Breaking My Heart Into a Million Pieces, Like You Always Do

And we lay, we lay together, just not too close.

I woke up the next morning to an empty, but warm side of the bed. I stretched, still not opening my eyes. I don’t want to go to work, I silently thought to myself. I finally rolled onto my back and opened my eyes. The sun was streaming through the window. I found a hairband and put my hair up in a floppy ponytail.

I had pulled Harry into bed with me the night before and I was a bit sad to see that he had already left. Although, I figured he would have to, in preparation for the show tonight. I got up and padded toward the kitchen, hoping to catch Daphne before she too went to work, but I was out of luck. I’d be having poptarts for breakfast this morning. I walked back to my room while my breakfast sat in the toaster and grabbed my cellphone, but something caught my eye on the pillow of the bed.

Dear you,

I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you woke up this morning, but I had to get going to do show stuff. Louis called a bunch of times and I’m quite surprised you never woke up.

Anyway, can’t wait to see you later tonight.


I couldn’t help but think he had nice writing and put the note on my dresser. I went back to the kitchen and ate my poptarts in quiet, just thinking about everything.

I liked Harry, I had admitted that to myself and I wasn’t looking forward to him leaving tomorrow. I gradually started getting ready for work and I went to the bathroom to put on some makeup. I was about ready to leave when I remembered that I needed to ask if Daphne had the night off and wanted to go to the show. I sent her a quick text and slipped on my shoes and decided to take my bike today, so that I could get home after work faster.

My day went slowly, terribly slow. My mind was all over the place and my attention span was that of a 3 year old. All I wanted to do was get off and go home.

It was finally my lunch break and I took this opportunity to call Daphne, since she had never responded to my text.


“Hey Daphne. Did you get my text? Harry asked if you wanted to go to the show with me tonight. Are you busy tonight?” I asked.

“Um, what time would I need to be ready by?” She asked.

“Oh, there’s a car coming at 7.” I explained.

“A car? Wow, uh, sure, I’ll go.”

“Yay! Okay, I’ll see you after work then.” I said and hung up. I sent Harry a text saying that Daphne was coming with me. I got back to work and the second half of my day seemed to go slower than the first. And the last hour, my goodness.

The last half hour, I had started counting down. And it would feel like 10 minutes passed by, but only 2 had. I was so done with the day and when I finally got off at 6, I practically ran to start riding my bike home. The ride went by quick and I sprinted up the door of my apartment and I pulled out my keys to unlock the door.

“I have no idea what to wear!” Daphne yelled. I followed her voice to her room and sat down on her bed.

“I’m just wearing jeans, vans and a cute shirt with a cardigan.” I said.

“So, something you always wear.” Daphne deadpanned.

“And? Is that a problem? What happened to, “Don’t get attached, Logan?” Hmm?” I smiled. Daphne ignored me and stomped back into her room. I went to pull on the outfit I planned and made my way back into the living room. I could hear Daphne still thrashing about in her room and decided that I’d go try to help her make a decision on what to wear.

“I don’t understand why you’re making such a big deal out of this.” I said as I sat on her bed and laid back, looking toward the ceiling.

“It’s One Direction. I’m meeting One Direction.”

“I don’t even know if we’ll see them. For all I know, we have tickets in the nosebleed section and they’ll look like ants.”

“Psh, Harry likes you too much not to put you in the front row just so he can sing to you all night and all the other girls around you will think that he’s eye fucking them, but in reality, it’s you.” I blushed at her bluntness and turned so my face dug into the comforter, trying to hide my face from her.

“You know I’m right.” I ignored her statement and got up and moved toward Daphne’s closet, trying to get her to decide what to wear before the car got there.

“What about this?” I asked pulling out a pair of coral colored skinny jeans, gladiator sandals, a sheer collared top and a tank top under it. Daphne looked at it, contemplating the outfit I had laid out and finally agreed that it was cute.

“If you can find an outfit like this for me, why do you insist on wearing that?” She asked, gesturing toward my outfit.

“I-I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.” I looked away for the second time with a blush.

“I think you should wear this. I’ll find something else.” She insisted. I tried to deny the outfit but she refused and made me change.

“Now, you look cute and you’re not trying too hard. I am trying too hard.” She said with a laugh, now wearing a short dress and heels. “Look, I’m tall too!” She said, laughing. Daphne was only 5 foot 2, so she had plenty of room to wear some heels.

I moved to grab my bag and then my phone rang, alerting me the car was there. We slipped out of the apartment, pulling the door shut behind us and going downstairs to find a black SUV. The driver hopped out and opened the door and silently shut it behind us. The ride seemed like it was very long, even though I knew it wasn’t. My nerves were starting to heighten and I just wanted to get there and figure out what was happening.

“Hello?” I said as I answered my ringing cellphone.

“Hi, babe. Are you on your way?” It was Harry.

“Mhmm, we should be there soon.”

“Okay, well, um, let me know when you arrive and I’ll have someone come find you.” He said. We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. My nerves were starting to make me sick.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is part one of two. I am so very sorry this took me so long to get out. I've had it written for weeks now, but I just forgot about it. I hope this pleases a few of you and I'm always interested in your opinions!
Chapter title credit: MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday