at him, tearing what was left of PB's hair from his grubby little paws.

"I'm sorry, Finn! But I was cravin' something sweet!" my companion said, trying to sheild himself from the many punches I was throwing at him.

"So, you thought chompin' on my PB Hair was okay?" I shouted, my voice getting extremely high-pitched.

"Dude, I'm sorry!" Jake shouted back, "Uu-nghh!"

Jake suddenly shifted in size, suddenly become quite a bit larger than he was before, causing me to fly across the room and land on the floor.

"Oww! Jaa-aake!" I whined.

Jake returned to his normal size and approached me, "Sorry, Finn, but you were hitting me and junk."

I chuckled and fist-bumped my friend, "It's cool, bro. Hey, hows about we play BMO for awhile?"

"Yeah, man, let's do it!" Jake grinned, "Hey, Beemo! Get in here!"

Our small electronic friend hobbled into the room, "Yes, Jake?"

"We're in the mood for some super awesome game time!" Jake said, plopping down in front of couch, "So let's see that pretty face of your's display some butt-kicking action!"

"Okay, Jake," Beemo waddled across the room and sat in front of Jake, "I have a new game for you. Zombie Run."

I sat down next to Jake with a chuckled as I grabbed a controler, "Alright cool, Beemo. Let's see what'chuu got!"

A pixlated title popped up where Beemo's face once was and soon the game began.

"Ahh, man! Jake! Did you see that guy?" I boosted, "I totally just blew his head up!"

"Yeah, man," Jake said, still intent on the game and killing zombies.

The next few hours went by like that, us focused on the game and only ocassionally yelling out something about whatever happened. It wasn't until a familiar voice said "I'm going to eat your braaa-iiinnnssss!" that we snapped back into reality.

Jake jumped up from his spot and in a split second he was on the other side of the room. I dropped my control and spun around on my butt only to come face to face with Marceline, the Vampire Queen.

"Ahh, Marceline!" I squeaked, "You've got to stop doing that!"

The vampire girl floated over the the back of the couch and hovered above the cushions, "Sorry, Finn. I just love seeing the terrified looks on your guys' faces."

I blushed, "Terrified? I wasn't terrified!"

"You just... startled us!" Jake stated, cautiously walking towards us.

"Yeah, whatever, Jake," Marceline smirked, " What are you two up to tonight?"

I shrugged, "Nothing much. We were just going to have a lazy night."

Marceline frowned, "Don't tell me you guys planned to spend all night playing Beemo."

"Well... no..." I scratched the back of my head.

"We were planning to eat some spaghetti and icecream, too," Jake said.

"Wowww, guys," Marceline floated up a bit, "You're so boring. I was going to see if you wanted to jam tonight, but you're sooo busy with being boring that I guess I'll just have to go hang out by myself."

Marceline floated over to a nearby window, "Later, guys, have fun being boring."

"Bye, Marci," I called back, giving her a slight wave as she floated on out the window.

Jake appeared by my side, his gaze fixed on the window, "We should get locks or something so she can't keep popping in like that."

I yawned, "Yeah, I guess. Hey, I'm gonna hit the sack."

Jake nodded, "I'm gonna get spa-geh-tti for my behh-ehh-lly."

I laughed as my friend rubbed his belly for emphasis, "Alright, man. See you in the morning."

I climbed the ladder up to my room and swiftly exchanged my day clothes for my PJs and then snuggled into my sleeper. I let my eyes close, preparing myself for some major sleeping, but an annoying "womp womp womp" sound was keeping me from dozing off.

I groaned and lifted my head, only to see a a green worm inching across the blankets by my feet.

"How many times have we been through this?" I shouted, "No. Worms. On. The. Bed!"

I kicked the worm onto the floor, it landed with one last "womp", and then I snuggled back into my bed, finally able to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of just... a way to get things rolling. I'm hoping to update this regularly, but no promises. Also, when I was writing this, I was hoping that the readers would be able to imagine this in an actual episode.

I'm really dedicated to this because 1.) I love AT, 2;) It's not a love story and 3.) I have big plans for it!

So, please give me some feedback. It will really help!
